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Author's POV:
While everyone tried to escape from the shock they just lived,Elijah walked over to Yana who just stood there not showing an emotion.

"Are you alright,Ms.Claude?"Elijah wanted to know giving her a serious gaze."Yeah,I'm fine,I'm just...shocked."Yana tried to explain staring at Elijah."Bruno will bring you home."Elijah immediately announced."He doesn't need to,I'll just take a cab."She tried to explain picking her Gucci briefcase up.

"Please,I insist,you could be in danger,I know these people."Elijah tried to explain and change her mind."You know these people?"She asked frowning putting an accent on the word "people".

Elijah sighed saying"It's a long story."And then added"But Bruno can protect you,he's my right-hand man."

A few seconds of silence passed."Alright!"She said nodding.Bruno came back and nodded signaling that Jacques and Pierre are on the way.

"Could you please bring Ms.Claude home?"Elijah asked friendly."Of course,sir!"Bruno responded nodding and added a soft smile at the end.

Bruno smiled warmly at Yana and stepped besides making space so she can walk in front.

"It's Yana."She said making three steps until she was next to Bruno."You can call me Yana."She added smiling,he nodded."Good night,Mr.Creed."Yana wished him cutely and walked away and Bruno followed her.

They reached the half of the café when suddenly Elijah said"It's Elijah."Making them both stop,Yana smirked,turned around and saw Elijah with his hands in his pocket standing there gracefully ending his sentence with"You can call me Elijah."

She smirked again,turned around and left.

The police arrived shortly afterward,investigating the place which was completely destroyed.They asked the witnesses a few questions and one of them was also Elijah.

"They must be from the mafia,right?"Ariyon,his best friend who was a policeman wanted to know."Yeah,bet Ezekiel has sent them."Elijah replied looking to his left where the attackers were still lying on the cold floor.

He turned his gaze back to Ariyon who was noting something in a dark blue notebook.

Elijah cleared his throat trying to catch Ariyon attention and spoke"Let me handle it."

Ariyon's gaze moved from the notebook to Elijah and froze for a second by his cold gaze.

"What do you mean?"Ariyon asked confused closing his notebook.Elijah put his hands in his pocket and responded"One of the attackers is still alive,I want you to let me take care of him."

Ariyon nodded and replied casually"If you think you can."Elijah nodded and said with confidence"I can."

The ambulance arrived shortly after,taking the dead bodies.Ariyon lied to his colleagues telling them that he will take care of the alive attacker and they should leave.

After the police and the ambulance left,Jaques and Pierre got there after.

"Amenez-le dans la voiture,s'il vous plaît."Elijah demanded politely.Both men nodded and did as he said.

"Guess my work is done here."Ariyon uttered looking around with his hands on his hips."Thank you for understanding."Elijah thanked showing smile."Hey,you're like my brother,so don't worry."Ariyon stated smiling,said goodbye and left.

Pierre opened the door for Elijah as he saw him walking out of the restaurant while Jacques was at the wheel.

"La mon appartement."Elijah told Jaques the destination and he started driving.

On the way to his apartment,Bruno called announcing Elijah that Yana is home,Elijah thanked and said to call it a night.

At Elijah's apartment
Waking up with a headache and feeling dizzy,the attacker tried to figure out where he is.He looked down and saw that he was tied up to a chair with a light brown rope and found himself in some gym,a home gym.

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