Chapter 13

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"Remind me again why we're here," I say as Xander leads me down the stairs that lead below the house. We basically end up in a high-ceiling room the size of the whole house upstairs. The lights are dimmed and there's a single chair in the middle of the room. The sight makes my nerves act up.

"It's your first test. We'll find out how well you work under extreme conditions. That's the first part of it." I do not like the sound of that.

"You'd better stop speaking so cryptic. What do I have to do?"

"Just answer my question."

"Wh-" My question gets stopped short as all the lights suddenly turn off. I suppose I should feel safe in the darkness since it's part of me but skies if my heart isn't racing in my chest. It's so dark in here I can't even see my own hands in front of my face.

I can't hear a single sound but there's suddenly a weight against my back and I fall to the ground. I scramble backward, not sure who or what pushed me to the ground.

"Xander?" I yell, my voice shaky. There's no answer.

I try to get back up but I'm too disoriented and fall back to the ground. My tailbone protests at my second contact with the hard floor.

"This is a shitty test!" I yell. Then there's such a loud scream ringing through the empty room I can't hear my own thoughts, even after covering my ears with my hands. What the hell is this? I narrow my eyes to get my eyes to adapt but to no avail. I see no indication of light, no silhouette, nothing. I get back to my feet.

"Boring, do it again!" I goad them. As long as something is happening I know I'm not alone. I can deal with that. There's a whisper to my right but when I turn in the direction I get pulled back by my hair. Pulled by my hair... I feel my body trying to curl up on a ball and my mind is telling me to run. Rough hands in my hair... My body starts shaking uncontrollably and my knees feel weak but I fight it. I am not helpless. I'm not back there. Nothing can hurt me.

Power starts surging through my veins as hot, white anger replaces my fear.

"Do that again!" I scream, daring them to give me a reason to suffocate them with my darkness.

"What do you answer when no question is involved?" I recognize Xander's voice but I couldn't tell you what direction it came from if my life depended on it.

His question leaves me dumbfounded and I'm not prepared when two scorching hot hands wrap around my throat. I want to scream as the smell of my burnt skin reaches my nose but I'm being held too tightly to make a sound. The touch only lasts a few seconds at most but I don't think I've ever felt such physical pain. Siron, I realize. That fucker burnt me.

"I dare you to try that when I can see you, bitch!" I yell, ignoring the immense pain I feel when I move my jaw. What the hell is this? I ask myself. "Just answer my question," Xander had said. His question... Something about a question... Dammit, I didn't pay any attention to his stupid question. No question...

I'm deep in thought when I get pushed again but I don't make a sound when I hit the ground this time. I silently get back to my feet and prepare myself for the next attack, still trying to jog my memory.

What do you question but there's no answer? No, that's not quite right.

Another unbearable scream bounces off the walls but I force myself to stay still.

Come on! When's there no answer to a question? I feel like I'm getting closer but I know I am not right yet.

Delicate hands push hard against my chest this time but I push back. My hands land on a pair of shoulders and I push back. I hear a curse but don't go after the person. Just answer the question. Answer... answer...

"A letter! What do you answer but is not a question: a letter!" I say loudly.

The light turns on and I need to shut my eyes tightly. "Merda!" I curse. When I finally open my eyes I see all the six rebels standing before me. Naiara looks at me apologetically and I instantly realize it must have been her screams. The other members look indifferent and I lock eyes with Siron.

Atticus is staring at my neck which I'm sure is pulsing red. I can't pinpoint his thoughts but he doesn't seem pleased. His tense jaw tells me as much.

"That took long," Layla says and I narrow my eyes at her. I want to see her do it. I'm pretty sure she didn't have to go through any tests to become a member seeing as she is the leader's sister. Maybe I should tell him that that means nothing. I shove the thoughts about my little brother away like I've done ever since he left and straighten my back.

"The end was rather impressive," Xander tells me with a smile. Oh, how I want to shove that right up his- deep breath...

"And I guess Siron has already started with the second part of the test," he adds, staring at the skin below my chin.

"If the second part is as fun as the first you can count me out. I'm not going to let you play me for a fool."

"You have to pass all three tests to become a member."

"Tough. Last time I checked, you want me in the group, not the other way around," I remind them.

"The second part is quicker and I think you'll have no problem with it," Xander says, ignoring my comment.

"What is it?" I ask suspiciously. He simply nods to the chair in the room. The chair with chains attached to the side.

"You're joking, right? You think I'll let six strangers tie me to a chair?" I laugh at them.

"I wish I could tell you we won't hurt you but that would be a lie. The second part of the test is making sure you wouldn't rat us out if you were captured by an enemy," Xander explains.

"So what, you're going to torture me to see if I'd break?" I think about this. Would I suffer to protect them? I want to say no but I know my answer is slowly changing. Truth is I don't want to leave here. I have nothing other than this, even if this is just becoming a chess piece to a group of strangers.

I silently walk over to the chair and sit down, then look at them expectantly.

"You're letting me wait now? Really?" I challenge and they start moving. Calista and Layla vanish behind a door I have only yet noticed while the others come closer.

Sorin is smiling, Atticus is wearing his mask of indifference, Xander seems reluctant and Naiara looks straight up pained. I decide now that I'll spare her if it comes to killing the group.

The two girls come back into the room with some kind of table. They place it behind me so I can't see it. Brilliant.

"We stop when you tell us to or you pass out. You succeed only when the second option occurs. Oh, and we won't let you die, don't worry." I'm really starting to reconsider my fondness for Xander. Right about now I don't like his chances of making the spare list.

"Let's get this over with."

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