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'What's up?' I sit down with finn
'Not much' finn says.
I'm pretty much just sitting there. I see fin playing my favorite game on his phone.
'Hey I wanna play too!' I grab his phone.

Finn laugh and we play for a while. Then I get a notification.
'Here take over' I have Finn his phone and picked up my phone.

*Massage from unknown*
•hey little slut, it's me.
You didn't buy that dress,
Right? Well fuck that. I just
Want to know what you should
Think about your weight a little
more. Your not looking great.

I didn't open the message. I just saw it on the Lock Screen. My body froze, fuck. I didn't know what to do.
'Eh uh- I'm coming back soon!' I stand up
'Wait what-?' Finn couldn't say anything more cause I was already gone.

I walked to the balcony (what a surprise, not) and I sat down at the edge (duhh) this view didn't even help this time. I tried to focus on the car sounds and people swammling. But the text was the only thing by brain could hear.

Little slut. Fatass. Weight. Not looking great. Little slut. Fatass. Weight. Not looking good. Little slut. Fatass. Weight. Not looking good. Little slut. Fatass. Weight. Not looking good. Little slut fatass. Weight. Not looking good. Little slut. Fatass. Weight. Not looking good.
Little slut. Fatass. Weight. Not looking good.

I can't describe how many times the words flew by my mind. The words was not the thing that was hurtful, ofc it was but not the most. The most hurtful thing is the fact that my own mind is my worst enemy. By own brain starts to tell me
'Your not good enough'
'You are not looking hot enough'
'You are not skinny enough'
'You are not beautiful enough'
'You are not shapefull enough'

I would never think this if she hadn't told me. She makes me believe things. Things I could never imagined without her "help".

'Hey what you doing out here? I thought you said you'd come back?' Finn sits down.
'Yeah I'm coming soon' I said not looking at him.
' tell me about it' finn looks at me
I shake my head. I do not feel like sharing my life right now.
'Fine, I'll stay here until you tell me' finn smiles.

I don't smile back, I don't feel like smiling. Not right now, not the fuck now. I just keep trying to concentrate but fails over and over. It keeps repeating in my head, it's like a kids song that are 10 hours long. I could feel tears rolling down my cheek. But I don't care, not now.
We stay in silence for a while. A looong while.
'How do you stop your own brain from thinking?' I don't look at finn, just at the sky.

'I don't think you can do that' finn giggles.

'Great, perfect, lovely I will just go smash my head into a wall and see if it works great thank you really much' I sigh.

'Hey calm down y/n!' Finn grabs my arm.
I lay down, finn does the same.
'What's going on?' Finn looks at me worried.

I just can't, I need it to get off. I hand him my phone.
'Do not open it. Just read from the Lock Screen, okay?'
Finn nods and I let my phone go. He reads the message from the Lock Screen. I can see his jaw drop.
'Y/n wha-' I don't let him
'I don't wanna talk about it! I just want her words of my mind finn!' I look at him for the first time. He's eyes are beautiful but I can see a lot of exhaustion too.
'I'm sorry' I stand up.
finn goes after me and grab my arm
'Sorry? What the fuck y/n' he look more worried now.
'I just share all my problems with you like you are my therapist when I have one. I'm just doing all of my problem to yours and I see that you don't want anything with them to do and-' finn kissed me. I smiled thru it. He pulls away and look at me. Then he hugs me, a big tight hug.
' I want to be in your problems so I can help you fix them' he smiles at me.
'Thank you wolfhard' I kiss him again.
'I love you y/l' he hugs me again and kisses my forehead.

I took his hand and we went down, the others were in the kitchen eating dinner. Me and finn played a round of Mario kart. Then we went to sleep. When I got into my room I saw all Lily's stuff were gone. But they're were a note.

                          It's me lily.
                      I'm moving into
                      Jacks room. I'm
                      Taking Finn's bed.
                      Have fun with finn!!

Oh god. That girl. But I guess they are together? Fun for her! When i think about it I don't really know what me and finn are. Are we friends or more than friends? I mean we haven't said anything but we have kissed and stuff like that. And we treat each other like a couple? I don't know. Right there finn comes in.

'Hey y/n looks I'm moving into you cause lily took my bed so she could be with jack!' He giggled.
I giggled too.
'I guess so, that will tho make our nigh trips easier!' I said laughing
'That's true!' Finn said laughing to.
' hey move your bed here! I can move this here so we get like a really big ass bed!!' You see there was space between my bed and the closet.
'Great idea!' He moves it into the big space and now we have like a giant bed! How cool?!
When it's time for us to sleep and we lay down I just have to ask.
'Finn, what the fuck are we?' I look at him
' I- I don't know?'
'I mean we was friends but we have like kissed a couple of times and we treat each other like we are together?' I look at him confused.
'What do you wanna be?' Finn smiles.
'Whatever you wanna.' I smile back
'Do you know what I want?' Finn asks
I just shake my head. Finn comes closer and kisses me, soft and long. We pull away slowly.
'Y/n would you like to be my girlfriend?' He smiles.
I smile at him and kisses him again. I pull away and smile at him.
'Hell yeah!'

Soooo, it happened?! What do you guys think
???? Next chapter coming soon!! <3

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