Chapter 59

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Some time and drinks later I'm comfortably relaxed and in a good mood. Layla left me to sit with her family at one point but only after I assured her it was fine. I truly don't mind hanging around the bar alone, no matter how bad that sounds.

"Hey, pretty woman. Are you new here?" a guy approaches me. I'd usually be about ready to hurt the imbecile for saying something so lame but this man is keeping an appropriate distance from me which I appreciate.

"Does that ever work?" I laugh, just a little. It feels nice to do that.

The stranger smiles and my eyes move to his mouth of their own accord. Nice teeth. I've never seen teeth this straight and clean where I'm from. I raise my eyes again before I come off as a creep, noticing that the rest of his features are just as fine.

"I own the bar," he says, smiling brighter after no doubt having realized he's just been checked out.

"Huh?" What were we talking about again?

"I've never seen you here and I know most of my customers, that's why I asked," he clarifies patiently. Skies, I want to stick my head in the nearest hole. This is why I've never talked to people, I think. Okay, maybe it has a different background, mostly me being unmarked, but whatever.

"Right, sorry. Yes, you could say I'm new here." I hope my cheeks aren't as red as they feel. Please, gods, if you're around here somewhere, please.

"My name is Fabio." He sticks out his hand for me to shake with a smile on his face. So far, no alarm bells have gone off so I won't chase him away just yet.

"You can call me Ann." It's my mother's name. I'm not sure why but it's the name I used to say whenever a stranger asked. Not that the name of an unmarked girl carries any weight at all in this world but I never wanted to hear my name out of their mouths with whatever slurs they might say next. It gave the insults more power so I decided to play it safe.

"Pleasure to meet you." The two of us keep talking easily as he makes up for my lack of social skills. We help ourselves to a few more drinks all the while I'm feeling a different set of eyes burning into my back. No doubt beautiful grey ones, I don't have to turn around to know that. Just like I couldn't care less. Let him glare at me all he wants. I'm genuinely laughing for a change.

The music keeps getting louder as the bar gets more crowded. "Do you want to get out of here?" Fabio asks at one point. That's how you get murdered, by walking off with a stranger. I'm aware of that and past me would have turned him down but present me is more than capable to take care of herself. Besides, I truly don't get sketchy vibes from the beautiful stranger next to me so what's the harm?

The reason that might seal my decision ultimately is the attention from Atticus I'm still painfully aware of. I place my hand in Fabio's and let him pull me towards the exit. I don't mind, having been in that stuffy bar for long enough.

As I step out a different hand wraps itself tightly around my other wrist. I whirl around to finally meet Atticus' stare. Oh, he's pissed. I'd laugh would he not be killing my mood.

Atticus turns away from me to look at Fabio who looks about ready to fight this stranger off.

"Leave," Atticus snaps at him.

"Get your hands off her," Fabio shoots back. Cute how he's trying to defend me but it's really not necessary. I try to tug my wrist free but Atticus' grip tightens. I stop trying only for the sake of not making a scene in front of Fabio. Atticus doesn't share my sentiment and starts gathering light in his free hand.

"I won't repeat myself," he says more forcefully while the other man's eyes stay glued to his hand before he looks back at me, suddenly a lot less confident.

"Go," I say before rolling my eyes and looking back at Atticus who, by the way, still hasn't let go of me.

"You're welcome," he says through gritted teeth. He's joking.

"Thank you for ruining my good time." His jaw clenches impossibly harder.

"You didn't really want to leave with him. You just did it to torture me." I laugh in his face.

"Oh please! You don't know what I want." I let my words sink in for a beat before going on. "Maybe I wanted to go home with him." I lower my voice. "Maybe I wanted his hands all over me, touching me and making me feel so good," I say as I look him dead in the eyes.

"You didn't."

"How would you know?" I challenge him.

"I know you, Reia. No matter how hard you try to deny it," he insists.

"And I can stand looking at you," I sneer. "Now we've both stated false facts." I watch the doubt creep up on his face before his features harden. We can't have that though, can we? Right now, I really want to see his façade shatter. "You're pathetic, Atticus. And you won't ever have me again, mind, heart, or body. Do you understand?" I rip my hand out of his grip successfully since his hand is no longer like a steel band around my arm. By the time the guy's head has caught up to everything I'm already halfway down the street. Skies, I'm glad I have my room key with me.

"Where are you going?" Atticus yells as he starts catching up with me. Mind you, I did have quite something to drink so let's blame the fact that Atticus was at my side in the blink of an eye on that.

"Back to my room since you decided to cockblock."

"Stop saying stuff like that. You wouldn't have slept with him," Atticus protests while shaking his head. Seeing that alone makes me dizzy.

"Oh, but there was a pretty good chance I would've."

"No, you wouldn't have."

"Atticus, why not?" I ask while raising my voice. Why is he even here? What I'm doing is none of his business.

"Because it's wrong," he snaps back.

"Why is wanting to be close to someone wrong? Why is it wrong for me to just crave some physical attention after so long?" I yell, leaving him stunned. I guess he wasn't expecting such a sincere answer. Hell, I wasn't expecting it but it's true. I'm so desperate to feel the warmth spread deep within me that I might've slept with Fabio in an attempt to get it back. No matter how slim the chances of it happening were since only one person has ever made me feel that way.

Without realizing it, Atticus and I have arrived in front of my door. Before I insert the key, my eyes find his. Suddenly, the familiar feeling of an unmovable power forcing me closer to him awakes inside me. I want to fight it, knowing this is wrong. I want to but I can't. He seems to come to the same conclusion since he meets me halfway when I wrap my arms around his neck and crash my lips on his. His arms wrap around my waist so tightly there's not an inch between us while my hands bury themselves in his hair.

He pushes me up against the wall while taking the key from me and unlocking the door, all without breaking the kiss. We stumble inside the room, close the door behind us and end up on the bed in a flash. Our kiss is hungry and intense as his hands desperately start moving over my body. He tries to pull me closer while I push him further onto me. I tug on his hair, not sure whether I want to hurt or make him feel good but the groan it causes sends a new wave of warmth through my body so I don't care.

I tug his shirt off and trace his muscular back with my hands once more. Skies, I love the feeling of his warm skin beneath my touch. In no time, more clothes litter the floor and bed around us. I'm about to reach for him, too lost in the sensation to think about the consequences. All that exists right now is our heavy breathing and the need to have him inside me again.

"Say you trust me," Atticus says as he pulls his lips from mine for the first time since we entered the room. I try to connect them with mine again, afraid the bubble we're in will burst will pop if I don't but he doesn't let me. "Say it, Reia," he begs.


Will she say it?

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