Chapter 28

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Time crawls by while I have nothing more productive to do than watch the sun follow its daily route over the sky. The Rebels have returned hours ago, happy about the outcome of the meeting. The shadows didn't let me hear anything more after the conversation but the laughter and jokes reaching all the way through the house and into my room told me enough. Meanwhile, I am still laying on my back, staring unfocusedly at the ceiling while trying not to throw up over the knots in my stomach. Why do they have to make it so hard for me? Why can't they be a couple of power-hungry, greedy jerks? I nearly jump out of my skin when a soft knock raps on my door. A second later I'm greeted with the sight of my favorite pair of eyes as Atticus slips into my room and closes the door behind him.

"Everything alright? Why haven't you come downstairs?" He sits down at the foot of my bed while I ungracefully shimmy into a sitting position.

"I was trying to get some rest." I muster up my best smile in an attempt to smooth the fine line of worry between his eyebrows. It works.

"Plans for the night?" he asks with a gleam in his eyes. That alone causes my heart to skip a beat and my skin to heat up.

"I might have something in mind," I tease him, my smile feeling easier on my face already.

"Don't let me interrupt that fine plan of yours. Want me to wake you for dinner?" He's already getting up which in return makes my spirits crumble. Still, I keep a tight leash on my facial expression so I give nothing away. He would ask me what was wrong and I'd either have to lie to him or tell him I don't want to talk about it. Both of these options would ruin what fragile thing is growing between us.

No. Rather cling painfully to this act until he's out of the room. Tonight, I'll see him again and things will be better. There will only be us down there, a few hours where we're not the leader of the Rebels and the bringer of death. Just the two of us, Atticus and Reia.


The days are flying by in a blur and I still can't tell if it's the best time of my life or the worst. I've been meeting up with Atticus in the training room every night since the first one. Just like I'm on my way down there right now. The sun has long since settled and the house has finally quieted down. I retreated to my room early after dinner like I always do, exhausted from the charade I'm keeping up. I don't sleep well and I'm sure the others can tell but I'm careful to act unconcerned when I'm not alone. Only when I'm with a certain dark-haired guy does my heart feel lighter and reality a little more bearable.

I reach the door to the training room without noticing. My heartbeat is picking up in a mixture of nerves and anticipation like it always does. Slowly, I raise my hand to the flat surface of the door and push it open. Before I can even step inside, I'm swept up in a dizzying hug. A startled laugh bubbles from my lips and I quickly cover my mouth with a hand so I don't wake the whole house. When Atticus' arms loosen around me so he can look at me his expression is enough to make me want to swoon. His eyes are bright and awake, full of excitement and something else I can't name. He's this happy to see me.

I'm no idiot, I know our nightly routine must mean something to him as well but the way he shows it clearly for me to see makes me feel happy like nothing else can.

"Hello to you too," I whisper with a smile while moving him back inside the room so we are in private. As soon as the door closes behind me Atticus' lips are on mine. I melt into his touch and let my hands drift over the smooth skin of his arms and up his neck until I can cup his face.

I nearly whine when Atticus pulls away way too soon, making him chuckle against my lips in return.

"I've missed you," he says quietly. His eyes are still shut and our faces are so close I can feel his breath on my skin.

"We've been together all day," I tell him with a breathy chuckle but he shakes his head.

"Not like this. It's never like this with the rest. Besides, you always lock yourself in your room."

"It's not locked." I shrug with a goofy smile on my face.

"Is that an invitation?" he teases me. Enjoying his light mood, I wink unlike myself. Before he can say anything about it, I walk past him until I reach the little couch in the corner. I sink into the comfortable material and let my eyes close for a brief second. When I look back up Atticus is staring at me with a funny look.

"What?" I ask him. He just shakes his head quickly before strolling over, his previous demeanor back in place. He lays down on his back beside me so his head is on my lap. My hands lazily drift through his black hair without my consent but before I can regret it, Atticus closes his eyes and sighs happily. We fall into a comfortable silence.

"What's your favorite color?" he asks out of nowhere. I burst out laughing, causing his eyes to snap open to look at me. "What? What did I do?" He seems to be about to get up so I quickly hold his shoulders down and try to get my laughing under control.

"Nothing. Sorry. It was just so random, I couldn't help it, sorry." At that, he smiles fondly and closes his eyes again.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" he asks after a few beats.

"You want to know my favorite color?" I repeat, unable to keep my amusement from my voice.

"I want to know a lot of things about you, everything, but your favorite color is a start." Even though he can't see it, I'm smiling at him. It's only too tempting to close my eyes and fall asleep with him like this but I couldn't let our time together slip away like that. Instead, I tell him what he wants to know.

I tell him that my favorite color is yellow because it reminds me of the flames my mother used to play with for me as a child. Atticus tells me his is red in return. "It used to be, at least. The last time I saw my grandparents they gave me a red toy which I cherished. That was long before my father killed my mother and red became associated with blood. Does it make me twisted that I still like it? I guess I just never thought about it anymore." I assure him he's not.

We go on like that, asking each other random questions until we're both half asleep and Atticus insists I go to bed.

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