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When I woke up Sadie and Lily were gone. Me and Millie where still in bed, she was sleeping. I guess the others were downstairs eating. I got up soundless to not wake Millie and I got into my and Finn's room. He wasn't there, so I assumed he also was downstairs. I changed clothes to go and practice and I got by water bottle. I got downstairs where everyone was.
' good morning people!' I said while walking into the kitchen.
'Morning mom!' Jack said from the sofa watching TV.
'Morning beautiful!' Finn came out from the toilet.
I grabbed an apple and walked to the front door.
'Where you going?' Finn asked
'I'm going to practice I will be home in a couple of hours okay?' I kissed him on the cheek and opened the door.
'Bye everyone!!!' I screamed
'Bye y/n!' I heard from jack, finn, Sadie, lily and Gaten. The rest wasn't even downstairs.

I got into my car and I drove to the beach. I like practicing here. And I always do it early so there is only a few people. I start off my just walk along the water, then I stretched a bit. And I started doing some kicks and punches in the air. I tried to remember what my old trainer always used to say.

'Keep focusing, look where you are placed, find the right spot, cover your face, be ready, rest it, punch!

It was hard trying to find the right spot cause it was just air but I always try to imagine.

When I'm done I get to the car and drive home. 11pm. I get out the car and walk inside. I go straight upstairs and go take a shower. When I'm done I put on black baggy jeans and a brown hoodie. With some rings and necklaces. I go downstairs again where everyone is. And we just do house hang.

'Have anyone plans today?' I say

' I'm going to my moms, she needs help with some things just for today' Caleb says.

' me and Jack are going out!' Lily says.
I smirk at jack and he gives me the middle finger back.
'Me and Sadie are going to our friend Sara!' Millie says.
My heart dropped. Sara? They are going to a Sara? I don't like the name Sara. I hate that name.

Sara is the name of my bully.

But it can't be her? No Millie would never go and become friends with someone who hurt me like that. I scoffed at myself, there is many Sara in this world. I need to chill.

'Hey y/n?' Finn says walking over to me
'Mhm?' I look at him but now giving him attention.
'I wonder if you wanna go to the movies with me today? This really good movie have premier today!' Finn smiles.
'Yeah sure!' I smile at him
'What time?' I ask
'We will leave the house at 4' finn says.
'Okay thanks!' I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and then I ran upstairs. I don't know what to wear and we are leaving in three hours?! I open my closed and try EVERYTHING.

Maybe this? No
Or this?
Or wait maybe that one? Eugh no.

I ran downstairs,
'girls before you leave this is an emergency my room NOW!' I ran up again and after me I had Millie, Sadie and lily.

We all get in my room.
'What should I wear?!' I panic

Millie starts looking around and so does Sadie. Me and lily are looking for rings and bracelets.

' I found it!!!' Millie shouts at me
I ran over. She is holding a white dress.
'Try this!!' I try it on

' no I don't know I don't really like it!' I say

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' no I don't know I don't really like it!' I say

'Okaaay what about this one?' Sadie says. I try that one too.

 I walk out with this dress on

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I walk out with this dress on.
'WOW- y/n YOU LOOK HOT!' Sadie says
I laugh
'HOTTIE!!' Sadie and lily says.
'We gotta go now but good luck with the date!!' They leave my room. I pick out a white bracelet and a gold necklace and it stand my name on it.

It was time, I could hear finn from downstairs. I rush down.
'Hey y/n!-' finn just looks at me. I panic a bit.
' is it really this bad? I know I shouldn't took the other one-' finn kisses me.
'You look gorgeous y/n!' He smiles at me
'Thank you wolfhard, you don't look bad yourself!' I smile at him.
'Come on let's go! Me and finn get out to his car.

We had really fun! It was a great movie! Kinda scary sometimes but I could live with it! Before me and finn got home we stopped at Starbucks. Then we got home. I took a pic of the drinks! So cute!

 I took a pic of the drinks! So cute!

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Y/nofficial: Starbucks with finnie <3

Finnwolfhard: <3
Milliebobbybrown: awww :). Feeling single ;(
Gatenmatarazzo: looking good friends!!
Noahschanpp: good choice of drink finn!

Grey shirt: y/n
Darker shirt: finn

Me and finn got into the house.
'Where home!!' Finn yell.
'Hello!' Millie and jack comes to us.
'How was it?' Jack smiles
' it was great!' I smile at finn
' you want the last of it?' I handle Millie my drink.
'Yeah ofc this is my fav!!' Millie hugs me and drags me to the living room to play with her. It goes a while and I can't see finn anywhere downstairs. So I go up. Then I see him laying on the balcony, her seem anxious. I open the door and go out to him. I lay next to him.
'Tell me about it' I say looking at him worried.
' no it's fine-'
'Tell me about it, what's up, what's wrong.' I look in his eyes.
Finn takes a deep breath.
' I will kinda be gone for a week. I need to go home cause I got a voiceover thing to a movie.' He says looking at me.
'But you'll come back after that right?' I look at him terrified.
'Yeah ofc!' Finn says.
'Then what's the deal?' I smile at him.
'The deal is that I will have to leave you and don't see your adorable face for a whole week?! Finn giggles and I hug him.
'You'll be just fiiine' I giggle too.
'When is the flight?' I ask him
'Tomorrow' he says.
'Then come on handsome, you got come packing to do!' I smile and drag him with me.

Me an finn start to pack his stuff.

This was also kinda boring chapter but I promise it will get better! But I love these parts too cause they are so comfortable and funny! Writing later bye!! <3

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