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After about an hour me and finn decided to swim. I was nervous, I had to wear a bikini in front of finn. He was already in the water but I just stared at it.
'Come on! Get in' finn said
'I- I don't know' I took a step back.
he got out of the water and talked to me
'Why is it so scary?'
'I don't know- or I do know I just don't wanna talk about it'
Finn lays down at the towels and open his arms, I look at him weird.
' I'm ready for one more story' he says and I lay in his grip.
'Talk when your ready' finn whisperer.

' first day of school, I was so exited. I couldn't wait to get friends. When I got there the first thing I saw was a girl, she glared at me. And after this everything just seemed to go down. In the beginning she just made fun of me for small stuff. Like my hair, the way I write or my clothes. I can handle that. But she started pointing out how I talk, how I act. And she started to drop stuff on me, throw things on me and hurt me physically too. She could kick me or punch me. Cut my hair while I was walking past. Cut my clothes too. Then she started with the worst thing I know, she pointed out my body. I had to big cheeks. To big nose. Small lips. Short legs. But the worst thing was my weight. She called me fat in every way she could. Fat stomach, fat thighs, fat fingers, fat face, I was fat everywhere.'
I break down in sobbing and I'm shaking.
'Everywhere' I whisper while sobbing.

Finn didn't say anything just hugs me and strokes my back. It was so comforting. He made me calmer. I fell asleep there. It was the best sleep I've had in my life.

Finn's pov:

' everywhere' y/n whispers while she is sobbing.

I hug her tighter. That little bitch. That tho explains the fats food and the dress and now the bikini. She's insecure. I had tears in my eyes too. How could people like her own 'family' and a random bitch be so awful to her. She is so adorable. She would never hurt anyone. Fuck them. I hug her tighter and I still stroke her back. Suddenly she stops. I look down at her. I think she's sleeping, adorable.

I'm just laying there In comfort thinking about the story's. What a life story. Im so sorry for her.
Another hour pass and now I can see the boat gets closer.

'Y/n wake up!' The boat is here
'Mhmmm' she answers

So adorable.
' we really need to go!' I shake her.
She sits up and we pack our things and go back on our boat. We sit in the same place as before.
We sit in comfortable silence the whole way. We just smile at each other sometimes.

When we are there we sprint out of the boat and start walking. When we are couple of meters from the house I stop y/n
'Wait y/n.' I grab her arm
'Yeah finn?' She smiles at me
Was this like- like a date?' I ask her embarrassed.
'We can say that wolfhard!' Y/n smiles at me and kiss me on the cheek and goes inside.
While inside her and the girls play video games. I go to my room, I scroll my phone.

Y/n's pov:
Me and the girls play video games. I just can't believe I just was on a date with finn. I smile for myself.
'What are you smiling so much?' Sadie asks me
' I need to tell you guys sum!' I sympathize excited!
'WHAT TELL ME!!' Millie says
' when we got home finn asked me if this was like a date?!' I just excited!!
'OMG are you kidding?! GO Y/N!!' Lily shouts
'AHAT DID YOU SAY?!' Millie ask
'I said no' i cross my arms.
'NO? GURL YOU SAID NO?!' Sadie screams
'OFC I SAID YES!' I jump again!!!
Me and the girls just jump around in circles. I was so happy I just was on a date with finn. And now he knows everything. He knows stuff lily and Noah doesn't know. I hope I can trust him.
' can you maybe scream quite!?' Gaten says
'Yeah!?' Jack also says.
'No' I answer back and we dance and scream again.

After an hour we all go to bed. It's late. I'm laying in my bed. Lily is already sleeping. She falls asleep the second she get her ass in the bed.

But this night I can't fall asleep. I'm trying and trying. It's impossible. All i see when I close my eyes is her. The way she smiled at me. How close she got. All the hair on my body raises. It's terrifying.

This one was a bit shorter but I hope it's okay anyway :)

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