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Its geting late, I go up to my room and change clothes to my pj and goes to bed. I lay down, but tonight. Wasn't like another night. I felt kind of like.. empty? Yeah I could feel but it seemed like it was fake. It was like everything was a dream. I shake my head and blinked, still nothing. My phone starts ringing.

Incoming face time call from "finn❤️"
I answer the call.

'Hey y/n!' He says smiling
'Hey. How's it going?' I ask him trying to smile thru the weird feeling.
'Great actually, it seems like we are going to be gone earlier than expected!' He says excited
'Oh wow that's great. When your coming?' I ask him trying to keep up with his energy.
'Probably one day earlier. So Saturday!' He smiles.
'Okay! Thank you for letting me know but I have to sleep now!! Night beautiful'
'Night love' he smiles and I "hang up."

I start kicking the wall.
'For goodness fucking sake' I whisper from myself.
'Why can't this goddamn feeling just shut the fuck up and go and die' I rolled my eyes for myself.
'Well yeah great, fantastic, lovey I'm just gonna go throw myself of a cliff great thank you y/n. I kick the wall harder.

'Y/n....?' I hear a voice whisper

I look around, no ones there. Then I see it. My phone. I didn't hang up. I see finn sitting on the other side looking worried. I go quite.

'Y/n yo-' I hang up on him.
And this time I check at least 4 times if I actually did.

It doesn't take long until I get a message from finn.

You okay beautiful? :(

Yeah ofc don't worry I promise!

If you say that then....

Great fucking work y/n you messed the hell up. I look at the clock. 1am. I will not be able to sleep. I go to the balcony as always and lay down. But then I remembered I have my skate board with me. I search up on my phone if there is any skating parks close. It is, one 20 minutes away from here. I get up and walk into my room and get my skateboard, I also change clothes.

To this:

I walk downstairs and I grab an apple in my way out and get out

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I walk downstairs and I grab an apple in my way out and get out. I jump on my board and tart skating. And 20 minutes later I'm there. I skate for a while, it's empty. It's only me there. I'm really good at skating, I've practiced since I was like 8 so I'm good. After a while I sit down to on a bench like 2 meters away from the skating area and I look up in the sky. It's dark, the starts is shiny. So beautiful. Then I hear that again.
'Y/n?' Quickly I pick up my phone but it's not finn.
Then I feel someone tapping my shoulder. I turn around, it's jae.
'Oh hey Jae' I say and look back at the sky again. He sits down by my side

'Just a hey?' He says looking at me.

'What?' I looked at him confused.

'Yell yeah, I found you sitting on a bench after skating 20 minutes away from your house at 3am and I just get a 'hey' like this is something that everyone does' he giggles and so do i.

'Yeah this is kinda normal for me' I look up at the sky.

' it is?' He asks looking at me.

'Yeah...sleeping is not my favorite thing' I giggle a bit.

'Wanna skate?' I ask him standing up.

'Sure' he says also standing up.

We skate for a while. Doing tricks, laughing, having a good time yk.

'Hey jae get you ass over here!' I say to him
'Coming bitch!' He says and skates to me

We take a picture.
'look how cool it looks!' Jae says
'Ik! I'm so gonna upload this!!' I say laughing.

We skate a bit more before I sit down on the bench again. 5. I should probably go home.
'Jae I gotta go!' I say standing up and starts to skate.
'Bye y/n!' He says waving at me and I leave.

When I get home I get up to my room again. I play in my bed and watch my phone for a while. I can't sleep, but it's only a few hours left until the others wake up. And it's only two days until Finn's back!! I'm so excited!!

 And it's only two days until Finn's back!! I'm so excited!!

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Y/nofficial: night hang at the skate park with jae:) swipe to see jae flying ☝️Jaedenweasly: the second photo is elite! ;) *liked by creator*Finnwolfhard: hey!! Night hang without me?!😭 *liked my creator* Wyattoleff: so that's why you were gone j...

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Y/nofficial: night hang at the skate park with jae:) swipe to see jae flying ☝️
Jaedenweasly: the second photo is elite! ;)
*liked by creator*
Finnwolfhard: hey!! Night hang without me?!😭 *liked my creator*
Wyattoleff: so that's why you were gone jae👀
Milliebobbybrown: I wanted to follow?!
^ y/nofficial: do you even know how to skate Millie?!😭
^ milliebobbybrown: I don't but still!!💀

Girl: y/n
Boy: Jae

And now I can't sleep because I'm to typed, and it's to easy and it's light outside. Well, well it was a great night hang.

Now I can hear people downstairs. 'New morning more stuff to do' I say fro myself.

I decided to go for a run, I change my clothes and walk downstairs.
'Wassup people' I saw while walking to the hall.
'Hey y/n! We are meeting Sara at the mall today wanna follow?' Millie said.
'Sure I will just go for a run' I said while walking outside.

I make my run a short one, cause I wanna shower and everything. When I came back home I get upstairs and shower. When I had showered I put on some clothes and I go downstairs.
'ready to leave?' Millie says
'Yeah!' Me, Sadie and lily answers.

We get out to mills car and she drives. When where there we get in the mall and get to the place we were supposed to meet. We are there first.

The name keeps going in my head. Sara, Sara, Sara, Sara. I don't hope it's that Sara. But I don't think it could? Millie would never. Right? RIGHT? shit clam down y/n.

Then she comes around the corner. I think my jaw hit the floor.
'You've got to be shitting me' I whisper.

Heyyy!!! Ohhhh I liked this part too. And the drama is comiiing!!!

Thank you wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now