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(Time skip sorry)
Noah and i talked so the best ass fiends was back in the gameee again. It was 1 week until i got to know if they would have too patient there. Everything else been fine! :)

Y/n's pov:

I got to sleep that night, it's been a great day. I was with Noah to the beach and then I went with finn for dinner! It had been a great day, now it's only a week until the decision. But it's only a week left. Nothing more stressing or tearing could happen, that was what I thought. The next morning me and mills sat downstairs in the sofa.
'What you wanna do today?' Mills asked me
'Oh I don't know, me maybe could go on a trip just for the day?' I asked
'Sure sounds fun!' She smiles
Then I got a notification, from Snapchat. I lifted my phone to see the worst.

'Don't forget to wish Henry happy birthday today!!'

My heart dropped. I totally forgot. Today was my dead brothers birthday. His old Snapchat account. Mills looked over at my phone.
'Oh shit' she hugged me
She knew about him. The others knew I had a dead brother but not more then that. I've told mills everything about him. How awesome he was.
'Do you wanna just not talk about it today or-'
'No, I wanna celebrate him' I said
'Yeah that would be fun!' Mills smiled at me
Finn sat down beside mills.
'Maybe we can go grab a cake for him!' Mills added
'Yeah!!' I smiled
'Then let's go!!' Mills dragged me out

Finn's pov:
Him? Cake? Who's cake? Why would they bring someone a cake?- wait is it anyone's birthday today? Oh no it's not. Then what the hell.
'Hey finn where did y/n and mills go?' Noah asked me
'Yeah they just disappeared' lily adds
'They said something about a cake for 'him' I answers them.
Noah and lily look at each other in shock.
'Fuck' lily says
Noah and lily start running around the house decorating it. They called y/n and mills I think cause they was talking about the cake.
'What is going on?!' Gaten says
'Yeah what the hell?' Jack adds
'I wanna know what you guys know!' Sadie says
'Yeah it would be nice to tell the others!' Caleb yells
'I- w- we can't say it now y/n will have to do it but it's someones birthday. A boy very important to y/n. And we are going to celebrate!' Noah says
'Don't ask us questions! Ask y/n and she will answer everything if she wants!' Lily yells

A boy important to y/n? What boy could be more important to her then me. I mean her dad is in jail and I don't think she's kinda crazy about him. And it's not jacks, Jaes, Noah's or even mines birthday. Who could it be?

A few moments later y/n and mills came in and y/n had a big box in her hands. Whey placed the cake on the table and y/n sat her phone beside the cake. I went to see. It was a guy on the photo. He had brown fluffy hair and brown shiny eyes. Pink lips with a big smile on it. Looks similar to y/n's smile. Who the fuck is that? I made myself a disgusted look. Then Noah, lily, mills and y/n said to everyone to sit down. It was quite.
'So who the fuck is gonna tell us what is going on?' Jack says
'Yeah it's not anyone's birthday or anything? And then why does it look like it?' Gaten adds
' do you want us to explain?' Noah looks at y/n kinda worried
' no no it's fine I'm gonna do it' y/n say
'Is it your birthday?' I ask
'Okay shut the fuck up now I'm trynna say something here!' Y/n kinda yells

It goes completely quite.
' it is someone birthday, not anyone here but it's my brothers birthday today' Y/n say

I look at her completely shocked. Her brother, it is her dead brothers birthday. That says why their smiles looked so similar and why he's not here. I can see that they others don't understand. They don't know he's dead.
'Is he coming here?' Sadie asks excited
'Ohh a new boy here?!' Jack says
'Will he come?' Jae also say excited.
I look at y/n worried. They really don't understand.
'That's the thing. My brothers dead' y/n looks at the photo in her phone.
No one says anything.
'He's named Henry. He died 3 years ago' y/ n adds. Then she pauses.
It is still quite. She continued
'He committed suicide'

It's an horrible feeling in the room. Then we all walked up to y/n and hugged her.
'So this is for Henry' y/n smiled and we started sharing the cake up to pieces. Then we all sat down.
'For Henry?' Noah says
'For Henry.' Y/n smile

We all start eating
' shit this cake is really good!' Jae says
'It is!!' Caleb adds

Y/n's pov:

When we had eating we played video games. Then I went so sleep.

Happy 17th birthday big bro' I whispered and then I went in to sleep. Now I'm at the stage when I don't even have to take my meds to fall asleep. And those horrible dreams are almost over. They can kick in sometimes but not every night.

The next morning I realized I had to do a horrible decision. I hate to choose karate or modeling. It was to stress going both. I walked for days trying to choose. I needed advice.
'Hey finn I need help' I said and sat down
' hey princess what's up?' He asked
'I need to quite either karate or modeling, what should I quite?' I asked him.
'What do you like the most to do?' He asked
'I don't know I love both' I said
'Okay. What competitions would you rather be at?' He asked
'Maybe modeling cause it's less stressed' I answer
'And what do you like to practice the most?' He asked.
'Hmm I think modeling cause I can get star bucks on my way there' I say
'And what is less stressing?' He asked
'Modeling, karate is stressing me much' I say
'Then I think you have your answer there princess. I think you like modeling more!' He says

Maybe it was like that. Maybe I don't even like karate. I think I've just continued because me and my brother was on it and we loved it. I guess I've been doing it for him. And when I think about it it have just made me stressed, even tho I love all of those times I be won a competition.

So I did as I said, I quite it. And it didn't take long until it hit the internet.
Fucking internet.

One more coming sooooon!!! And also I'm thinking about starting a new story in the IT world. With Richie as our love interest. What do you think of that? :)

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