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Author's POV:
The day before the trial
Elijah and Yana decided to talk to Zaire before the trial.

Yana was about to walk to her car when suddenly someone called her name"Ms.Claude."

She turned around,but didn't know from where that voice came."Ms.Claude."Someone said her name again.

She looked around one more time and made eye contact with a tall black man dressed in a simple black suit with a white shirt and a black tie,he smiled at her.

She looked him in the eyes confused when suddenly he opened the car door.Yana looked more closely so she can spot who was getting out of the car.

Straightaway her beautiful eyes spotted Elijah.

He got out of the car and said"Hello,Ms.Claude,I'm here to pick you up."And he added a smile at the end.

Yana's face turned in happiness from confusion.She walked toward telling him that he shouldn't do that,but he replied friendly with"It was my pleasure."

Both got in the car and were driven to the destination which was the prison.On the way,they just had a small chat.

Arriving there,Yana and Elijah were led inside in a private room,both were sitting next to each other,when suddenly the door opened.

Zaire walked in handcuffed with one cop on the left side and with another on the other side.As he entered the room,his face expression changed from guilt to shock.

He sat down facing the two lawyers and the female cop removed the cold handcuffs and both cops let them had their privacy.

A wave of silence stroke the room.Zaire looked at Yana who gave him a soft smile and then to Elijah who laid back with crossed arms and covered his arrogant look with a calm one.

"Well,well,well,looks like my own lawyer has betrayed me."Zaire claimed staring at Yana with furious eyes."I didn't and I won't,that's why I came here with Mr.Creed."Yana tried to explain calmly.

Zaire rolled his eyes."Do you even know who he is?He's the son of the motherfucker who put me here."He disclosed his voice starting to get loud."Watch your tone!"Elijah signified him directly making Zaire watching him.

Yana tried to break the tension before it escalated even more by explaining"He wants you out of the prison just like you do,he's trying to help us-"But she got interrupted by Zaire,"To let me rot her even more?"He asked ironically.

Yana took a deep breath and continued"Helping us,but most important helping you."Zaire didn't respond for a few moments and just watched the lawyers.

"I'll give one more chance,if you don't win the next trial tomorrow,I swear to God I'm going to take my life which means that you're going have that on your conscience."He tried to thread Yana who just watched him unmoved.

"Is this a thread."Elijah wanted to know casually leaning back in his chair.

Zaire watched him arrogantly replying"Maybe."

Elijah scoffed saying with a smile in French"Un tel bâtard."Zaire smiled back being proud by the compliment he just received while Yana didn't understand what Elijah just said.

"Tout comme tu es père,mec!"Zaire maintained arrogantly.Elijah looked at Yana who just sat there being silent.

He moved his calm gaze back to Zaire and responded back"Tu as de la chance,parce qu'elle est là maintenant,parce que tu pourrais voler à travers ce mur!"

Suddenly Elijah stood up while Zaire gave him a dirty smile.

"We go now."Elijah demanded,Yana stood up too,both of them left the room without saying anything.

In the car
"And now what?"Yana asked worried."Well,we try to win that trial tomorrow,because I want Zaire alive."Elijah responded not showing an emotion.

"If I may ask,what did you say to each other?"Yana asked curiously,but in a polite tone."I can't really tell you."He admitted.

Yana still watched him,"That wasn't me there...that wasn't my character."He added feeling ashamed of his actions.

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