Chapter 19

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I'm going on my first mission today. The little celebration we pulled off was a day ago and now that no one's hung over anymore, I'm being told the plan. I'm proud to announce I didn't have so much as a headache the next morning. I decide to believe my body could've managed that with or without a certain jerk's help. Yes, I'm back to calling him jerk even as I listen to his rumbling voice explaining the plan one last time.

"Yes, I know; stay close to you, don't do anything reckless, and don't reveal myself or my powers under any circumstances. Stop worrying," I tell him.

"Do you understand how important this is? If they find out you're here they'll come for you. We'd all be a target," he insists.

"I know," I mumble. You have no idea how many times he's told me that.

"Alright Atticus, I think you've sucked enough fun out of this whole thing already. It's her first mission, I'm sure it'll be fine," Xander cuts in. I look at him gratefully and he smiles back. I haven't forgotten what they did on my second test but it helps no one if I keep holding a grudge. If they can accept me into the group, I can act pleasant enough.

We check a few things before we leave the headquarters.

It feels like forever since I've last been out in these streets and my powers make themselves known at my excitement. Right on time since I'm supposed to turn myself invisible today. We're just going to some bar to gather information from guards.

Atticus stops before opening the door of our destination. He's the only one that can see me in this state so he nods once at me. Then he takes my hand and turns invisible as well.

I wonder if he sees me like I see him when we're like this. His skin shimmers almost iridescent and there seems to be white mist surrounding him. I know to the others he's completely gone as they stare right through him now.

Xander opens the door and the two of us walk inside between our companions. I should feel on edge being surrounded by this many guards but all I can focus on is Atticus' hand in mine. His skin seems unreasonably hot and the warmth is spreading all the way to my chest.

Focus! I tell myself. This is my first mission, my chance to prove myself. I won't mess this up.

The group spreads out into the room and Atticus takes me with him to the far corner. We listen to a booth of middle-aged guards as they talk about getting a certain job.

The longer I listen the more adds up. By the time they get up and leave I'm fairly certain a team of guards is being prepared to escort one of the governors. They were fighting about whether they'd like to be selected or not. In the end, they decided that Durgoda, the city in the northern mountains would be a sight to see. Good to know people live there. I wasn't aware. It's hard to imagine what a life under such extreme weather must be like. Winter all year? I'd rather eat my favorite finger.

I didn't catch a time or date and by the stern expression on Atticus' face, we're not done yet. I feel my powers slowly draining me but I can keep it up for a while. I'll just continue fantasizing about my bed back at the headquarters.


We stay for what feels like hours but I'm not paying attention anymore, focusing all my energy on staying invisible instead. Atticus besides me looks exhausted as well and I see the other rebels heading for the door. I give Atticus' hand a squeeze and start pulling him after them. His hand hasn't left mine once.

Naiara has just left the bar as the last one but Atticus and I don't make it out as someone bumps into the guy holding my hand. I stumble back as our hands untangle and lose my focus. I turn visible and the guards around me blink a few times.

"It's her!" one of them yells and just like that, all hell breaks loose. Guards start circling me and I can see Atticus being pushed away by the crowd. His jaw is gritted and his skin glistens with sweat as he tries desperately to keep himself invisible. He's too weak to help me, I realize. I look around the bar but all the other members have already left. Godsdamit! Why couldn't my first mission just go smoothly?

"What are you waiting for? Get her!" someone from the back yells. I square my shoulders and plaster my best psychotic smile on.

"Yes, boys. Come on," I mock them as I play with some black mist in the palm of my hand. They hesitate. "Oh don't be scared. I'll make it quick." I make the darkness shoot towards one of the guards closest to me and he jumps back, causing a domino reaction of falling men in the back. I let the darkness shrink back towards me. I'm too tired to fight all of them but maybe I could bluff my way out of here.

"Tell you what, guys. I'm feeling generous so I'll let you live if you get out of my way. Fair warning, I'm not patient," I tell them with feigned calmness. My heart is racing but they don't need to know.

Some of these cowards start backing away and I'm about to bolt when hands suddenly grab my hands in a painful grip. Others wrap around my throat from behind and I can feel a cool blade against my spine. Merda!

"This isn't fun," I try to play it cool and act as if this were boring me but my throat is dry and my chest tight. At least my power is growing stronger.

There was a whole lot of talk about protecting each other from the rebels. Funny how I see none of them helping me right now. Even Atticus seems to be gone. Great, they abandoned me.

I'm reminded of my brother and push the pain aside to make space for anger. A whole lot of godsdamn anger. My darkness is speaking to me, calming me, hushing me. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and release it.

I hear desperate gasps around me and a door hitting the wall. I open my eyes and they land on six pairs of wide ones as the rebels now stand in the doorway. Atticus snaps out of it first.

"Reia, stop it." It's not a request, it's an order. I'm confused for a moment before I feel fingers grabbing for my legs. I look down to see a guard desperately trying to inhale air he can't seem to get. My eyes drift to his right. All around the floor lay dying guards.

I don't understand what is happening. I'm still calm, out of touch with the scene evolving around me. My power is holding the reins and I am simply an onlooker.

Then a hand touches my arm lightly and I snap out of my trance. The guards stop choking and collapse tiredly. Atticus is speaking to me, still holding my arm, but I can do nothing more than follow the guards' lead and let my legs give out from underneath me. Now that my energy has receded, I feel utterly drained.

I don't hit the ground as expected. I'm flying, I think. I look up through heavy eyelids to see familiar pale eyes staring back.

"You came back?" I whisper, barely conscious. The last thing I see before I give into the darkness are the furrowed eyebrows of the man whose arms I'm in.

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