Chapter 8: A Confession

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You saw one of the men that killed, that killed your family... He was watching you... he was watching you and Severus...

Severus, we have to get out of here...somewhere safe...Now!

Seversu mudders... "ok..let's go to my room..."

He grabs your hand and you two begin to walk out....

You are hyperventilating at this point...

"(Y/N) I need you to pull it together..when we get to the room you are telling me everything you can so I can understand what is going on..."

The tears roll down your face and you and Severus make your way, hand in hand....Walking through the halls, up and down stairs...

Till finally Severus shuts the door to his room and he sets you in a chair and bends down in front of you..

"You need to tell me what you can... I am not goi-"

Still somewhat hyperventilating, you interrupt him...

- I saw one of the men that was responsible for murdering my family...

" If this.." he points at you and him.."Is going to be a constant thing... You must not interrupt me.."

He says grabbing ahold of one of your knees, bringing you somewhat back to reality.. and now heat is starting to pool in between your legs...

ok.. you take a deep breath..

The night my father was murdered... I was hiding under the piano, I told you-

"Yes you told me that...Why would they be looking for you..."

I'm not sure Severus....But I saw him.. I remember what he looks like...I saw him on a different stand... And I'm sure he noticed me seeing him..

"I'm sure they won't act tonight..." Severus says squeezing your knee tighter...

" I can't let you be alone...I don't want someone hurting you... so.. I have a plan.."

You look him, in the eyes to gauge his emotions... and all you can see is darkness.. he is mad right now... You want to put your hand on his temples and see his thoughts.. but you aren't just going to invade his privacy like that..

"I will stay with you during the night, and I will walk with you to your office everyday, I will put a protection spell when I am not there..If something happens, I will know.."


"You are not going to stop me! I-"

Severus...Thank you...

"I will go grab some of my things... I will be right back..."

Severus squeezes your knee one last time and gets up and leaves... casting a spell on the room as he walks out..

You where going to tell him how you felt.. but now may not be the greatest time...Your mind can't fathom the fact they have found you.. And now you are worried that they will kill you, even worse...they will kill him...

You get up and go to the bathroom... You take off your jacket, then slip off your shoes..

You pull your shirt out from your skirt, and pull it off over your head... You stare at your scarred arms, some of the scars that trickled onto your back... Father always beat you in places that were not seen, or could be covered..

Not only where these scars from your dad, they were also from you... You blamed yourself for so many years..

You didn't love your father at all, but you loved your mother.... They didn't deserve their outcomes.. Everyone can be redeemed right?

Severus knocks on the door... "(Y/N) are you alright?"

Oh yes...Just getting into my nightgown...

" I let Headmistress Mcgonagall know about the incident.. She came looking for us when several people saw us running out of the game... They are doing a search of the castle currently.."

Ok, I will be out shortly..



She walks out in a cotton gray is above her knees.. and she is barefoot...

The patterning of her feet on the floor, once again sends his heart on jumping spree..

This woman makes him feel, more than he ever has....

She walks over and crawls on her bed, and she sits criss cross...

"Severus.. I want to tell you some things before you sleep in this room..."

He gulps, and shifts in his seat that is positioned with a view of the whole room and her bed..

"I only wear nightgowns to bed!" She exclaims and holds one finger in the air..

He feels the heat run to his cheeks, and maybe a little in his member...

"I refuse to be constricted when I sleep.. I have been known to have night terrors... If they happen I'm sorry..."

His hands tighten on the arm of the chair, wanting to kill every last person that is the reason she has the night terrors..

"Why don't you change? Don't you want to be comfortable?" She says grabbing a book off of her nightstand..

He sighs...and grabs his bag that is next to him on the floor.. and walks to the bathroom....

He pulls out a pair of black and white plaid wool pants.. and a white t-shirt.. he slips off his clothes and shoes, except for socks and underwear... And slips into his comfortable clothes..

This is a first time.. in a long time...that he has ever stayed a night in a woman's room...

He walks back out and sits back in his seat he picked out, he notices in the time that he was in the bathroom though.. that she for one, has scooted his chair closer to her bed.. and two, put a pillow and blanket in his seat..

"Severus...when I take this robe off...You may not like what you see.... I am sorry..."

He locks eyes with her... and a rush goes over his body..

She starts to untie her robe..... once it is untied....she takes a deep breath.. then pulls it off her body in one delicate swing..

When he sees it... his blood begins to boil...

both of her arms are covered in scars, it even moves to some of her chest.. he can also see some on her thighs..

"Father did it where no one would really see.. The parts people would see the most of me... he steered clear of.. Some of this is also my doing... I tend to blame myself for things..."

You have no reason to blame yourself...

"I know that now.." She says crawling under her sheets and putting her head on her pillow...

"Severus... I need to tell you something..."

hummm.. He says under his breath... trying not to think about killing anyone who ever touches her..

she doesn't respond for a moment..."I'm not going to tell you now..but I will another time..."

Severus lets out the breath he was holding..and relaxes in his chair..

.....Goodnight (Y/N)

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