12 1 0

Noah came to me.
'You guys can sleep here tonight, it's getting late' he smile at me.
'No, I don't wanna bother you-'
'No it's okay, we got a free guest room with two beds you and Lily can have!' He help me upstairs with all the shopping bags.
'Thank you noah, you didn't have too-'
'Y/n it's okey. You need to stop apologize for existing. I'm glad to be with you again, it's my pleasure!' Noah look at me
'Oh okay sorry- I mean thank you'
We both giggle.
'You coming?' He start walk to the door.
'Yeah I will just fix some things I'll come soon!' I smile at him.
'Okay!' He gets out.
I fix a few things and then when I'm on my way down again I can hear them talking about me. I stock half way downs the stairs, they can't see me.

' she was a little weird, she shaked my hand like a business woman!' Millie laughed a bit.
'She couldn't talk really much to!' Sadie said also giggling a bit.
'Guys I know it's a bit weird but she's not so great with new people, and there is a reason!' Noah was a bit irritated.
'Story behind it? And the story is that she just doesn't like people and she thinks she's better than everyone else!' Millie said and all of them laughed. All of them. Noah, and lily to. But I couldn't hear Finn's. Voice, the kind dark and warming voice. Weird?
' okay that's enough!' Finn smashed his fist in the table.
'What finn? We are not serious? I bet she is kind!' Millie laughs again.
'That's just disgusting Millie. A person with anxiety are always having a hard time with much people at the same time, there having a hard time with attention, people staring at them, people might judging them!' Finn was angry.
Noah looked shocked at him.
'How do you know-'
'It's easy to see, not for you attention seekers but myself that has it saw how uncomfortable she was in first the shopping center and now with everyone of you assholes! Finn kinda yelled.
'Finn come on! We are not serious! Plus she can't hear us anyway! She's definitely a great human! We are just joking!' Sadie says.

Y/n's pov:

I don't know what to do or act. I turn around and make one of the steps make a noise.
I sprint back to the room. Closing the door soundless behind me. I sit down on my bed. I can see my vision go blurry. Tears fall down my cheeks.

This is why you don't get attached to people, this is why you don't meet new people! I wanna go home again! I don't wanna be here! Not now! 'It's okay I want to spend time with you, my pleasure!' BULLSHIT! FUCKING BULLSHIT!
I drag the knees into my chest, I lay my head over my knees and wrap my arms around.
I cry silent. No one can hear. I don't want anyone to know. I hear a knock, fuck. I wipe my tears away.

Finns pov:
When Sadie finish the sentence I hear a sound from the stairs. Then I hear someone running upstairs.
'Great job assholes, I say as I walk upstairs.
I'm standing outside the guest room, I know she's in there I can hear her crying. I can hear that she's trying to be soundless but it doesn't work. I wanna knock, but I don't know if she want my opinion on stuff. I barely know her and she doesn't like new people. When I'm sad I want a hug, and when it is this bad as it is right now I wouldn't care from who, I just want a hug in that moment.
I knock the door. I sobbing stops imminently.
No response tho, I knock again. Nothing. I open the door. She is sitting in her bed with her knees up her chest and her head is resting on her knees. Her arms are wrapped around her legs. I walk over and sit with her. Not to close. I can feel the whole bed shaking. Shit, she's having a panic attack too. I know she will hate me but I gotta do this. I hug her, I hugged her tight.
'It's okay' I say calming.
I can feel her shaking less and less.
I sit for a couple of more minutes.
The sobbing quieter and quieter until I can't hear crying anymore. She tilt her head up and looks at me. I can she her pure sadness but also the warming thankness in her eyes.
'Thank you.' She wishers.
'For what?' I ask her. I mean I didn't do much?
'I heard what you said downstairs, thank you. You know exactly how I work.' She giggles a bit. Her eyes is so beautiful but still wet from crying.
'And for comforting me now' y/n looked at me warm and gave me a weak smile.
'Thank you' she smiled again
'Anytime y/n' I smile at her back, she is so pretty. Even tho her makeup is all over her face and she is red form crying. She is so adorable.

'Do you want me to leave?' I ask her scratching her back.
She nods. I stand up and walk to the door and open it.
'Oh and before I go.' I look over at y/n
'Mhm?' She looks at me with a smile.
' keep that smile on, it suits you' I smile and closes the door.

Hope you guys liked this part! :) I will be back in a couple of hours writing again cause I got some stuff to do!

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