Chapter 10: Dream

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Listen to Always-John Legend...


Opening his eyes, he realizes he is in a field... the sun is shining and it is very peaceful...

He is laying on the ground, so he sits's a beautiful field, sunflowers, dandelions.. the wind is blowing... and there is nothing around...

"Severus..." He hears..... it sounds like Lily...

Lily! he says jumping up from the ground, and darting his head around looking for her...

When he sees her he runs... and grabs her..

Lily...I have missed you...

She wraps her arms around him...

"I have missed you to Severus...But I am here because we need to talk.." she says pulling him away from the embrace...

I saw what happened brought me back to life...Why?

She smiles and sets her hand on his face... "because I knew she was coming.."

Who? are you speaking of (Y/N)? He says pushing his face into the palm of her hand...

"Severus, she is the woman who you are going to love...She needs you...You don't understand right now... but she is going to be the woman who changes everything.."

How do you know all this...

"Severus... I have never been the person who could change you... I know you love me, but I would have never been able to do what she will do for you... What happened last night...would have never happened with me.. She is fixing to redeem you, and you are going to save her..."

You could, I know you could... but James was-

"James had nothing to do with this Severus... I know you love me, but I could never reciprocate that same love you have for me.. Severus.. You are my best friend.. You have always been that for me... You were my escape...."

Severus grabs her hands and hold them to his chest... and a tear rolls down his cheek...

"Severus...You have to let me go..."

NO! I wont Lily... You are my always..

"Severus! If you hold on to me, you can never love her... you can never save her..."

Lily... I have always loved you, I have always wanted you... you mean the world to me... I can't just lose you..

"You are not going to lose me.. " She puts her hand on his heart.. "I'm in here now.."

"I am going to always be in here... I brought you back... You have to let me go in order to love her..."

tears run down his face...

"Tell me about her" she says to Severus.. sitting in the grass, he then joins her..

I don't want to talk about her... I am with you...

"Tell me about her Severus.." She says grabbing his hand and smiling...

well..She is bright...she shines everywhere she goes..Sometimes, I feel her brightness rubs off on me.. I catch myself smiling.. and feeling warm..instead of cold....she is beautiful... her (H/C) hair is beautiful.. sometimes.. I just want to run my hands through it... Her eyes...they are the most beautiful (E/C).....when she walks... I feel like my heart is going to drop out of my chest.. She makes me feel things, that I haven't ever felt..

When she plays the piano, it sends me into another world.. the way her hands move when she plays.. I want them to be on me.. I want to feel her touch...

"Severus..." he hears (Y/N) say his name...

when she calls my name... I want to just run to her and hold her in my arms...

I want to kill every person that has ever hurt her.. They all deserve to rot..

Sometimes... I think she is the one for me....

"I will always love you Severus.." He hears Lilys voice.. and he looks over... and she is slowly disappearing...the mist of her going into his chest..

but he feels at peace about it... he feels as if, this is really ok..

"Pursue her..." He hears Lily say...

and once the mist is fully gone... the world starts to fade to black......

The song should be over by now...

*Dream end*


He opens his eyes, the still sting somewhat.. but he is laying in the bed.. his arms are wrapped around her.... he wants to pull away.. but he realizes she is still asleep..

he realizes his head is on her stomach... one of her hands is in his hair, and the other is on his back...

he remembers how he was sobbing.. screaming.. and she held him.. and cried with him... he moves his head up a little so he can see her, she still has her glasses on... and his shirt is slightly hanging off her shoulder... he sees some of the scars on her... and it makes his blood boil...

He will keep her safe...

He hears in the back of his head.. "Pursue her.."

He will take her on another date this week... He isn't going to just sit around anymore... He wants her.. he hold her tighter, and he feels her fingers move along his scalp...

Her breathing makes him calm... her breathing makes him want to stay like this forever...

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