Chapter 1: Returning After All These Years

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Today is the day, you are returning to hogwarts after all these years. Growing up a wizard, in a wizard family you saw what so many go through. 3 years ago, when the dark lord came back and tried to destroy everything we love, and kill Harry. We lost a lot of great Wizards, and more...

Then one night two years ago Severus Snape was found on the doorsteps of Hogwarts under a sleeping spell... Everyone had thought he was a traitor, But they had uncovered some of Dumbledores letters he left in his office. They come to learn that he had asked Severus Snape to do what he had done. He also was trying to protect Harry and Draco Malfoy. The Malfoy Family other than Draco, have been missing since the day they betrayed the death eaters. No one is sure how Severus Snape is now alive...It is still currently investigation.

When Severus awoke, he remembered nothing other than see Harry as he lost his life... over time none of his memories have came back but, he regained the trust of the Council. He gained his position back as Master of Potions.

You want to bring some light after all these horrible circumstances. Bring support not only to the students, but to the professors.

You walk around your empty apartment, the yellow walls now empty, white spots where you had covered holes from hanging some paintings on the wall. You look down at your flowered sandals and rock back and forth. Today is such a wonderful day, you cannot wait to see some of these faces... When you attended Hogwarts, a lot of the professors you had where no longer there. Only HeadMistress Mcgonagall and Hagrid! You where so thrilled to be reunited! You grab your two suit cases (that are bigger and on the inside) and head your way to the door. When the door swings open, and there he is!


You say dropping both suitcases and running to him jumping into his big arms. And you are enveloped in a hug only Hagrid could give.

"Oh Miss.(Y/L/N)  it is so good to see you again!"

As he puts you down, your yellow sundress flows in the air and he places you down. You pull your hair out of your mouth and smile.

Oh it is so great to see you my friend!

He picks up your things, and you grab your yellow cloke that has the HufflePuff emblem on the corner and you have embroidered some small flowers and such along the bottom. You have always been a very happy person... You where called Miss.Lumos when at Hogwarts cause everyone swore you shined... little did they know you had a dark spot... but you don't talk about it.. very few would understand.

You stand outside of the Castle.. all the memories flood back.. Good.. and bad.. It looks a little different.. the Battle with the death eaters and The dark lord left the castle beaten up pretty bad..

"You look bright as ever Miss. (Y/L/N)"

You look at the doors and see HeadMistress Mcgonagall. 

And you look beautiful as ever My lady!

You run to her and pull her in for a hug. She runs one had down your hair and wraps the other arm around your waist.

"Hagrid, will you take her stuff upstairs for me? I'd like to show her around since some things have changed"


We have someone new coming on to the school... I've heard her name is Miss.(Y/L/N).. They all talk extremely highly of her. I was not here when she attended Hogwarts, I had been gone on a mission for Dumbledore.. Heading to the Potions classroom, he spots someone walk past one of the hallways wearing yellow...who in the name of Merlin would be wearing Yellow?  Shaking his head he continued forward to his classroom. Walking in the room, he finds his seat at the desk.. grabbing  a stack of papers and placed them in front of him and grabs his quill...

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