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Me and finn laid there for a while. It felt like seconds even tho it was about and hour we laid there. Then we heard the noise, that one noise the boat does when it's time to get back. Me and finn get our stuff together and walk to the boat. I can see Sara walking on it, she glanced at me and I could see that she was red. I smiled at her. She rolled her eyes. Me and finn got on the boat to and sat down.
'I love being here' finn says
'Yeah me too. I've always loved it' I answer him
'It's our place now' finn says
'Yeah, me, yours and my moms' I smile at him
'Ofc' finn smiles at me
When we get there and go off we go for a walk before heading home.
'You know you shouldn't care about what Noah said' finn continue walking.
'Yeah I know. I'll try anyways' I said looking down.
'And I'll be on your side the entire time!' Finn giggles and looks at me.
'I hope so' I smile at him.
Me and finn are walking in a little forest that leads too the beach but far away. Me and finn get back to the car. We listen to music on our may home. Then we get in.
'We're back!!' I yell
'Oh hey babes wanna do something with me now?' Sades say.
'Sure Sades! What u wanna do?' I ask her
'The play ground!!!' Sades says excited
'I wanna go too MoOoOm!!' Jack comes to us
'I wanna too?!' Jae says.
'Sure I just need to get up and change and I'll be back!!' I say walking upstairs. Finn was already there.
'Hey y/n I'm going with Caleb to his mom for a couple of hours if that's okay' he says
'Hey totally fine I'm going with Sades, jack and Jae to the playground.' I giggle
'Playground?' Finn says
'Yeah Theo lace I went with jack when I fell so you got mad. And I went there with Sades also?' I look at him
'Oh yeah that place.' He sounds kinda jealous.
' hey babes are you coming??!' Sades say from downstairs
'Babes really?' Finn adds
'C'mon handsome! It's just as nick name!' I giggle
'I'm coming Sades!!' I yell back
' it's not that. I'm the only one that can call you cute names!!' He says.
'Well we can talk about this later I gtg prince bye!!' I walk out and get downstairs.
'What took you so long?' Jack asks.
'Finn is annoying' I answer
'What he says?' Jae ask
'He doesn't like that playground cause when I was there with jack I had to ride his back' I say rolling my eyes.
'He'll grow out of it I promise' Sades say giggling and we get out. We start walking in silence.
'We should have bought skateboards! It takes so long to walk!' I say growling.
' well I've got but only two and we are three?' Jae says
' then two on each of them!' I say
'Mkay sure!' Jae says
Me and Sades get on one and Jae and jack one one cause only me and Jae knows how to skate here. It goes a bit faster, not much cause Sades is stopping it up all the time but faster than walking. When we finally get there I get in the egg cup spiny thing. That's my favorite thing in the whole park. Jack goes on another swing thing and Jae at the swings. Sades goes too the little house she was in before. We are there for a while and then we all get on the big 'friends swing' what are gigantic so many people could fit. Looks like this:

(Imagine the circle is a bit bigger but yeah)

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(Imagine the circle is a bit bigger but yeah)

'Okay me and jack are gonna get this on speed!!' Sades says
Sades and jack gets up and stand on each side holding the band.
( I really hope you guys know how to make this swing cause I don't fucking know how to explain it)
Me and Jae are holding into each other and the swing and it goes high.
'HOLY SHIT SLOW DOWN!!!' I yell at them
'YEAH A BIT MAYBE!' Jae yells
'NO THIS IS WAY MORE FUNNY' jack yells giggling.
'FUCK YOU SON!' I yell giggling
'LOVE YOU TOO MOOOM!!' Ye yells back

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