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When we finally are there and I get out the car I see a big ice cream shop in front of me.
'Holy shit finn, this place huge!' I giggle
'I know! They have the best ice cream in town! He also giggled and we go in.

We both take a chocolate ice cream and we sit down at an empty table. I see finn looking around looking worried, it's like he can't calm down and be relaxed.
'Hey what's wrong?' I ask him
'Oh nothing it's just-' he doesn't end that.
'You can tell me' I smile at him
' this probably sound like a celebrity problem but I hate paparazzi and they are everywhere. And I do not have energy to answer all their questions or taking pictures from tonight's and yesterday nights roof hang with you' he smile at bit.
'I'm sorry, okay' I feel guilty.
'Y/n? Sorry for what?' Finn looks confused at me.
'For me making you stay up so ur so tired' I look down at the floor, I'm feeling so embarrassed! Ive made finn exhausted because of my problems!
'Hey! Hey look at me y/n! It's okay! I wanted to stay with you! It's my own choice! You don't need to apologize for anything!' Finn stroke my back.
'Thank you finn' I smile at him.

When we had eaten our ice cream and walked out the door the flashes were all over us. Cameras, people, microphones, talking people and phones were all over us. Finn grabbed my hand and we sprinted to the car. We got in and drove away. At first I was so terrified I didn't see finn. I looked at him. I could se how anxious he was. I grabbed his hand, he looked at me confused.
' it's okay, I'm here' I said warm
Finn smiled back but later his leg started bouncing too. And I could see his face, it was not giving me a good feeling. I put one of my hands on his knee he was bouncing and the other in his hand.
' it's okay, just breath. In and out'
Finn smiled at me and we took a couple of deep breaths together. And eventually his leg stopped bunching and I could see in his face that he was much calmer.
'Thank you y/n' finn smiles gentle.
'Any time' is smile back.
When we finally got home and got in the house Millie just like attacked us.
' OMG have you guys seen the photos?!' She showen us her phone and it was a photo of me and finn. He was holding my hand and we were running towards the car.
'Yeah they were not very invisible' finn says annoyed.
I giggle and finn smile at me.
'I'm not talking about that!' Millie laughs
'The whole internet will think you guys are together!' Millie laughs again.
'I can't care!' Both me and finn said.
'Oh, you don't care?' Millie smirked at me.
'I don't, I don't care what the internet think cause we know the truth!' I said very proud.
Exactly!' Finn adds very proud too.
Millie winked at me.
'Ookaaay if you say so!' She walked away.

The rest of the day I played video games with Noah, finn, Sadie and Caleb. I won at everything. I think they are pretty tired of me now, after that I went to the basement gym and worked out. Then I showered and put my pj on.
I got down to drink some water and on the way up I meet finn in the stairs
' Goodnight finnie' I said while walking past him.
'Goodnight princess' he said while walking downstairs.

That boy is so cute.

Hehe ooop- I had to do another part! This one was a bit shorter but I hope it's okay anyway! And now I promise this is the last one!

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