The devious life of the mafia consigliere Elijah Sinclair Creed is complex.The twenty-seven years old lives in world where he is the only one who can win.Creed's calm temperament is chained in a devious and secretive behavior.With his strategic mind...
Elijah's POV: My T-Bone steak with fries and salad were served and I started eating.I was so hungry,I didn't get to eat the entire day.
The restaurant was filled with people,mostly with couples or families who seemed happy and having a great time since Christmas was around the corner.
I scoffed before bringing my glass of wine to my mouth.
"Elijah!"I heard someone uttering my name.I looked up and somebody familiar stood in front of me.
It was Clemente,Yana's father.
"What are you doing here?"He asked with a happy tone."Just having dinner."I replied with a smile."Isn't Yana with you?"He asked curiously,but at the same time serious."
I shook my head before answering.
"Yana and I have argued."I explained simply and with honesty.
Clemente didn't say anything and took a sit in front of me.
Yana's POV: "Oh daarin,don't worry!Elijah will come back,he just needs to be alone now."My mother tried to encourage me since she saw me upset.
I sighed and just wanted everything to end.
Christmas was about to come and it was the first one with V and we argued like we never did.
I tried to distract myself by starting to decorate the Christmas tree with my mom and Bruno while V was laying on the baby playmat and holidays songs brought the spirit.
Elijah POV: "You do realize the way you acted was wrong."Mr.Claude maintained after I told him the situation letting the mafia business out.
I sighed and nodded,because it was the wrong way,I never acted like that before!
"You and Yana have a strong relationship and you shouldn't destroy it because of some jerks."He mentioned and he was completely right.
Clemente leaned on and denoted my feelings in a whisper tone"I know,you love her,because now you feel sorry for your wrongdoing."
Then he rested his back against the chair and divulged sincerely"And that's why I admire you."
I tiled my head to the left and frowned a bit,he continued"Because you take responsibility for your actions."
His words turned my lips into a smile and my head nodded in a way of saying"Thank you!"
People came and left,but Clemente and I stayed until the restaurant was about to close its doors and that was around 10:00 pm,six empty glasses of wine were already on our table.
"Oh Elijah,you made my day!"He admitted laughing,"You too,sir!"I admitted back.
"I'm so happy Yana married a man like you!"Mr.Claude confessed making me feel proud of myself.
"You're smart,educated,but most importantly attractive."He started counting my qualities and put a big accent on the word "Attractive" which made me laugh.
He revealed that I remind him when he was in his youth.
"Now...why don't we go home or better said you go and try to make up with Yana?"Clemente suggested tilting his head to the right.I laughed under my breath nodding.
"Thank you sir for listening and most importantly for the advice."His lips turned into a smile and tried to remind me"That's why families are for."
For a moment I looked into the street in which a huge bright light was shining.
Yana's POV: "Look baby,the Christmas tree."I heard my mother saying to V while I was in the kitchen preparing dinner for all of us.
"And here are mommy and daddy at their wedding."My mom said making me turn around and I remarked them in front of a wall where a huge picture of Elijah and I's wedding was hanging.
"And you were right here,inside mommy's belly."My mother pointed toward a framed photo picture since a few of photo frames were on a glass table in front of the huge wall.
I smiled admiring Victoria and my mother.
"Mrs.Creed?"I heard Bruno calling as he approached me,I moved my gaze to him and he seemed worried.
"I have just received a phone call from Jacques and...Mr.Creed is at the hospital in a coma."He informed me.
My eyes instantly widened and I felt how my heart stopped.
Elijah & Yana's wedding photos The huge photo on the wall
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Photos in the frames
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