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Author's POV:
Yana was driving and on the way to her apartment they started having a small talk with each other.

Elijah's mind:
Wonder what Ezekiel wanted from Yana since he just approached her even though he doesn't know her,but how did he even know Yana?

I need to be careful,because I put Yana in danger since he knows that she my "Girlfriend",but I don't think he'll approach her anymore,because he knows he'll be dealing with me.

I was shocked and I still am from the kiss that she gave.I liked her braveness,but mostly her soft lips.

Yana's mind:
Jeez,I feel awkward kissing Elijah suddenly after all we've been through.But I'm not going to lie...he's a good kisser.

Those lips,the cold breath and his hands on my cheeks just killed me completely.

I didn't feel comfortable when Ezekiel approached me and demanded private information and then tried to bribe me.

I was lucky and happy that Elijah helped me getting out of the uncomfortable situation.

Author's POV:
Arrived in front of the building Yana was living,she casually asked,if Elijah wants to join her for dinner.He politely tried to refuse her,but she insisted until Elijah accepted.

They walked into apartment which was spacious enough for two people living in it.

Elijah helped Yana cooking the dinner which was spaghetti Bolognese and after thirty-five minutes,they were done and ate peacefully in the dining room.

Elijah helped Yana cooking the dinner which was spaghetti Bolognese and after thirty-five minutes,they were done and ate peacefully in the dining room

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After dinner,they poured themselves a glass of red wine and chanted.

"Thank you for the dinner!"Elijah sincerely thanked her making Yana smile and said"The pleasure was mine."She uttered looking straight in his eyes.

"And I want to thank you for saving me from Ezekiel."Yana thanked too while Elijah smiled nodding.

A quick silence stroke in the room,"If you don't mind...can I ask you something?"Yana asked politely giving him a pouty look,Elijah nodded seriously.

"Is it hard to be in mafia?"Yana questioned carefully.

Elijah just stared and didn't answer at first and thought about her question until"Well,it depends on the job that you have,but that doesn't mean that the ones on the top have nothing to do,on the contrary they have a huge stress on their shoulders."

Yana nodded a few times trying to understand what Elijah explains.

As he ended explaining,she nodded two more times and asked another question which was"What is your job in the mafia,if I may ask?"

A few seconds passed and he responded"I'm the consigliere of our family...mafia family."

Yana smiled and found it interesting making her having a new question"How comes you're an attorney?"

Elijah tilted his head to the left while crossing his arms replying"Because mafia wasn't really what I wanted.I'm in it because of Alexander,he wanted his sons to be part of and that's what makes Ezekiel angry,because I wasn't Alexander's son."

Elijah stopped and after a few seconds he continued.

"I made a deal with Alexander.I accepted his wish in exchange for letting me study law.After I graduated and my teachers told him and Dominique that I was one of the top student and I'd be a great lawyer which made Alexander being proud of me and so he trusted me more than Ezekiel and named me the consigliere of the family and mafia."

Yana just watched Elijah fascinated and let him continue"After I was named the consigliere,Ezekiel hated me even more and he waited years to become the leader,but nothing really changed,because somehow he trusts me with the position."

He also told her that Alexander didn't want to involve him when he was accused for stealing information and money laundering with Zaire since the case went to the court and it wasn't a mafia matter.

Yana placed her head on the chair's backrest crossing her arms while smiling and loved hearing Elijah's story.

After a few seconds of silence,Yana admitted with sincerity"Alexander made the right decision."And that made Elijah smile.

"What about you?"He wanted to know after a few seconds making Yana raise her head.

She started explaining"Well as you know I want to make justice,plus I took my father as a role model since he's lawyer too.He always wants to serve justice and protect innocent people.He tried to help me with Zaire's case,but I refused...and now I regret,because maybe I'd have win the case with his help in the first case,but I'm competitive and cutthroat and wanted to do it on my own."

At the end of her telling,Yana's expression changed becoming sadness.

"How comes you accepted my help?"Elijah wanted to know crossing his arms."After many sleepless nights because of regret,I just accepted hoping that I'd finally get him out of prison,but I made it worse."Yana confessed honestly.

She looked at Elijah and he remarked her wet eyes,her helpless eyes which demanded affection.

"Come here."He said and gestures while standing up,Yana watched him with a half-opened mouth not knowing what's happening.

He gestured again smiling,Yana stood up and made a step toward him and Elijah wrapped his huge strong arms around Yana's back touching her soft hair with his hands and he laid his head on her left shoulder while she placed her arms on his back gently and her head on his chest feeling his heart beating and enjoying it with closed eyes.

Yana could smell Elijah's cologne which scent calmed her.

After a few seconds he rubbed her back and told her that everything is fine.

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