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Elijah's POV:
Without respecting the speed limits,I drove to Zaire's place.He lived in an old building since he didn't have much money,because he lost the most of the trials.

I knocked at his door or better said smash punches waiting for the bastard to respond.

I did it again after a few more seconds until I heard his heavy steps and annoyed voice"Yeah,yeah,I'm coming!"

I smirked and couldn't wait to release my fury on him!

The door opened and as my eyes saw him,my body immediately reacted and punched him hard right in the face making him groan in pain.

I entered the apartment and shut the door behind me.

"What are you doing here?"He asked as he looked up at me with his left hand on his cheek.

"You know exactly why I'm here!"I exclaimed punching him again so he'd fall on the floor.

"How can you even call yourself a human being?"I reproached giving him a sharp look,he looked up at me and started laughing evilly making me even more furious.

"Why do you even care so much?"He asked me,"Because that woman was my mother,you monster!"I yelled started kicking him all over not showing any mercy.

I stopped and watched him how he coughed blood on the floor,I crouched down and grabbed him by his T-Shirt,"Tu ne méritais pas la liberté!"I claimed furiously.

He smirked and replied"Tu es juste plus proche de ton père!"Making me listen to him.

"You revenge on anyone who hurts you no matter what."He added and suddenly he punched me face making me fall on the floor while he tried to stand up,but I was faster than him.

And as I remarked blood on my face and hand,I kicked him so hard that he wouldn't stand up,"You bastard!"I mumbled under my heavy breath.

I grabbed after my gun which was in the black scabbard in my blazer inner pocket and pointed it at Zaire.

"Vous néandertal!"I said to him and pulled the trigger,a loud sound flooded in the apartment while his blood stained me from the bottom to the top.

Before I left unseen,I called Jaques and Pierre to take care of him.

My heart was satisfied,because I knew Zaire was finally dead.

As I checked my phone while driving,I remarked all ten miscalls from Yana who was definitely worried about me.

At home
Just when I entered the apartment,I saw light in it knowing that Yana must've been waiting for me.

I found her in the living room dressed in black silk pajamas,her eyes widened as she saw me standing there covered in blood and emotionless.

I found her in the living room dressed in black silk pajamas,her eyes widened as she saw me standing there covered in blood and emotionless

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"What happened?"Yana asked while approaching me in a hurry.I made a few steps in front and wrapped my arms around her and burying my face in her neck crying.

"She died!"I said sobbing.

No response came from her,but her arms started wrapping me.I sniffed breathing heavily and wetting Yana's shoulder with my tears.

We stayed like that for minutes.

"Let me take care of you."Yana suggested.We broke the hug and I remarked her wet eyes seeing that she was also torn apart of what happened,I nodded being all tired and messed up.

I sat down on our bed while Yana was in the bathroom taking the med kit and preparing a small basin with a wet towel.

I took off my bloody blazer and vest throwing them on the floor,the collar of my white shirt and tie were also stained with blood.

Yana started removing the collar pin and untied my tie,I looked up at her seeing the concentration on her face,but also her pity eyes.

"I lost one important woman in my life...I can't lose this one too."I thought.

I took off my shirt and watched Yana wetting the towel in the basin,she crouched a bit and gently started wiping the blood stains on my hands.

Silence stroke between us for a few moments.

"Do you...think she would have lived...if I...would have told her sooner?"I asked looking into nothingness.

It took her a few moments to respond,"Maybe."She just uttered not looking at me,I sighed.

"Hey,it's going to be alright,I know it's hard for you since you just bumped into her and now she's gone,but at least you met her and you know that she truly loved you."Yana tried to make me feel better giving me a positive look,but it didn't work that much.

She then started washing my body with the towel making my body smell like mint.

"I put some mint balsam in the water,it'll help to calm your body."Yana made it clear for me.

She then started to take care of my face.

First she wiped off the blood and then put a cream on my lip which was most injured.I hissed,because it felt like it burns since it was an open wound.

"I'm sorry!"Yana apologized taking a step back,"It's alright."I mumbled.She sighed and informed me that we are done.

As I took a look at the basin,I remarked the water caught the color red.

"Lay down,I'll bring you some pajamas."Yana said while packing the med kit.

I did as she said,but first I took my trousers off.

We laid in the bed in the dark and I got Yana's in my arms.

"It's going to be alright."She mentioned and then added"You still have me."Which made my heart melt.

The inspiration for the chapter

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