Chapter 17

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Do you want to know when we knew we fucked up? It was when Atticus took us outside so he could yell at us without disturbing Reia. She's currently locked in her room.

"Just to recap, you tricked me and went behind my back to perform the second initiation test without me?" It's not a question so the rest of us stay silent as he continues his rampage. "Not just that but you forced her even though she clearly told you she didn't want to do it." I see Sorin and Layla glaring at Naiara.

We all know she told Atticus what happened as soon as Reia disappeared into her room. I don't blame her since I know she wasn't on board in the first place. I can feel the guilt coming off of her. Of all of us, to a certain point.

She's staring at her feet sadly, Layla and Sorin square their shoulders and Calista silently takes the lecture. She knows it's less than we deserve. I'm standing here in a daze, still shaken up by what I felt through Reia mere hours ago.

"The alternative would've been to kill her. Would you have preferred that?" Sorin challenges our seething leader. He grits his teeth but stays quiet. "Of course not. That's why we did it without you, we knew you couldn't have done it," he adds.

"Might as well have killed her since there's no way she'll join us now. Thanks to you. You're lucky she hasn't killed you already," Atticus snaps back. "When will you people understand that we need her!"

"She never used to be part of the plan. I still say we kill her, now more than ever. Just look at Xander!" Layla gestures to me and Atticus looks at me. He usually tries to comfort me for every little thing but he doesn't try to now. His eyes stay cold as they take me in. I wince.

"That wasn't normal," I say quietly. Never have I felt that kind of constant panic and pain and none of us have had pretty pasts. Performing the ritual hurt me to the point I nearly let go and blacked out. That would have left two mentally disturbed shells of people so thank the gods I pulled through. Even though I wanted it to stop as much as Reia, for her and my sake.

"So now we kill people for having shitty pasts? Get in line then, all of you." Atticus waits for his words to settle in, then goes on. "She stays, she'll pass the last test in a few weeks and all of you will stop acting like children and help make her give us a chance. Voluntarily."

No one interjects, even though I can feel the defiance and displeasure of A's sister and our hothead.

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