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'Wh-what the fuck do you mean?' Noah looks at me.
'Of course you gotta get in!' Lily giggled thinking it was a joke.
And so does Noah.
'I'm not joking, I'm not gonna get in the water'
'Y/n what is wrong with you? You have always loved the beach, you have always loved swimming. You would always drag us here and then not get up the water. You loved it, you always had.
Noah gives me a weird face.
'Well I'm not getting in the water!'
I placed my towel FAR away from the water on the sant and laid down. 
They went in the water, I think I kinda ruined the mood. Fuck. But right now, I don't care I just had to make sure I wouldn't get in the water. That was the most important thing now.

After a while Jack came and laid bedside me.
'What's up?' He said
'Noah sent you here didn't he?' I didn't look at him.
'Yeah he did, he want me to get you in the water so he didn't have to get hurt' he said looking at me.
' and you want to get hurt?' I scuffed.
' come on! You are a girl! You can't be THAT strong' he giggled and made me stand up.
' you are gonna regret you even thought that'
I just do a simple kick right in his stomach, he fell to the ground and hell his hands on his stomach.
'That is a white belt kick' I scoffed at him and laid down again.
'Jack got up and groan a bit and get back to the others'
I lay there for a couple more of minutes. I stand up and get my stuff and start walking.
'Where the heck are you going?' Finn yells
' to practice! Don't worry!' I continue walking.
Finn ran up to me
'Why are you going practice now?' He asks while getting he's breath back.
'So I can kick Jack harder next time' I giggle.
'No but seriously how are you even gonna get home?' Finn look confused.
'I will call an Uber' I start walking again.
'Stay safe I will call you!' Finn starts running back.
'oKaY dAaAd' I laugh
Finn shows me his middle finger and laugh too.

When I finally get home I get in and up to the guest room. I change my clothes and get out for a run. It's so relaxing, I love running. I can watch the sky, cars and birds now too. It makes me calm. I guess when you are a stressed person. You find other things calming then sleep, sleep is now only for my brain. Not for me. My relaxing is this.  After about an hour I'm back home again. The others are already home.
'Hey y/n!' Finn says as I walk in the house.
'Hey!' I smile at him
'Wanna do something?' He dusts down the sofa.
'I'm gonna take a trip to the gym in the basement first! Then we can do something!' I yell back as I start walking down to the basement.

I'm mostly doing arm today, but some leg to. Leg pressing and arm pushing.
'God' we need to buy machines with more weight this ones is too easy!

When I'm done I take a shower and then get down to the others.
'What are we doing?' I Ask while i walk into the living room.

Everyone was back and I make myself a sandwich and also sit down.
' Noah you gotta buy some new machines to that gym. I had it on max weight and still to easy. I cant have any weight goals to get thru' I say as I take a bite.
'Yeah yeah yeah  I know you said that last time to' Noah giggled.
'Wait?- you had the weight on max and you think it's still to easy?' Finn glare at me.
'Yeah, I guess?' I didn't pay much attention
Finn just gives Noah a "what the fuck" look.
"Yeah yeah yeah finn we already know you can't even get half of those weights!' Noah giggled.
I choke my sandwich and start giggle
'half?' I say as I'm giggling.
'Fuck you Noah fuck you y/n!'
'I know you love me!' I scream after him.
I blow a kiss and he gives me the middle finger and we both laugh.
'When I'm done eating I get up and change to pj. Black shorts and a oversized t-shirt. I'm on my way up the stairs.

I sigh, I know I'm not gonna be able to fall asleep or I'm gonna have a nightmare. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I get tears in my eyes, I don't know why I just start to panic at the fact i will just have to wait until morning. My vision goes blurry from the tears.

'Oh I'm sorry finn' I bumped into finn cause I wouldn't really se where I was going with my blurry vision.
'Oh it's okay-' he lift his attention from his phone to to me.
'Wait- are you crying y/n?' He looks worried at me.
'No,no,no of course not!' I just start walking again.
'Wait y/n-' I wouldn't let him finish the sentence.
'Goodnight finn!' I walked into the guest room and closed the door after me.

Finn's pov:
When I was standing brushing my teeth at the toilet I couldn't stop thinking about y/n. She is so pretty. Her eyes, her laugh, her kindness, shyness but also sassyness is so cute.
When I'm done I'm thirty so imma go down and take a glass of water.  I get a notification from snap, just from my brother nick.
'Oh I'm sorry finn'  I accidentally walked into y/n while not paying attention.
'Oh it's okay-' wait what the fuck.  She has tears in her eyes.
'Wait- are you crying y/n?' I ask her worried. Something happens I can see that on her.
' no, no, no of course not! She says trying to smile and start walk. I can se right thru it tho
'Wait y/n-' she wouldn't let me finish.
'Goodnight finn, then she closes her door.
What was that? Is she okay? I saw that something happened? She looked crashed.

So yeah I just got motivation and did one more!! Hope you like it!

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