Chapter 29

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"I'll just ask now, what is going on between Reia and you?" I burst out after entering Atticus' room. We've just had dinner together and Reia's emotions nearly made it impossible for me to eat. For nearly three weeks her worry, guilt, and confusion have been building up into an unbearably heavy cloud around her. She doesn't let on that anything is bothering her and I've kept my quiet but enough is enough.

I've noticed stolen glances between our leader and her for about that same amount of time so I figured that's what's worrying her. Maybe she's scared of getting caught? She should relax then because that train has left the station. Layla is livid every time she looks at the poor girl but Atticus could talk to her. Especially with our next mission being tomorrow we need her in the right headspace.

"I assume you can feel what," he answers calmly, a small smile playing on his lips. Right, while Reia's emotions are rather messy, Atticus has been feeling only good things. I can sense the spark of excitement each time he looks at her. Not only that but something else is brewing within him. Something deeper I've never felt from this man before.

"Yes, I know you guys are together or something, your nightly rendezvous are not as subtle as you might think. I'm talking about the reason our little Oscurina has been feeling more stressed by the day. I want to know why so we can solve it and she can focus again." His face darkens a fraction and I can feel worry creeping up on him.

"I thought something was wrong but I have no idea what it's about. She's happy when it's just the two of us but as soon as we join the group something seems to be weighing her down. I've tried asking her about it but she just brushes me off." I think this over while he seems to get lost in his own thoughts.

"Maybe it bothers her that you two are, well, trying to hide it. Maybe she doesn't want to be your secret," I wonder out loud.

"Don't you think that has crossed my mind? I told her there was no reason for us to keep our whatever-this-is in the dark but she's the one insisting on it. She says she's not comfortable with public displays of affection and she doesn't want to make this everybody else's business. "This is for us", she said, "only us". It has to be something else."

"Maybe the nearing mission? What if she's scared something goes wrong and we'll abandon her again?" Atticus winces at my words ever so slightly.

"We never abandoned her," he insists.

"To her we did."

"Then we'll prove to her that she has nothing to worry about. She's part of the family and it's time she starts believing it."

"It would help if the others started treating her as such. Your sister insists on glaring daggers at her any chance she gets, Naiara still feels bad about the last mission and barely talks to her and Sorin is giving her a hard time. He doesn't trust her."

"I know," Atticus says tiredly. The effect this conversation has already had on my friend makes me choose my next words carefully.

"There's something else. They're no fans of your relationship with Reia. They say you're always tired and less focused. You're losing sight of our goal."

"I'm not losing sight of anything!" he says defensively.

"I'm just telling you what they're thinking. Don't take it out on the messenger."

"Don't expect me to be thrilled to hear that my family doesn't support me. I get to be happy and still be a good leader."

"We want you to be happy, A."

"Not the way you do for Naiara and Calista." I sigh, knowing he is right.

"Give them time. They'll get on board. Until then, make sure our secret weapon is ready for tomorrow. And please be careful, A, death still hangs over her like a coat."

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