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y/n's pov:
I woke up early, first time in a while. I got up and got dressed and then downstairs. All the girls were awake but not the boys except Gaten.
'Hey girls what do we wanna do today?' Millie said.
'Shopping!' Lily said.
'Sure why not?' Sadie said.
'You wanna follow?' Millie asked me.
'I don't know, I don't really like shopping.' I answer her.
'Come onnnn y/n!!' Sadie said.
In that moment finn and jack came downstairs.
'Okay fiiinee!' I rolled my eyes and laughed
'Yes!! Girls day!' We all started doing a little dance.
'Then come on let's go!!' Lily dragged us to the door.
'Not nice to leave us!' Finn screamed after us
'I don't care bYe dAAaD!' I screamed back and closed the door.

We all got in Sadies car but Millie drove. We listed to music. We were practically screaming the words. Some cars where giving us looks but we didn't give a fuck.

We pretty much spend the whole day at the shopping center. And this time we got Sushi and ate it too. After a while we were testing dresses. Or I wasn't, I could never.
'How do I look?' Sadie came out and posed like a model.
'Fucking hooot!' I screamed and giggled.
'Hey y/n! Try this dress it would look super good on you!!' Millie came to me with a dress in her hand.
' I don't know, I don't feel like having a dress right now.' I took a step back.
'Come onnn!!' Lily said
' you would look hot!' Sadie added
'I don't know.' I said

Then it happened. She have found me, I don't know how but she had. She walked passed me. She slowed down and whispered in my ear

' you are right, don't trust your little friends. You would look really fat in that dress.'

She giggled with a evil smile and walked away. I wanted to break down, how could she found me? She lives in LA?! how could she found me again? This is going to be a living nightmare.

'Hey y/n! You okay?' Millie said grabbing my arms.

I had tea red in my eyes.
'Can we please go home?' I whispered
'Wait-why?' Sadie said
'Please' I could feel my vision go blurry
'Yeah sure absolutely!' Millie and the rest of the girls followed me to the car and we got home. I didn't say a word. All I could think about was her. I thought I never had to se her again. But a few minutes ago she was bare minimums away from me. Away from my body. Away from the person she seem to hate the most in the world. Even tho I have done her nothing. Tears run down my cheeks. When we got home i sprinted in. Just like three my shoes away and ran upstairs.

Everyone's pov:
Millie come in after y/n.
'What the fuck was that about?' Finn came to the hall
' what have you done to her?' Jack asked
'Was she crying?' Caleb also came.
'I-I don't know?' Millie said.
Now the girls came in after Millie.
' did you say something stupid again millie?' Finn looked her dead in the eyes.
'I- I didn't?!' She glared at finn.
'Then why was she crying?!' Finn yelled.
'I DON'T KNOW FINN!' Mills looked to the floor.
'So she just started crying like that?' Finn said angry.
'No, we know what happened but again not?' She looked at him again.
'Huh? Explain?' Finn said
' we were testing dresses, y/n didn't want to but I found a really nice dress so I said to her that she would look really pretty in it and she should try it, she of course said no but I was still trying to convince her' Millie said
'And then she just started crying or what?! Finn sounded annoyed.
'This girl came up in front of y/n I saw how she panic the second she saw her. She walked passed y/n and whispered something in her ear and giggled and left.' Millie said
' yeah, and then she started crying and wanted to go home. So we took her home.' Sadie said.

Millies pov:
Finn turned around and started walking upstairs. I ran after and stopped him.
'Don't go to her finn.' I said
'She wants to be alone.' I also said
'And how do you know that?' He was still annoyed but also sounded worried.
' in the car, she wouldn't talk. Or look at us. It was like she was trying to pretend we were not there.' I said to him
'But maybe she wants someone to talk-' I wouldn't let him.
'Finn. I know your so goddamn In love with that girl but right now she needs to be alone. Okay?' I looked serious at him.
'How- in love-?' Finn was shocked
'Finn, we all can see it. The way you look at her, getting jealous, caring about her and standing up for her.' Millie giggles.
'Oh-' finn felt embarrassed.
'Promise me to leave her alone for a little now?' Millie smiled.
'Promise' finn also smiled and we hugged.

Y/n's pov:
I closed the door. Ran to my bed and sat down just like that night. Her words were printed in my head. They were stuck. ' fat' 'fat' 'fat' 'fat' more specific that word would be printed in my head. I mean she was not wrong, I mean I wasn't the prettiest girl in town, but was I that fat?

I decided to write everything that happens in my diary. And my own thoughts too. It helps me getting it off my chest, and I don't want anyone to read it, just need to hide it good. I was thirty so I went down to get some water. And I took a sandwich, it hurts to eat. After what she said. But what fucking ever. I get up again. I see that my diary still are laying on my bed open. Shit shit shit I forgot to hide and close it?! I quickly hide it. I don't think anyone read it. I hope no one read it.

Finn's pov:
It's been like 30 minutes. I will go talk to y/n now. When I get to her room her bed is empty. I talk over to her bed. A book? It's open? I maybe shouldn't to this but I sit down and I pick it up. I couldn't just don't read it. I read it. I read everything from the day 1 she was here.

She likes me? Holy fuck. But why would I leave her? If I ever got that girl mine I would never leave her. She's so adorable, Her soul is adorable. Then I read the mall thing. Holy shit. Who's that girl? And how the fuck could she say that? How the fuck could she say that to the most amazing girl in the world? She's one of the best models in the world? How could you say that to a model best in the world? And it looks like she know her. This cannot be good.
I hear someone in the stairs. I just leave the book and run out.

I hope she's okay.

Okayyy, this one I think is the longest. I hope it doesn't just seem like a mess cause there is many peoples pov. <3 se ya later b

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