Chapter 25

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I'm sitting in a shabby cell guarded by three men and with the shackles still in place. I'm pissed, hurt, and scared. Great, huh?

I've been here for two shift changes for the guards. That added to the ride here equals too fucking long. I keep thinking maybe my newfound, so-called family will eventually show up to save me. So far, they've had more important things to do it seems.

Whatever, fuck them anyways. It's embarrassing how many times I've already turned a blind eye when they hurt me and it's even worse knowing I'd go right back to them if I ever got out of here. I don't love my chances of that though, so maybe we'll be fine.

On the bright side, I've heard some of the guards discussing the governor's departure. They said it was scheduled to happen in four weeks from now and I also picked up it's going to be governor Ianira, the one bound to Fraus. I'll certainly not miss her once she's dead. Honestly, someone "gifted" by the goddess of deception and fraud leading a nation? Who's idea was that? I just want to talk.

Also, have I mentioned that I heard the guards' leader ordering someone to send the fastest bird to the capital to announce my capture? Yeah, that happened. That was right before I had a little chitchat with the boss. It was just the usual; him saying how much he regretted not having more time for me since he's busy planning what he'll spend all the money I'll earn him on. I told him to crawl in a hole and die. He said he had a hole he wanted to get inside in mind and I threatened him again as my last meal crawled up my throat. Therefore, if the Rebels plan on getting me out of here, I recommend them hurrying the fuck up.

I'm reading over the makeshift goodbye letter I carved into the cell's floor when I hear a gasp cut short by one of my guards. I look up in time to see all three men just drop dead. One of them falls in my direction and I see his clouded, white eyes. I've never seen anything like it before, it looks as though he just turned blind.

The door on my cell rattles and I tear my eyes away from the dead man. My heart seems to deflate in relief as I recognize all six members of the rebels working on my lock. The door swings open and they burst inside the cramped space. It is definitely too tight for this.

Naiara launches herself at me and starts mumbling apologies. I let her hug me. Then I catch sight of familiar grey eyes some distance behind the other members and pull back. He doesn't look at my face but rather seems to be scanning me for injuries. Then he looks at his feet.

My short friend looks at me worriedly but I don't speak. She was unconscious when her leader made the decision to break his promises and trade me for the rest of them but I still feel the need to put some distance between me and her. I push past the group without looking at them and leave my cell. I feel weak and sensitive.

"What is that?" Xander's words cut through the silence like a knife. He's pointing at the words I'd carved.

"Goodbye letter in case you guys didn't make it in time." Or at all. The silent words hang in the air.

"Fuck you,

And you,

I hope,

You die too.

Or don't,

I'on't care,

Least then I won't

See you there" Xander recites.

I know, I'm a real artist. "Do we have something to worry about when we stay in the same house tonight?" Xander asks in an attempt to lighten the mood. I smile to myself but make sure my voice is even and indifferent when I speak.

"Very much." I continue walking away without a glance back when Calista asks me if I wasn't forgetting something. She's letting the key for my shackles dangle from her finger and smiles smugly. I silently walk back and extend my hands to her, ready to stop feeling so out of it. I'm almost shaking with anticipation now that my powers are so close.

She inserts the key into the hole. The key turns. The shackles fall to the ground at the same time as my head flies back in my neck and my eyes close. My powers are screaming as they wash through my body like a damn tsunami. I've never experienced anything like it.

I hear worried voices around me as my body stays stiff as a board but only answer by letting a crazy laugh spill from my lips. The sound doesn't feel familiar to my own ears but I can't stop it now that it's started coming out.

My posture changes and I bend over my knees, still laughing. There's an inner battle raging within me as my powers and my consciousness fight for dominance. I laugh louder but I don't think it's funny. My powers are taunting me as the rebels keep trying to talk to me. Weak... pushover... pathetic... alone...

No, I think and my eyes fly open. The laugh dies on my lips and I straighten my back.


I look back at the worried faces with a mask of cold indifference.


"Are we leaving or do you want to hang around until the cavalry arrives?" I snap at them.

Always alone.

I arch an eyebrow at the frozen people in front of me and Calista is the first to move. She pulls a reluctant-looking Naiara with her and their family slowly follows. Atticus is still avoiding my gaze determinately but Xander hangs back to study me. I know he sees past my mask, but I keep it up. It's my shield now; I don't care.

He waits until the others have left around the corner before pulling me into a hug. I'm as stiff as a board, not having expected that. I was waiting for a speech or something. Anything but this.

"You're not alone," he whispers sincerely, still holding me tightly. A knot tightens in my throat and I shut my eyes firmly against the prick in my eyes. "We didn't abandon you, Oscurina. We just needed to regain our strength and make a solid plan. We would've never left you here." I bite the insides of my cheeks as my mask crumbles, taking the walls around my heart with it. I shake my head and he pats it softly. "He would've never left you here," he adds as an afterthought. I hug him back fiercely. I know I'm soft, okay? I just really needed to hear this. "Please don't give up on us."

I simply nod my head since there's no way I could speak right now. I pull away first. "Right, let's not get caught," he says with a smile. I know he feels my gratitude so I simply start leaving with him. His friends are already waiting outside and I carefully build my armor back. I'll keep giving them chances but they'll have to earn them.

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