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Finn's pov:
I could here my name, and swammling.
I see y/n. She is sleeping but she is all sweaty and I can fell that she is shaking and her pulse it way to high.
'Y/n!' I shake her

'Please don't, I'd do anything, please! shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! she yells and then she flies sitting up and tears start rolling down her cheek.
'What happens what's wrong!?' Finn shakes me.
'I- it was her. We was at the mall again. At the sushi restaurant. And she said those things again. But this time she screamed it in my face'

I didn't say anything just pulled her into my chest. The stroke her hair.
'It's okay not here' I whispered. She was sobbing, but it got better in time. After about 1 hour she was like normal again.
Then we both fall back asleep again.

When I woke up y/n was playing with my hair.
'Morning beautiful!' I smile at her
'Morning handsome' she smiles back
'Can you maybe not play with my hair y/n?' I laugh
'But your hair is sooo cute!' She continues plays with it and  she giggles.

Y/n's pov:

After 20 minute we finally god downstairs. Everyone just looked at me worried.
'It's okay we're fine don't worry' I say as I walk into the living room.
'YES I GOT MY MOM BACK!' Jack yells
'AND I GOT MY BEST FRIEND BACK!' Millie and lily yells.
We started of the day by playing video games and watching tv. I was playing against Gaten.
'Ready to lose Gate?' I smirked
'Oh you wish y/l!' He laughed and we played a round of Mario kart.

I won so I stood up and did my dance. Then we got back to playing. When I literally had won against everyone except lily I begged her to play with me.
'Pleeease lily!' I said with puppy eyes
'No I won't-' she responded
' come onnn!!' I said
'Well- fine then. She stood up and skied over with me and took a controller.
'Ready to get beaten?' I smirked
'Your not the one winning' she grinned.

And we played, it was tight. Until I got a phone call.
'Click it y/n! It can wait!!' Jack says
'Yeah you can ring up after the match!' Sadie says.

But I pick up my phone to see who it is. It is my therapist.
' I need to take this!' I handle jack the controller and i walk to the bathroom.

'Hello!' I says

'Hi y/n. How are you doing?' She asks

'Yeah it's okay. Some problems but it's alright.' I answer her.

'It was long time since we met, and I wondered if you could come in to a meeting.'

'Sure! When?' I ask her

'Maybe as fast as possible?'

"Oh- okay yeah I can come now!' I say

'Great then see you at normal place!'

'We will!' I hang up.

I get out of the bathroom. I panic a bit, it was very long time ago I was there. And it actually is terrible. But I don't feel like talking about it. I know she would understand I mean she knows EVERYTHING else but still-'

'Y/n you good?' Sadie is standing outside.
'Yeah I'm fine!' I reply her fast

I came out of the bathroom.
' I just need to go on a meeting!' I say
'What meeting...?' Sadie asks.
I take a deep breath.
'I'm going for a meeting with my therapist!' I say.
'Oh- okay' Sadie says
'When tho?' She asks
'Right now.' I say
'But I don't feel like going alone can you follow?' I ask her
'Ofc I can! I need to get out of this boring house anyway!' The giggles
'Great! Come on!!' I say

We walk to the hall and takes on shoes.
'Where are you going beautiful?' Finn comes.
' oh me and Sadie are just going on a meeting!' I say.
'Meeting...?' Finn looks confused
'Oh yeah with my therapist!' I say.
'And Sadie is?' He asks
'She is going to follow! Didn't wanna go alone.' I giggle.
'What about meee love?' Finn makes puppy eyes.
'I'll be back soon handsome now go lose some video games loser!' I kiss his cheek and I run out with Sadie before he can say anything. Me and Sadie get in the car. Sadie drives.
' I have to say this! You and finn are sooo cute together!!' She smiles.
'Awww thank you Sadie' I smile at her
' He's like genuine so much happier and forward!I wish I could have someone like that ' She giggles
'Don't think I haven't seen you and Caleb!!' I giggle and I could see how her face turned red.
'You guys would look SOO cute together!!!' I smile at her
'Do you really think so?' She asks
'OFC IT WOULD BE SO CUTE!' Lay one hand on my chest and one under my eye and pretends to cry happy tears.
' kids grow up too fast' I say while fake crying.
' oh shut up PrInCeSs!' She immigrate finn.
' oh shut up sades it's SO adorable when he says that!' I giggle

And before I knew it we where there. At 'MHS' Stands for 'mental health service" like all the people that was here was like some kind of cars that was broken and had to be fixed. I hated that name.

When we are on our way to the head enter I stop a few meters away form the door.
'You okay?' Sads says.
I take a deep breath.
' yeah. Now let's do this shit' I say giggling.

Okayyy!!! I think I only will be posting one more for today!! I'm really tired! <3

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