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Stars.drama: y/n/y/n the world master in karate have laid down her life with karate says her coach. Y/n says that it have costed her much stress and less happiness. She's grateful for the time and all the prices and competitions she have been in. She is going to be focusing on her modeling instead.

fan2: quite THIS for MODELING
fan3: what a shame.
Fan4: i respect her decision.
fan5: omg NO

Y/n's pov:
Everyone hate that I quite. What if I messed up? No, no, no y/n don't say that it's for your own health. You wanted this.

Y/nofficial: please respect my decision

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Y/nofficial: please respect my decision.

Finnwolfhard: they will soon <3
Milliebobbybrown: go queen!
Jaedenweasly: they will get it soon I promise!
Jackdylangrazer: my mom is talented?!
Sadiesink: you go girl!!
Noahschanpp: it was the right! :)

Now it's only 3 days left. And I will spend them home calming and relaxing. I don't wanna mess up. Today was an okay day. made some school work too of course as always and I played with the others. I love having these days or nights. When we all are in centrum of the house. ( kitchen, living room and dinner room) and some are watching tv. Some are playing video games and some are just talking or sleeping. It feels like we are a family. That is something I've never had. Then it got late and we went too bed. I cuddled finn hard.
'What are you doing I can't breath!' Finn giggles
'I'm hugging you so if I leave you I've hugged you enough!' I said
'Hey look at me you won't leave you'll get through that!' Finn kisses my forehead
'Thank you handsome' I kiss his cheek and we fall asleep.

We spend the other days like that too. We wanna be as close all the time to make sure we did enough. Now the decision is tomorrow. And I'm laying in bed cuddling with finn.
' it gonna go well I promise' he says
'But what if it doesn't?' I say
'Yeah what if I have to be there for 6 months and I've never be able to see you?' I burry my head into his chest.
'But that won't happen, I promise princess' he kisses my forehead and we fall asleep.

The next day EVERYONE is in our big car and we are on our way there.
' just don't get stressed it will lower our chances okay?' Finn says stroking my hand palm.
'Yeah I know' I missed him.

When we are there we all get in and go to the room where my therapist already are.
'Hi y/n' she says
'Hello' I sit down
'I can see you got everyone' she says pointing
'Yeah i do' I giggle.
'Okey well let's take the tests' she says
'And you know what happens if you don't pass?' She adds
'Yeah I do.' I say

My therapist takes the tests and leaves us there.
'How long is this gonna take?' Jack asks
'Normally 20 minutes' I answer

We all are just chatting normal until she comes back. Everyone goes completely quite.
'Okay y/n we got the results' she says sitting down.
'And?' I say
'It looks like you can go home!' She says smiling.
'Serious?!' I say excited
'Yeah serious!' She smiles
I start just up and down with everyone and we are so happy.
' can you guys maybe go outside going this?' She says
'Yeah sure' I giggle and we start to leave
' oh y/n wait!' My therapist says
' yeah?' I turn and look at her.
'Keep going like that! It's amazing seeing you this healthy!' She smiles
'I will!!' I say closing the door.

We all went outside and home.
'I can't believe it!!!' Mills says
'Me neither!!' Sadie and lily says
'IM SO HAPPY' jack and Jae says
'We're happy your still here!' Caleb and Gaten says.
We celebrated. We celebrated with cake (again) cookies, chocolate and a bunch of more sugar. When it got late we finally went to bed, I said Goodnight too everyone. And then me and finn went upstairs. We crawled into our bed.
'I told you it would be good!' He giggled
'oh I knew it too I was just nervous!' I giggle
'I'm happy your here princess. And I'm very proud of you for doing all this so you could stay with us.' He smiles at me.
'I'm happy to be here with all of you, specially you wolfhard' I kiss him and then I crawl into his arms. I look up to him again. His bright brown eyes, his curly messy adorable hair. His freckles that are too many to count. And those soft lips. He's adorable. I hug him again and crawl closer to his chest and he strokes my back. I whisper in his ear.
'Thank you wolfhard'


Mkay this was that story ig. I'm planning to start a new but I'm not really sure, we'll see :) and IF I do it will be in the IT world ! <3 stay safe.

Thank you wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now