Chapter 54

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"Your dad's the head of the fucking guard? All this time you had ties to a person so high up in the hierarchy and you never mentioned it to me?" I snap, glad for the excuse to relieve some of my pent-up emotions. Besides, I'm so sick of feeling left out. Might be my fault, yes, but still.

"I haven't talked to my father in years. I'm sure you know that." It's true. I know her and Atticus' father was abusive and responsible for their mother's death just as well as I know the siblings ran from home years ago. Nonetheless, I get the unreasonable urge to yell at her so I don't have to think about what else I learned from the conversation. They have my dad. I don't know what to do with that information.

"I should try to let us hear the conversation between the rest of our group and the mayor," I say curtly.

"Rei, about your dad-" Naiara tries to speak but I cut her off. The last thing I need is a forced heart-to-heart with these people. We have more important things to do.

"I need to focus." The room goes quiet and I try to ask the shadows for a favor once more. Please, I think. Let us hear how the meeting is going.

Nothing happens for a long time but finally, the shadows at the feet of my companions seem to deepen once more. This time, they don't stick to simply covering the ground but start engulfing me once more. I only just have time to place my hand on Layla's shoulder before the scene around me changes. All four of us are "present", as far as you can call it that but I'm not sure whether that's because Layla is touching her two friends and me or because we were all in the same room. Since I don't want to take any risks, I don't pull away from Layla.

"Interesting. I have heard of you, of course. We get the journals from the capital even up here. You have stirred up quite some emotions amongst my citizens." The man speaking sits at a large table opposite the three rebels while the man we've met before along with a woman stand at each of his sides. I'm going to go ahead and assume he's the mayor. He's clearly the oldest person in the room. His grey-streaked hair is thinning at the top, his clothes seem to be struggling to stretch over his round belly but his beady eyes hold a glint that tells you not to mess with him.

"I hope we caused you no trouble? It was our intention to raise awareness of the struggles our government ignores, if not causes them itself," Xander replies smoothly. I'm not at all surprised by how easy this comes to him.

"Of course not. I've been hoping to meet you eventually, in fact. Tell me, what brings you to Durgoda?" the mayor replies with a chuckle.

"We were hoping to find ourselves an army," Calista says. At that, the mayor blinks.

"Big plans, have we? You wouldn't be dragging my city into civil war now, would you?"

"You must have heard of governor Ianira's death by now. This nation is dying and the people in charge are tyrants who sit back and do nothing. We're going to change that," Atticus says, his voice nearly humming with authority which makes the mayor sit up straighter in his chair. His guards behind him look ready to attack.

"You admit to having murdered a governor and dare to talk to me about treason? Whatever problems you are talking about, I assure you Durgoda is unaffected by them. I, as well as my people, will not help you enforce that silly idea of yours," the mayor declares. The tension in the room thickens and Layla tenses beneath my touch.

"The governor was on her way to your city. I assume that was not to congratulate you on your impeccable leadership. Besides, I assure you this is no silly idea of us but a carefully developed plan that will succeed with or without the help of Durgoda. This is simply a matter of getting to know future allies or enemies." The confidence in Xander's voice is enough to make the old man shift uneasily in his seat. It's a good day to have an empath on our team.

"What even is the plan?"

"Of course, you can't expect us to share the details with you before you've agreed to supply us with what you need," Xander says with a pleasant smile. That just seems to outrage the mayor.

"How do I know this is not a bluff? I couldn't possibly risk war on account of your word," he protests.

"How do we know you have the army we are looking for?" Calista counters.

"Mayor, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you are leaning towards supporting the enemy. It would truly be a shame if our long travel up here would end in disappointment. I like Durgoda, I'd rather not have to remember it a traitor once our plan has succeeded," Atticus interjects. The mayor swallows visibly and I don't blame him. If I didn't know the rebels, I'd be intimidated.

"Now, young man, no need to jump to conclusions. I'm responsible for many people so I must be a little skeptical. What kind of leader would I be would I simply hand out my army to any group of teenagers that asked." He chuckles nervously before going on. "But enough of that. Tell me how you plan on destroying two of the strongest and oldest people alive."

"You have heard stories about what happened to Ianira?" Xander asks.

"One more disturbing than the last." The old man chuckles again before and wipes his hand over his no-doubt sweaty forehead.

"Tell us what you heard," Xander urges him on. Poor mayor, I think. He looks like he's on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"La portatrice di morte. They say she suffocated the governor with black mist and eliminated a whole army in the process. People say she's invincible and untouchable. Immortal, even."

"I'm glad you know all about Reia. After having heard those stories and our conversation I believe we have a deal?" Xander asks with a smile.

"I- but you couldn't mean-" he breaks off, studying the three people opposite him before clearing his throat. "I would like to meet the rest of the group before we finish the negotiations," he finishes. Xander beams.

"Of course!"

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