Chapter 11

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"How long have the Rebels existed?"

"So boring," he pouts. "I met Atticus and Layla, his sister, when I was fifteen. We just recruited the rest of the group along the way."

"You said there are tests to pass, what happens if I don't?" He seems to think about the question for a few seconds, choosing his next words.

"You will." So they'll kill me, got it.

"Lovely. Where did you grow up? Did all of you already live in the capital?" Xander laughs and shakes his head.

"Far from it. The siblings are from here, the rest of us come from very different places." He studies me for a moment and decides to go on. "I come from a Village not so different from where I first saw you. I lived there for ten years until my mother married someone with a better place in society. We moved to the capital where Atticus found me later on. Sorin tried to mug us one day three years ago and Atticus decided to take him in. We saved Naiara on one of our missions and Calista found us two years ago."

"What did you save her from?" I ask, too invested in his words to stop myself.

"That is not my story to tell." I nod, understanding. I like his answer. Maybe that means at some point he would keep my stories to himself would I ever tell him.

I'm being stupid again. Of course, I won't confide in him, they need me and I gain from it. That's all this will ever be.

"There haven't been any recruits since then?" I ask. He shakes his head slowly but I can tell he's lying. I wonder what happened with that person but I won't ask. Some stories are too painful to talk about and I'm the last person to push anyone for them.

"Can I ask a question now?" he asks slowly.

"You just did." He doesn't react and keeps waiting for my answer. "You can ask. Doesn't mean I'll answer." I notice how the other group members have stopped talking and are closer to us. They're listening and my guard goes up again. I liked hearing about them but I'm nervous about what Xander will answer.

"We're here," Layla announces and my shoulders relax. Pretty sure I dodged a bullet there.

We enter a house and the scent of warm dishes and spices wafts against my face. We walk through a large room set with occupied tables. A warm glow is cast over the scene of talking and laughing people. I've never seen anything like it.

I follow the group all the way across the room and through a door on the other side of the building. We're on some kind of terrace, also set with tables, and the group sits down at one as if they owned the place. I stay where I am as I try to take in what I'm seeing. How is it possible that miles from here people are starving on the streets while these people live like kings? The clothes of these people alone must be enough to feed my village for months. I want to scream.

"Reia," someone calls me. I've never heard that voice before but when I look at the table of the rebels, I realize it must have been Naiara. That surprises me enough to get me moving. I take the only empty seat and end up between Xander and Sorin and right across from Atticus.

"You come here often?" I ask no one in particular. They all look like I've grown a second head apart from Xander who seems delighted by my interest and Atticus whose expression stays unwavering.

"On special occasions," Xander tells me.

"What's the occasion tonight?"

"You'll have your first test tomorrow so this seemed appropriate." Right, so this is a goodbye dinner in case I fail.

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