The devious life of the mafia consigliere Elijah Sinclair Creed is complex.The twenty-seven years old lives in world where he is the only one who can win.Creed's calm temperament is chained in a devious and secretive behavior.With his strategic mind...
Author's POV: It was a windy day in New York City.People were spending their lunch break at restaurants and cafés which meant that Miriam would have her break somewhere too.
"Are you sure we're in the right restaurant?"Sasha asked Elijah while staring at the menu."In the data that Bruno handed me was written that she spends her lunch breaks mostly here."Elijah replied looking at his menu when a waiter approached their table.
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"Have you already decided?"He asked friendly waiting to write their orders down.Elijah removed the menu from his face and stared Sasha.
"What would you like to have,love?"He asked adding a bit of romanticism.Sasha glared the waiter and responded"I'll have the fried chicken with rice and a Cesar salad and a coke,please."
The waiter nodded started writing down when Elijah remarked Miriam entering the restaurant talking to someone on the phone.
"And what would you like,sir?"The waiter questioned,but his question got ignored by Elijah's silence.
"Sir?"He said again,but then Sasha intervened too and brought him back to reality"Love?"He turned his head to Sasha and she asked him"What would you like to have?"
Elijah apologized for not paying attention and ordered"A steak with fries with a coke too,please."The waiter wrote it down and as soon as he left Elijah whispered to Sasha"Miriam is.She sitting right in the middle on third row."
Sasha turned around trying to find her in filled restaurant and remarked Miriam five seconds later who was ordering her lunch while still phoning.
Sasha,Miriam and Elijah received their beverages.
Elijah's eyes were aimed on her the entire time while she was phoning with someone"She doesn't seem upset at all."Elijah mentioned and took a sip of his coke."Maybe they broke up."Sasha tried to guess playing with her napkin.
Their dishes were served and after a few minutes Miriam received hers too.
All three of them were eating when suddenly Miriam stood up with her phone in her hand.
"Excuse me,can you bring the check,please?Something important intervened and I'm in a hurry."She informed a waitress who was passing by,she nodded friendly while Sasha and Elijah watched them.
"We have to go too."Elijah mentioned to Sasha.He quickly took fifty dollars out of his wallet putting it under the plate and let a bit of it to be seen while Sasha got herself ready.
Miriam left while Elijah and Sasha hurried to get behind her.
They were following Miriam on the streets until Elijah realized she was heading to Yana's old workplace.
"Stop her."Elijah requested to Sasha who then separated herself from Elijah and hurried to stop Miriam.
"Ms.Klein."She uttered and tapped her on the back,Miriam stopped and turned around giving Sasha a confused look.
"Ms.Klein,may I have a moment with you?"Sasha asked politely with a smile."Do I know you?"Miriam asked ignoring her question.
Sasha remarked Miriam's stubbornness and took out of her inner blazer pocket a detective badge.
"Detective Campbell,you're under arrest for bribery."Sasha made up so she take Miriam with her."Wait what?"Miriam questioned confused while Sasha took out a pair of cuffs.
"You got the wrong person,Miss."She tried to explain while Sasha cuffed her and meanwhile people started staring.
Sasha conducted Miriam to a black Jeep car which waited at the end of the street.
As the door closed,Elijah turned around from the driver's seat facing Miriam and her eyes widened as she saw Elijah.
"It's nice to see you again,Ms.Klein."He greeted her politely and added a smirk.
Miriam frowned and asked showing no fear"What do you want from me?"
Elijah turned around and started the engine.
"I said,what do you want from me?"Miriam wanted to make herself clear,Elijah looked in the rear-view mirror and responded"You'll see."