Chapter 52

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The day seems to have started for the citizens of Durgoda not long after Rei settled down a few feet away from us. More laughter is heard even this early in the morning, confirming what Reia pointed out earlier. Being surrounded by these people makes me realize how terrible the mood of the Rebels, or the capital in general, has been. I feel more energized than I have since I can remember and am itching to get on with our mission.

"I think it's time to find out who runs this place," I say so suddenly my friends jump. We'd fallen into a tired silence and I guess my friends were falling asleep but we don't have time for that. Besides, staying in the cold any longer could end terribly. While the people of Durgoda seem to be perfectly accustomed to the cold, our bodies are not. Therefore, having a diplomatic talk somewhere inside seems like a brilliant idea right now.

"Yeah, you're right. You're right," Atticus mumbles as he gets to his feet. "Rei, we're leaving!" She gets up without looking at him and comes our way.

I don't know what exactly happened at the top of the cliff but things seem more tense between our leader and Reia ever since. They still understood each other without speaking and if I had to guess, I'd say Reia doesn't like that. Atticus has been feeling more hopeful but I still can't get an insight into the girl's emotions.

Naiara's outburst seems to have eased the tension between the other rebels and Reia. Her and me? I have no idea. I stick with what I said, I want to make things right and the urge to protect her is still as strong as ever. Yes, I know Reia can take care of herself when it comes to physical encounters but that's not what I'm talking about. I've been watching her enough to know that going at this rate, she'll snap or break eventually. I'm determined to figure out how to help her before that happens but it's not like we get a lot of breaks on this mission. She'll have to hang in there for a while longer.

While I was lost in thought, my friends gathered around me.

"Where do we start?" Calista asks.

"We could just ask someone?" Layla proposes.

"They might not get many visitors. I think we should try not to expose ourselves as tourists too quickly," Reia protests.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but one look at us is enough to know we don't belong here."

"Sorin's right. I say we go with Layla's plan. We could try to catch someone in a more private alley so if things escalate, we could take care of it and no one would have to know," Atticus adds but winces when he realizes how that must've sounded. "I don't mean kill but Xander could pay attention to their reaction to us and we could figure out a better way to do it if anything goes wrong."

"Yes, because jumping someone in a deserted alley is the way to make friends. Especially if it's a group of strangers trying to talk to a single person," says our loyal optimist Reia.

"I hate to say it, but I agree with Rei." Some time ago, I would have thought a comment like that from Layla could only come off as malevolent but the girl actually smiles softly. She's nervous as she anticipates Reia's reaction but this is definitely a turn for the better. When the other girl nods ever so softly in Layla's direction, the rest of us seem to breathe a little easier. No idea when we've all become so attuned to Reia's every move but at this point we all just want things to get better. Even Sorin, and who would have thought that?

"Any other ideas?" Atticus asks.

"A bar? That way we could warm up and find someone to ask," Calista says.

"You want to talk to people that are in a bar at this hour?" Rei huffs.

"Not that kind of bar, Sweetheart. In the capital, bars are open around the clock but they change with the time of day. In the morning you can grab non-alcoholic beverages with fresh pastries, lunch you can eat something warm and at night it's a typical bar, you know?" I explain but from the expression on her face, I'm guessing she doesn't know. She looks dumbfounded for a sec but recovers and shakes her head slightly.

"Fancy. Where I'm from bars are open around the clock as well. Some people actually use it as a place to live but you could only stay as long as you ordered drinks. Not many had money to stay for long and the ones who did, well, you know how that turns out." She's wearing a far-away expression and I wonder what she's thinking about exactly.

Did she try to do that once? Probably not since she's unmarked and I doubt anyone would have served her. That as well as I don't think she would have wanted her brother in such a place. Not that I know anything about her brother but it's best for me not to think about him at all. Not when I'm feeling as easy as I am now.

"From the look of it, this city is likely to have the fancy kind of bars. I say we start over there since a few people just left with food." Calista motions to one of the smaller buildings at the edge of the park. When no one speaks any objections, we head for the place.

First off, it was a relief to find out the Durgodans and we speak the same language even if the accents may be slightly different. Second, it turns out we shouldn't have worried so much since the people here have been very helpful so far. Without having had to explain much, a waitress at the bar told us where to find the mayor's office. After a quick breakfast, which consisted of the most delicious pastries, might I add, our group was off to pay the mayor a visit.

This is going well. Finally, I thought as we step into the tall building, we deserve easy for once.

I should have known better than to jinx it.

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