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Author's POV:
7th April,10:00 am,the day of the trial
In front of the court,hundreds of reporters gathered again wanting to receive the newest information about Zaire Bankole.

Around the right corner,a black Jaguar made its entrance making the reports nearing themselves to it.The car stopped next to the courthouse's stairs while cops spread around the car so they can protect it and the people in it.

The car stopped next to the courthouse's stairs while cops spread around the car so they can protect it and the people in it

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The chauffeur stepped out of the car gracefully not showing any emotion and walked to the next car door and opened it.

As a woman stepped out of the car,hundreds of camera flashes tried to capture her and hundreds of questions spread around her.

Her door got closed and the chauffeur walked on the other side of the car where the door got opened there.

And within five seconds,a man came out of the luxurious car.He walked over to his partner and when they were standing next to each other,the whole crowd started bombarding them with pictures.

She was Prada suit with a brown Gucci briefcase while her partner in a black Thom Browne suit with a black Yves Saint Laurent briefcase.

She was Prada suit with a brown Gucci briefcase while her partner in a black Thom Browne suit with a black Yves Saint Laurent briefcase

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The main characters walked upstairs with the cops next to them so they can reach the court's main entrance safely while around them the crowd of reporters kept asking questions like"Since when are you two working together?","Does the suspect have ...

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The main characters walked upstairs with the cops next to them so they can reach the court's main entrance safely while around them the crowd of reporters kept asking questions like"Since when are you two working together?","Does the suspect have new two  lawyers now?","Do you think you're going to win with this partnership?

All these questions got avoided by their silence.Both of them reached the top of the stairs,turned around facing all the reporters.

Yana gave Elijah a smiley look,he watched the crowd sharply announcing in French"La liberté est le prix le plus doux!"And they turned around getting inside while behind them thousands of questions appeared.

The trial began and it lasted for good two hours.Yana followed Elijah's tips and tricks trying to convince the judge that Zaire isn't guilty.She also brought up new proves and new evidences.

In between there was a ten minutes break.Yana turned around to Elijah who was sitting on a bench with the public giving him a "Come here" look,he nodded without a hesitation,stood up and walked toward her.

As Elijah approached her,she stood up from the chair and he asked politely when he was in front of her"Are you alright?"Seeing on her face that she's not.

"I don't know,this trial makes me nervous...I don't feel well."She explained having a sick feeling while her breath started becoming heavy catching Elijah's attention.

"It's alright,you got this,ok?Everything will be fine."Elijah tried to courage her,but that didn't help much.

He sighed,"Take the water with you and let's go outside."He suggested handing her the bottle of water from the table behind her.Elijah led her outside.

The reporters were still outside and started throwing questions again,but Elijah stayed with his back toward them,so Yana won't get imitated by them.

After a few deep breaths and a few sips of water,the lawyers went back in the courtroom continuing the trial.

Elijah's POV:
Yana's look told me that she needs me.She recounted me that she doesn't feel well,I suggested to take some fresh air and went outside with her.

I couldn't see myself losing this case not when I know I can't lose it,I put my whole trust and hope in her.

We walked back in the courtroom and the trial continued.

Author's POV:
The trial continued and Elijah couldn't wait for the jury's verdict."We've heard all the important proves and evidences."The judge maintained staring Yana in the eyes directly."My verdict is guilty,but let's wait to see what the jury says."

That sentence made Elijah gulping,even though he looked pretty calm and relaxed.

Yana looked worriedly over to Zaire who's face was made of fury while Elijah moved his head from Yana to Zaire reading their faces.

The important verdict came and it was shocking for everyone.Zaire Bankole was still guilty for his actions.

The verdict let Elijah fall in shock too.

"Thank you,jury for your service today.Court is adjourned!"The jugde exclaimed and left gracefully the courtroom and so did everyone.

Yana and Elijah stood there not doing anything while Zaire got handcuffed by a police officer and everyone was leaving the room.For a moment the whole world stopped for Elijah,everybody around him disappeared for a moment and only he and Zaire where there,throwing themselves sharp looks.

"Mr.Creed?"Yana said breaking that moment."Huh?"He reacted looking at her and suddenly realizing that is time to go."I'll bring you home."Elijah uttered making space respectfully so she can walk in front of him.

As they were walking the small aisle,Zaire passed by scoffing"Salauds."Yana turned around looking at Elijah who's face didn't have an expression.

The reporters outside were waiting for the lawyers to declare something,but they ignored them again and got in the car.

The inspiration for the chapter

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