Chapter 40

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My mind is hyper-focused on the Rebels crowding together nearby. Are they all alive? Are they watching? What are they thinking? What do I want them to think? The whispers control my body and I tell myself that's all that counts. I don't care about any of these people. The only reason I'm here is to kill the governor myself. To get revenge for my brother.

The days since I left the Rebels have passed in a blur. I don't remember anything until at some point I killed a man behind a tavern. No idea how I found him but he was one of the guards that were in my village the day my brother turned away from me. He told me they brought him to the capital for questioning. That's all the stranger knew.

My powers handled everything and I'm pretty sure the only thing that I decided was the questions we needed answered. How we got the results was none of my concern. Nothing was.

I found people that could tell me more though it was harder to get them to spill. Seems their fear of the lovely governor Ianira is just as powerful as the one of me. I'm here to change that.

Other than that I can recall one other moment. I'm not sure about the reason for that action but I'm not proud of it.

I'm ripped back to reality when I feel a shock of pain in my lower back. Another arrow. I'm screaming or at least wincing from all the wounds I've gotten tonight already but my powers won't let my weakness show. With a quick motion, they send more darkness into the general direction of the attack without tearing my eyes from Ianira. I can hear the pained sounds from whoever was behind me but don't have it in me to feel bad. I don't feel a single thing when my powers tuck me behind them like this.

"Look at you, the mighty governor bound to Fraus pathetically dying at my feet. Let them see, come on," my darkness whispers while a cruel smile takes over my expression. I don't want to smile but I won't try to fight my powers. It's not worth the cost.

A carpet of darkness gathers underneath the dying woman. I watch as the last fibers connect and Ianira gets carried off the ground. She floats higher and higher until she stops where everyone can see her.

"The days of the governor's rule are coming to an end. Run and spread the word before I change my mind!" I yell into the dead silent night just as Ianira stills and crumples. I let her lifeless body drop to the ground and the guards take that as their cue to run as I advised. They are pushing each other as they fight to mount their horses which clearly don't want to be mounted.

My darkness reels in the chaos and fear. Meanwhile, I struggle to stay upright, feeling just how much blood has already drained from my body. I'm cold, have been for days but not like this, and my knees are shaky as they try not to buckle beneath me. If I fall now, the guards might notice. They'll kill me. Unless I bleed out first.

A shock of horror filters through to me, followed by relief. There's nothing holding me here except my darkness. It doesn't want to die, it wants to rise above all others and inflict pain. It's still hungry for destruction. I'd be fine with dying any day now.

The last guards are growing tinier and tinier in the distance when I finally can't take it anymore. I fall to the ground in a heap and allow my eyes to close, content. It's over now. I'll see my family again. I'll go home.

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