The Movies

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Draco's POV
"Hurry up,!!!" Gin laughed and rushed after me. We had changed back into our normal clothes, which were now slightly damp from lack of towels to use. The sun was setting along the coastline. The theatre was up ahead and the time on my watch read 7:58. She grabbed my arm and I held it tightly. We rushed up to the ticket box and hurriedly paid. I basically picked the sappiest movie available. One, because me and Gin could make fun of it. And two, was because I happened to like romance novels. Why should a movie be different. I seriously didn't know what was in store. Gin looked at the tickets. "Fifty Shades of Gray? That's a weird title." I laughed. "I randomly picked it so we could judge it as we watched. She laughed and matched my stride. We came to the entrance of the screening and took a seat at the very top. She sat and watched the commercials and I tried to, but Gin's hair kept bouncing around, and it distracted me. Finally the lights dimmed. The rating appeared on the screen. Rated R. "Ohhh. Looks like we're really breaking the rules now." She smirked and did a gang sign in the air. I grinned. The a warning came upon the screen. It read...
Those opposed to sexual content please exit the theatre. This film contains photographic sexual content and nudity.
Ginny looked at me. "Sure. You picked this at random." She smirked. "You better watch it Weasley. I actually didn't know about the content. She rolled her eyes. "Okay, thats it..." I took a chunk of popcorn and threw it at her. It went down her shirt, that she had thrown back on while racing towards the movies, and in her hair. She gasped but I just pulled kernels out of her hair and continued to eat happily. "Told you." She pretended to pout. I smiled. "Aw, I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry to upset you." I said jokingly. The people in front of us had a little girl. She turned around in her seat. Why they had a maybe seven year old at a basically porn film I didn't know. "Hey...are are you dating?" The little girl squeaked. I blushed a red and Gin chuckled. "No...just friends." The little girl smiled. "You look good. You look like a princess. And you look like a prince. You should get married." I laughed at this too. Partly because it was cute but the other half...I had the exact same thoughts. "My names Briana." She smiled proudly. The presumably mother turned around. "Oh...Briana...I'm sorry about her. She's a little...talkative." She looked really embarrassed. "No, no, it's fine ma'am. She actually was very polite." The little girl smiled a toothy grin and turned back around. Ginny leaned close. "I didn't know you were good with kids. we look like we're dating?" I shrugged. We are watching a sex movie together. You wouldn't go see this with Granger would you?" She shook her head. "Of course not, but she's a girl..." I smirked. "Oh what about Weasley #6? He's the opposite sex. Why isn't he here?" She raised her eyebrows. "Partly because he would just make comment about people's boobs and asses and secondly...he's my brother. and...Weasley 6? Really?" I shrugged. "Easy way to keep track." She rolled her eyes. "Hey, shouldn't we be're the one who wanted to watch this...if you're so interested in the topic they have websites..." I stopped her. "Watch it or you'll have this whole bucket of popcorn on your head. And a coke down you." She shivered. I wrapped my arm around her. She snuggled as close as she could to me but the arm rest stopped her. I looked around. Everyone was focused on the butt naked stripper on the screen. I slipped my wand out of my pocket. "Evanesco."
The arm rest melted away. I stuffed my wand back in my pocket and Ginny scooted over. "Now...we can watch porn in each other's arms." I laughed then my focus was drawn to the screen. A lady was currently lobbing darts at a guy's face. Apparently his sex didn't cover it for her. She finally hit his face and screamed in triumph. Ginny snickered at my side I turned. She was pointing. A couple near the door were literally on the wall making out. Wow. Movies are so moving. I snickered too and everyone around us made a "shhhh" sound as a group. I turned away and after a minute my laughter subsided. Before long, the credits began to roll. "Aw don't want to see who the stripper was in scene four that got banged so hard she died." She grimaced. "No thanks. You can stay though." I shook my head and started to exit the theatre. I threw kernels of popcorn at her. Everyone of them hit her in her back. "Stop being an arse, Draco!" She shouted with a half smile. I rolled my eyes but stopped. I pushed the exit door open. We stepped out into the night. The moon was a sliver and the stars twinkled far above our eyes. "Thanks for the really fun night, was probably one of the best ones I've had..." I looked at her, and she was smiling up at me. I had the really strong and sudden urge to kiss her. I bent down and kissed her cheek. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. " missed." I looked at her confused. "What?" She smirked. "You accidentally kissed me on my cheek. That's the cheek, Draco. Not the lips." It finally clicked. Again. "Oh...I did. Could I try again?" She smirked and nodded. I leaned in and slowly attached our lips. She breathed in and I released my breath. I didn't know I was even holding it. I played with the ends of her hair. I wanted to take it farther and I think she did too. But...I wanted to keep it friendly. It's not cheating if it was friendly. I pulled away. "I loved tonight. I hope meeting me for lunch was worth it." She nodded. "You can come back to the hotel and..." I raised my hand to stop her. "I have to go back home. It's not like I want to mother might be worried. The others might feel the urge to torture me again. I have to go Gin." There was deep disappointment in her face and I also saw fear in her eyes. "Don't worry...I don't think they will." She sighed. "Oh, and that wasn't a...loving kiss. I know you're with Potter. I promise, you didn't cheat." She suppressed a smirk. "I was sooo worried. Thank you. I wouldn't have slept for the next week just thinking. Oh, no. I had a loving kiss." Her eyes shifted and danced with humor. And her voice was sharp with sarcasm. I smirked and we walked our separate ways.
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