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Y/n's pov:
I didn't answer. It knocks again. I just continue crying as soundless as I can. Then the door opens, it was Finn. Kinda happy it was finn because he was "on my side". He sits with me. He looks at me and then he hugs me. He gives me a long tight hug. It makes me calm down, the world stops spinning around and I can think clear. And suddenly I stop sobbing. Normally it takes double time then this. I was kinda surprised. I look up at finn.
'Thank you' I whisper
'For what?' He answers kinda confused.
' I heart everything you said downstairs, thank you for standing up for me' I give him one of my weak smiles.
'Any time' finn smilies back.
He stokes my back, it actually makes me calm down.
'Do you want me to leave?' He asked
I nod. I don't feel like talking.
He stands up and walk to the door. He turns around and look at me.
'Mhm?' I looked at him
'Keep that smile, it suits you' he closes the door.
And I blushed like HELL ! He was so kind, he helped me, stood up for me, complimented me? Wait, no shit shit shit shit. Don't get attached. We don't wanna get hurt, keep yourself under control. It's pretty late now. I go to the bathroom in our room and take of my messy makeup and changed clothes. When I came back out Lily was sitting on the bed. She looked guilty.
' y/n I-'
'Save it' I just walked passed her.
I lay down in my bed. I fall sleep pretty fast, that's not normal either. Normally it takes around 1-2 hours. It's because I'm always so stressed and need to calm down and relax.

Hey y/n. You little slut. How are you doing? I hope bad. I will find you. She comes closer. Just like a did in every hallway, in every toilet, in every empty little room. She presses me up a wall. You can't hide, your fatass. You worthless slut. I will find you and crush you. You will wish you never were born, you worthless little bitch with no family. She grabs my throat at slit it with her bar hands.

I flew sitting up my bed. Fuck shit double fuck. It was just a dream. It seemed so real, like it always does. I try to fall asleep again but I can't. I go out from our room. I was on my way downstairs when I see a door. A door to a big balcony. Soundless I go out to the balcony and sit by the edge of it. I'm watching the sunset, the sky is purple and pink with a little mix of orange. So beautiful. I look down, all the cars and people. It's not as much as cars like in daytime. It's satisfying listening to the cars swishing by, I  love the sound. And the birds, there quittring and flying, so elegant.

'Y/n? What are you doing here?, it's 3am?'
I turn around, finn is standing at the balcony door looking confused asf.
I don't answer. Just looks back out an the sky, the cars an the birds.
'You okay?' Finn sits down by my side.
'Mhm' I don't even look at him.
'Why are you awake?' He asks.
I look at him.
'Why are you awake?' I smile weak at him.
' i was going to the toilet and I passed here and then I saw you' he looked at me.
' I'm gonna go for a run' I stood up.
'A run? Your joking? It's 3am?' Finn also stood up.
' so what? I haven't been on practice for 2 days, or training.'
'Practicing?' He looked even more confused at me.
'Oh sorry- I'm doing karate' I smiled at him.
'Why are you going to do that now?' He is still confused.
' I need to do something, I haven't done anything in 2 whole days. Normally I have karate practice and training and I do modeling and online school'
'Aaannd?' Finn is still not following.
'And? If I'm not training I will get an ugly shape and lose my modeling job. If I don't do karate practice I'll get bad and don't get to be in important competitions and if I don't do school work and getting after I need to go back to normal school and that can't happens that would be a living nightmare and-'

'Hey hey hey calm the fuck down y/n' finn help me sits down.
'I can't, I have so much things to do!' I didn't realize I have tears in my eyes
'Lay down' finn says while he lays down.
"Just lay down' finn helps me down.
We lay in comfortable silence for a while.

'The sky is so beautiful' I say while watching it.
'It really is' finn looks at me.
'I got a feeling you are doing a little to much at a time' he look kinda worried at me.
'No- no I'm not- it's just-' I don't know what to say.
'Tell me a normal day in your life'
'Just do it and you'll see' he looks at the sky again.
'Okay. I get up at 7am and I go for a run. I get back and take a shower. It's around 10 by then. At 11 I have practicing for 3 hours. I'm home by 3pm again. Then I have modeling at half four. I'm home from that by 6. Then I go for a quick pass at the gym. I'm home again at 7 and I take a quick shower again for my body. Then at 8 I need to do the whole days schoolwork. I'm done with that by 10. And then I do whatever o want and then I go to sleep  I guess.
'When the heck do you eat?' Finn looks at me again.
' idk, I often take something fast in the car when I'm on my way to stuff to save time' I look at him.
'Do you wanna hear my day? Finn asks?
'Sure go on!' I keep my eyes on the sky.
'I wake up around 10, then I go down and eat breakfast. After that I do whatever I want until 3pm when I have a meeting with my agent. When I get home I can sometimes go thru my lines it depends if I have any to go thru.'
'That's all?' I look surprised at him.
'Yeah pretty much' he looks at me too.
'Your insane wolfhard!' I giggle a big.
'I think your the insane here y/n/l!' Finn giggled too.
'Oh wait I forgot one thing!' I say still giggling
'One a week I meetings with my therapist and my doctor!' I giggle a bit more

' you are fucking insane' finn laugh.

This one is long, hope you like it!

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