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It's just like "before". The cars, the swammling people and bird sounds. And the sky, orange and yellow with a touch of pink. It's this beautiful every evening, at least almost. I was laying there for a while until I realized I had to go inside and go to sleep. I took my sleeping meds and crawled down, finn wasn't back yet. I guess he'll sleep at Calebs tonight.

The next morning I decided to stay inside having no pressure of doing something. I laid in bed for long, then I got downstairs and the others was also there. I sat down with mills.
'Wanna just hang out here and play video games today?' Mills asked me
'Sure that was my plan for today too' I said.
Noah came up to me.

'Can I talk to you for a second?' He looks at me
'Mkay sure I guess' I look at mills then at him and then I stood up to follow him. We got into an empty room.
'Hey I just wanted to say that I'm sorry' he said
'Yeah, you should be' I didn't look at him
'Stop acting like that!' Noah rolled his eyes
'Acting like what Noah?!' I rolled my eyes
'Acting like you don't care about me!' He yelled
'What..' I looked at him
'Since you came here the only thing you've been doing is being with Sadie, Millie, Jae, jack and your new boyfriend!' He yells.

I feel bad. Cause it's true. I can't even remember the last time I hung out with Noah alone like we always used.

' shit- I'm sorry-' he wouldn't let me
'Yeah I hope your sorry! Cause I'm sorry too that our friendship is not the same anymore!' He left.

I messed up. This time it was my fault.

Noah's pov:
I left. Maybe I shouldn't have yelled at her like that. I mean it's been hard for her. But it didn't give her the right to don't give a fuck about me. I know I messed up but she did too.
'Hey Noah you look upset what's up?' Finn had came home with Caleb
'Well I don't know go ask your fucking girlfriend!' I yelled.
Finn and Caleb looked confused.

I shouldn't have been yelling at them too. They didn't to anything?

I got upstairs. I walked into my room and I laid down on my bed. I haven't cried for so long, but it happened. Tears was rolling down my cheeks.

Finn's pov:
Me and Caleb got home. I sleept at his cause it got late yesterday. But now we was back at the house. When we got in I could see Noah walking angry.
'Hey Noah you look upset what's up?' I ask him
' well I don't know go ask your fucking girlfriend!' Noah yelled and left.
I looked confused at Caleb and so did he.
Y/n? What had happened-. Shit I remembered they was arguing yesterday. I bet they was in a fight again, I gotta help them. I walked into y/n's room. She was laying in our bed. I know she wasn't sleeping even if it didn't look like it.
'Hey y/n I know your awake!' I shake her
She sits up.
'Noah has said something haven't he?' She asks me.
'Well no I figured that out by my own' I say
'Well I wanna help' I add
'How?' She asks
'Well tell me. About the fight' I said sitting down
'First he wanted to apologize for the thing he said yesterday but then we started arguing about the fact that I'm a shitty friend that doesn't even care about him' she said
'Well- do you still care about him and wants to be his best friend like always?' I ask her
' of course. He has been the number 1 since I don't even know. I care about him really much. I just did not realize how much I've been anyway not with him' y/n says sobbing
'Got it!' I yell
'Got what?' She asks
' i got this whole conversation on video!' I say
'Now I'll show him that you actually are sorry!' I add.
'Mkay I guess so thank you handsome' she says and lays down again.

I get too Noah's room and knock the door.

Noah's pov:
10 minutes later I hear a knock on my door.
'Get lost!' I yell
The door opens
'I told you too get-' it was finn
' oh hey. I'm sorry for yelling' I said looking down.
'Hey we're cool man I just want you to hear something' finn says while sitting down
'Mkay what?' I ask
'Hear this' finn says and start something in his phone

It plays Finn's and y/n'a whole conversation.
'So she still care about me?' I ask him
' dude of course she does! You have been her best friend for too long now!' Finn giggle
'Thank you man' I hug him.
' now go get your best friend back!' Finn says and I stand up and walk to the door
'Oh wait one more thing!' Finn says
'Be careful with my girl, she's still taken' finn giggles
'Oh I know finn!' I giggle and close the door.

Operation 'Time to get my best friend back after a argument cause she's been my best friend since my whole life' have started'

God, I gotta come up with a shorter name'

Okayyy just a bit fast drama so something funny happens but yeahhhhh <3

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