Chapter 4

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A week. It's been a whole week since I've seen her and not a second goes by where she doesn't occupy my mind.

The word has spread like a forest fire in dry seasons. The girl that killed three men without moving a muscle. That left fresh bodies decomposed beyond recognition and then ran away. The people are going crazy over the rumors. The girl bound to Scotus, the god of darkness. The one that was supposed to be a myth. Just like what she is now.

Less than two dozen people have witnessed what happened in that small village so the rest is skeptical to believe. I certainly wouldn't have believed the stories had I not seen her myself.

I was one of the guards sent to the village that day though I can't even remember what we went there for. All I know is that we suddenly heard loud voices and screams and went to check it out.

I've never seen such a delicate figure be so intimidating. She fought smart and efficiently, always aiming for the killing blow. So far everything had seemed normal but then the small boy was forced to his knees.

I could feel the girl's power all the way to where I was standing but it was unlike anything I'd ever felt. There was a cold layering her emotions to the point where I couldn't even identify them. Me, having a really strong bond with Pelios and a lot of practice when it comes to reading emotions. I was surprised, to say the least. It felt like touching the dead.

Now I'm waiting for Atticus to look up from the letter he's been staring at for minutes. He's rubbing his temples and I can feel his frustration as strongly as if it were my own.

The dark strands of his hair reflect the light of the flickering candle in a way only the hair of someone gifted by Aether could.

"Nothing, I assume?" I break the silence, not being able to let him re-read that letter anymore. His pale eyes meet mine as he leans back in his chair.

"No sign of her," he confirms. The whole nation was probably out looking for the girl right now but I doubt anyone is trying to find her as desperately as Atticus. He's sent out letters to every person he could contact to ask about information but no one has seen or heard from her since she ran into the direction of the woods.

"Just let me go after her. I'm sure I can feel her from miles away."

"We know nothing about her other than she's a great fighter and can kill people in a way no one has heard of before. You want me to let you go after her? Alone?"

"I don't have to go alone."

"Yeah right, so she can kill two of my people. Besides, who'd you take with you? Naiara and Calista are no big fighters, like you, Sorin would most likely piss her off to the point we couldn't even blame her for turning him into a mummy and you know I can't let you and Layla go on a mission this dangerous together. No way." I guess that is everyone.

You see, Atticus is the leader of our small group. We're the Rebels. I was the first one he recruited, other than his sister Layla, and he's been taking people in since then, kids with strong powers and no place to go. I met him four years ago. Yep, he started this young.

Atticus has a huge problem with our government, like the rest of us, and like our name suggests we want to do something about it. Each member has their own special talents. He's picky but once he's sure of someone they're part of the family.

Our group consists of Naiara, who's bonded to Carmenta. We didn't know what to make of her for a while since she's the silent type but we've grown used to it. She's our compass since her gift is to feel whether something good or bad is about to happen. It can either be a feeling she gets when we talk about plans or random notions she gets when something significant is about to happen. That along with a few major prophecies along the way. The problem with that is that she doesn't know when one will come to her and if no one is around when she says it aloud, it's lost. She can't remember.

Then there's Calista, gifted by Minerva. She's our moral guide, you could say. Her bond is not as strong as the rest of ours though she has a good sense of what's right and wrong. She's what's holding us together when things escalate.

Sorin was the next recruit after me. He's bound to Sol, the god of fire, and sure has the temper for it. He tends to seem rude when you meet him but he's different with us. Occasionally, at least. Let's just say we're working on it. Don't be too hard on him though. He's angry at the world and doesn't know how to deal with everything other than lashing out. He's the muscles.

That leaves us with Layla, Atticus' sister. She's bound to Galatea, goddess of water. Her powers are self-explanatory, I think. She can control water and everything along the lines. She's a year older than Atticus so I've known her since she was fifteen. Gods, we were innocent. She's a brilliant fighter and once you've won her over she'll never give up on you.

That along with Atticus and me makes our little family.

Which brings us back to why he wants to find the girl, to recruit her. You can imagine the reaction from the other rebels when he announced his plan to take in the girl who's supposedly bonded to the god of darkness. He insisted that she'd be a strong ally and certainly not an aspired enemy and he's the one that calls the shots in the end. I see his point but we don't know much of her power and much less about her. Seriously, we don't even know her name.

The boy she was with hadn't told us anything about her or his relationship with her. He was too shaken up. I haven't seen or heard from him since. Figures, the only lead disappears.

"You could come," I propose, zoning back to my conversation with Atticus. "I'd do the talking and you could be there as a safety precaution." He's quiet, probably thinking of the pros and cons and possible risks. "You want to find her, don't you? Well, you've just heard back from your last contact and with every day you're waiting she gets further away. You know we'll ultimately have to go after her so why waste any more time? I can sense you're getting restless and you look like shit."

"Lovely, anything else?" he retorts though I can see him fighting to hold back a smile. There he is.

He's been out of it ever since I told him about the girl a week ago.

"Where's my adventurous best friend?" I tease him.

He groans once before giving in. I'm already grinning since I know his answer. "I hate it when you use your power on me. I'll let the others know we're leaving. Meet you at the door in ten." I nod before leaving his room.

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