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When me and finn pretty much packed everything he owns we go to bed. I'm tired as hell, holy fuck. When I lay down I could feel i was pretty close to fall asleep, so I did. I could here finn whisper something but I was already gone.

Finn's pov:
Me and y/n are packing my stuff, I'll leave tomorrow and from there I will have to be without y/n for a week straight. I'm happy she didn't act like it was the end of the world. I mean- she knows what she was going when she started dating an actor. I'm happy she understands.

When we're done packing and lay down in bed I could see how close y/n was from falling asleep.
'Goodnight love' I whispered and kissed her forehead.
I didn't get a response, I giggle for myself. She's already asleep. I crawl down and lay both my hands around her waist. Then I also fall asleep.

When I wake up from my alarm y/n is actually still sleeping, I get up the bed without waking her up. I want her to sleep for a little while more. Then I'll wake her up.

I go downstairs to see everyone.
'What's up people!' I says walking into the kitchen.
'Wassup finn!' Jack and Caleb says.

I take me a sandwich and an apple I, I will eat in the car.
'So you about to leave now man?' Gaten comes and hugs him.
'Yeah pretty much, I'm just gotta go say bye to y/n' I giggle and walk upstairs.
I walk into our room, she's still sleeping like a baby. Adorable.
'Hey y/n! Wake uuuup!' I shake her
'Mhmm finn!' She says before she opines her mouth and sits up.
'I'm leaving now.' I say, kinda sad.
'I will follow you down come on handsome' y/n follows me downstairs.
'I get his jacket and shoes on him, everyone hugs me and y/n go last. She just run into my arms and hugs me tight, I can feel her arms wrapped around me tight too. After a long hug Y/n break it and look at me. She kissed me.
' ill see you later handsome!' Y/n say smiling
'I will call you on FaceTime every night okay?' I giggles
'Sounds good wolfhard' Y/n smile and kiss me on the cheek.
I wave at her and close the door. God, a whole week without beautiful, will I survive? I giggle for myself.

Y/n's pov:
I got in and ate breakfast, I don't have any plans for today. I get out the kitchen and sit in the sofa.
'Hey y/n wanna do something today?' Sadie comes and sit down with me.
'Sure! And the other girls?' I look over at Millie and lily.
'Oh- they are going on a little trip by themselves' she says fast.
'Oh okay, sure we can hang out. What you wanna do?' I ask Sadie
'I have no idea' he giggles
'Wait- we can get to the playground where me and jack where! It was super fun there!' I laugh
'Why are you talking about me mOoOm!' I hear jack from meters away playing Mario kart with Noah.
'I'm just walking about the playground sOoOn' I scream back laughing.
Me and Sadie laugh.
'You wanna go there?' I ask her
'Sure come on!' Both me and Sadie are about to leave.
' yo Sadie and y/n!' Caleb came to us
'Yeah?' Sadie asks smiling
'We will get a couple of friends here just so you know'he looks at me
'How many are they?' I look at the ground.
' 4, three boys and a girl' he says with a sorry look.
'Holy, fucking, shit, great, fantastic I'll just go jump of a fucking cliff' i smash my head into my hands.
'I'm sorry but you'll get used to them. Just like you did with us!' He says.
'Yeah yeah sure Caleb. That's for letting me know tho and don't do like NOAH and just being like 'surprise you are netting 5 new people' I giggle
Me and Sadie says bye and then we start walking. When we get to the playground I immediately go to the egg spinning thing you can sit in.
'Check out this Sadie!' I giggle and spin it
'Look at this y/n!' Sadie goes into a little house where it has a table with sand.
'I'm a baker!' Sadie laughs
'Oh wait I will come buy something!' I run over to her quickly and we play for a bit.
'How about we go to the swings?!' I start to run
'Hell yeah!! Fuck being a baker imma swinger now!' Sadie and I laugh and sits on a big swing. This will look awesome to Instagram!! I say, i pull out my phone and we take a photo.
' it's perfect!' I say to Sadie while showing her the photo.
'Ohhhh upload it right now!!' She giggles
' I've already started!!' I laugh

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