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Author's POV:
Elijah was sitting at the bar with a glass of Absinthe in front of him.The PUBLIC hotel bar was filled with people at 08:45 pm.

The PUBLIC hotel bar was filled with people at 08:45 pm

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Elijah checked his phone,a message from Yana.

"Please be careful!"It said.

Elijah read in his mind and smiled softly and suddenly heard a familiar voice.

He put the phone in his inner blazer pocket and let the familiar voice approach him.

Miriam sat down at the bar phoning with someone and between him and her was only a stool distance.She didn't remarked him at all since she was so caught up with the phone call.

After five minutes of hearing a few private stuff about her and her life,Elijah finally could approached her by saying"Frustrated?"

Miriam turned her head to Elijah who was glancing at her with a smile.

Her eyes widened,"You're Yana's partner."Miriam claimed and pointed with her phone toward Elijah,he nodded smiling.

"What are you doing here?"She asked curiously."Nothing special.Just having a drink,want to join?"Elijah proposed with a smirk,Miriam nodded and asked the bartender,if he could prepare her a Piña Colada.

While the drink was made,they went somewhere private and started having a conversation

"Why didn't you invite Yana to have a drink with you?"Miriam asked curiously."She's busy."He responded directly with a bit of sadness in his voice.

"What about you?"He asked tilting his head to the left."I've planned to meet up with a friend,but she just canceled it and since I'm already here I thought,I should have a drink."Miriam explained a bit annoyed,but at the same time positive.

Her drink was served.

They chattered along the night until it was 08:00 pm and six glasses of alcohol were drunken,three from her and three from him.

"You know...I think,I like you."Miriam admitted being a bit of a drunk with a smile on her face.

"You're so educated,you don't need to be intelligent,'cause you know you're smart,like really smart,you show faith and integrity."Miriam explained her point of view about Elijah.

"Just like Yana said to me."Elijah thought to himself while listening to Miriam.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"Miriam asked without any shame."No!"Elijah lied directly.

Miriam just smiled and approached Elijah a bit.

"What a shame."She said and smirked.

Miriam leisurely approached Elijah until their lips were only a few inches away.Elijah slowly tried to distance himself and so did Miriam as she found herself in a uncomfortable situation.

"I'm going to restroom."She announced him smiling and left the table leaving her Dior purse next to her sit.

While she took the corner,Elijah looked around trying to see,if someone pays attention to him and then started digging carefully into her purse.

He first took her phone out and tried to unlock it,but remembered that has face ID and code.Elijah sighed and put the phone back in the purse and kept digging.

He then found a red Chanel lipstick and her wallet too.Elijah quickly opened it and just found some money,credit cards,her own business card and her ID.

Putting the wallet away,he finally found something interesting and that was a flash drive.

Without a hesitation he took it and hid it in his vest pocket.

Elijah then put the purse where she left it.

Miriam returned back shortly after,"Want to order something to eat?"She asked casually."I'm sorry,but I think,I'm heading home now."Elijah tried to excuse himself as he stood up and grabbed after his blazer.

Miriam's face turned into a pouty look,"What a shame,because I had a great time with you."She admitted happily.

Before Elijah left,he respectfully paid for the drinks and asked Miriam,if she needs a ride home and she needed one.

Elijah called an Uber and while he waited to company Miriam to it when it'd arrived,he quickly texted Bruno and demanded to buy something before picking him up.

The Uber arrived and Elijah opened the door for Miriam.She mainted gratefully before she stepped completely with her body inside the white Tesla"You made my night."

Elijah smiled and nodded innocently.

"Hope we'll meet again."She mentioned and got completely in before Elijah closed the door for her.

Ten minutes later...
Bruno arrived in front of the hotel and opened the car door for Elijah.

When he got in the driver seat,he handed Elijah a bouquet of red roses which was placed on the front passenger seat.

"The flowers you wanted,sir."Bruno reminded him with a professional tone."Thank you very much!"Elijah maintained taking them.

"Thank you very much!"Elijah maintained taking them

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