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I continue laughing but finn stops and like realize what I said. He looks at me with that worried look he gave me before.
'What?' I'm still giggling a little
'Therapist? Doctor?' What the hell'
I just stopped giggling and looked at him.
'Tell me about it' he is still looking worried.
'No, not right now.' I loo at the sky again
'Why not?' He sits up.
'I don't feel like it' I sit up too.
'Tell me when your ready.' He look at me warm but also serious.
'Yeah, okay' I smile weak.
'I'm going back inside' Finn stand up and start walk to the balcony door.
'Hmm?' I didn't look at him.
'Tell me when you "feel like it'?' He giggles and closed the balcony door and left.

I didn't think so much, now I just enjoyed the view as before. The cars, birds and the sky. The sky had changed colors a little, it was more orange and a bit of yellow were in the game now, no more pink or purple.

I laid there, I didn't care about the time. It was a long time ago I was this calm for this long. I sit up for a while. Looking at the cars. The sound. Then I laid back down again.  It stand 10pm on my phone. I can hear the others downstairs. They must have woken up now. The balcony door opens.

' y/n you still here?' Finn was here again.
I looked at him and then turned around without saying anything.
'You did go back to sleep, right?' Finn says seriously.
I shake my head. This was better than sleeping, then I'm sleeping I'm not calm, I'm scared and stressed. It doesn't matter anyways.
'You need to sleep y/n it's important' finn sits down beside me and lays down.
' Sleeping for you is calming and great for your brain, right?'
Finn nods.
' for me sleeping is a stressing moment where I'm just scared for her to come, not calm or relaxed. But this, this view and sounds is like sleeping for me.'
'Her?' Finn stands up.
I stand up too.
'You don't understand, but you don't have too. Come on let's go down and have breakfast!' I start walking. Finn followed downstairs.

When I came down people first just stared at me and then they all run too me.
They all started talking so I couldn't hear a word of what anyone was saying.
' SHUT UP' I yelled and there faces went terrified and then quite.
'One at a time please' I said
They all one after one started apologizing to me for yesterday night.
' were cool, I know I can be weird and fun to make fun of in the beginning, I'm sorry'
'We talked about this y/n!' Noah lays a hand on his chest and pretends to be disappointed.
I laughed.
'Sorry dad' I said while laughing
'AND NOW YOU DID IT AGAIN' Both me and Noah were laying on the floor laughing now. The others just continued eating breakfast.

When I finally got my breath back and stood up I could see finn sitting on the sofa looking kinda jealous. I walked over to him.

'What you doing?' I asked while sitting down.
'Nothing' he answers without paying much attention to me.
'Hey y/n wanna play? Noah came out the kitchen with two Wii controllers in his hand.
'Sure! Mario kart?' I walked over.
'OhHhH you know!!' We both sat down

*after about 10 minutes of gaming*
'HOW COULD YOU WIN?!' Noah stood up.
'YOU CHEATED!' He yells.
'I DIDINT GO CRY ABOUT IT' I yelled at him jokingly.
Noah pretends to cry
'mMmOOooOm your mean' Noah faked cry.
'Oh I'm sorry son come here' I laid my hand on my chest to be more dramatic and I hugged Noah playfully. Noah faked cry in my arms.
Then we both started to laugh.
When we were done laughing finn came over to me.
'Hey y/n wanna play?' Sure I said and Noah gave over the control to him.
'Ready to lose?' Finn smirked.
'Oh you wish wolfhard!' I smirked too.

Me and finn had an intense match in Mario kart and the boys were cheering at finn and the girls on me!
'Come on y/n beat his ass!!
'Get her finn!
'Come on y/n your so good at this game!
Finn come on beat her ass!

It ended with a win to me. I jumped up and me and the rest of the girls started cheering!!
The boys looked kinda pissed. It was even more funny that way.

Hey guys wanna go to the beach? Noah yells.
Caleb, Gaten, and Sadie couldn't make it cause they had stuff to do so it was only me, Millie, lily, finn, Noah and jack left.

I hate the beach, I haven't always. It's her fault I hate the beach. If she didn't have to say those  things I would still love being in a bikini in front of people and I wouldn't care, like before. But I guess not for me, not for fucking me.
we were on our way. I had my bikini under my normal clothes but I know I could never take them off.
we got there with Finn's car. We all got out.

'Hey y/n' I'm on your team on chicken fight!' Noah yells
' NO NOAH I am!!!' Lily yells.
'Hey guys-' they wouldn't let me talk.
'I SAID IT FIRST' Noah yells 
'I'm not-' they couldn't hear me.
'I'm not gonn-' they just continued talking.
'NO IM HER BEST FRIEND!' Noah yells back.
I take a deep breath

Everyone just looked at me terrified. But Noah and lily more looked complete shocked.

I used to like to swim, I would always get in the water first, i would drag the others with me and I never want to get up.

But not anymore, cause she messed up. Swimming is not longer something for me.

I hope you guys like it! I don't know if I'm gonna get next chapter out. If I don't then see you tomorrow! <3

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