Chapter 58

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Skies, the wonders one night of sleep can do. It may sound cheesy but since waking up this morning I feel like a whole new person. My limps feel lighter even as my muscles are still stiff from the days in the cold. My head hurts considerably less than last night which, to be fair, doesn't necessarily say much. After I blacked out, I felt like my whole body had been through the wringer. My memories are fuzzy but I remember my powers speaking. It was different than usual. They didn't make sense, talking about me in the third person and recounting things I already knew. I was glad when I finally managed to overpower them and get control back. I hate how the rebels were looking at me when I opened my eyes. Shock, a hint of feat, and a whole lot of my least favorite, pity.

I learned my lesson now; don't try to open up. Maybe it's too early or maybe I'm not supposed to confide in the rebels ever again. All I know is that yesterday was a mistake I won't repeat any time soon.

"I'm really sorry about your brother. I know it sounds lame and doesn't make anything better but I don't blame you for what happened to Ianira. It seemed harsh at the time but after hearing the governors yesterday... My point is you have my full support with whatever happens back in the capital. Not that you need it. Do what you need to do and I'll have your back, you know?" If you had told me Layla would say anything like this a few months back, I would have called you crazy. Now? I'm having a hard time comprehending it but the gesture is appreciated.

I simply nod at her, not knowing how to respond but she doesn't seem bothered by it.

"And," she hesitated so I brace myself to hear something I won't like. "About your dad. We won't let anything happen to him, don't worry about it." She sounds so unsure and sincere that I can't help to chuckle. It's not the psychotic sound I have been releasing to taunt people recently but an actual chuckle. Layla blinks at me.

"I certainly won't go out of my way to save that old piece of-" I clear my throat. "And neither are any of you. The governors can take out their frustration on him for all I care, I'm not saving him from the karma he brought upon himself. Now let's go meet the others."

When I heard the same people that tortured and killed my brother now might have my dad, I was scared. Not for my dad but rather about the consequences it would have on me if the last of my family died because of me as well. Call me selfish but I came to the realization that my father's been dead to me for years. Thanks to my powers for reminding me. Whatever happens to the man won't touch me.

Turns out the room the remaining rebels slept in has been awake for longer than Layla and me. Judging by the sun, it must already be after midday. Calista and Naiara are sitting on their bed, conversing lazily while the guys are bickering. Yes, you heard me right. I've never seen them act like that but Xander is teasing Sorin about his smelly feet while Atticus rolls his eyes at the sidelines.

It's cute...

When they see Layla and me entering their banter stops though I catch them shooting daggers at each other. Playful daggers, like gummy swords or something.

"Does anyone know when our meeting with the general is and who's going?" I ask.

"We'll receive notice but that could be hours from now. As to who's going. I'd say Calista for sure, me, probably, and maybe Reia since you'll probably be a big factor in our battle plan," Xander proposes.

"What about me? I'm the leader," Atticus interrupts, I roll my eyes as subtly as possible.

"There won't be a negotiation. You call the shots but I don't think it's necessary." Atticus' expression sours and knowing he doesn't like this makes me feel a bit better. Let him be the one left out for once.

"We'll see. What's the rest doing?"

"Nothing?" Layla suggests hopefully, earning a smile from Xander.

"We could go to a bar. An actual bar at night like old times," Sorin adds.

"You guys figure it out while we talk about the meeting later.


"Finally!" I exclaim when I plop down on the barstool next to Layla.

The sun has set behind the mountains what feels like hours ago and Xander, Calista, Atticus, and I just now got out of the meeting. Yep, Atticus decided he was a vital part of the meeting meanwhile all he did was annoy the shit out of me. Every time anyone mentioned my part in the battle, he insisted it wasn't safe. Each responsibility given to me, he tried to argue, saying I'm not the only person in this team and that we should divide the work evenly. I tried to keep my cool and stay professional but couldn't keep myself from snapping at him at one point. The leader was less annoying from that point on.

As for the plan, there's not much. The troops are technically ready but we've decided to stay here until a good plan has been set in stone. That means we get more nights in an actual bed, yay. Xander and the general have kind of been playing with the idea of marching into the capital invisible, saying Atticus and I might be able to come up with enough strength to do it together. Other than the fact we've never tried to combine our powers, their kind of clashing and all, there's the problem of the amount of time that would take. If we started concealing everyone at the border of the first small village, we'd have to hold on to that for several days and nights. The idea has therefore been shut down. None of us liked the plan to move in one smaller group at a time. The situation in the capital is too unstable and dangerous. Several groups of Durgodan tourists would be anything but subtle and we can't risk losing soldiers before the actual fight.

To sum it up, we've done nothing more than agree on what we can't do.

In the end, we started playing around with the idea of sending small teams from different directions so we could meet up near the capital and try to move invisibly the rest of the way. I hate the idea of having to waste my energy before the fight even starts but we'll see if it even comes down to that.

Now, my biggest worry is fixing myself a drink as fast as possible.

As if hearing my thoughts, Layla orders us a round of drinks. I tip the amber liquid back at once, ignoring the stunned look on the barkeeper's face, and order a second one.

"That great?" the girl beside me asks.

"Not gonna talk about it," I mumble back before tipping back my second drink. Then I decide to check out the bar we're in. I notice the remaining rebels are sitting at one of the tables near the wall. While they all seem to be enjoying themselves, joking and laughing, Atticus' eyes keep finding mine. Figures. I look to his right to see Sorin lean heavily on Xander while he seems to be explaining something. He definitely has a head start on the drinks but Xander only seems amused by it. He's quite handsome when he smiles like that.

Dumb brain. Stop it!

I might need another drink. Layla is looking around the bar in an easy matter, bobbing her foot to the music the live band's playing. I'm no music expert since I've rarely seen an instrument in my life, certainly not one intact, but there are some strings and one big chunk of wood with keys that takes up most of the back of the bar. Whatever it is, my ears approve.

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