Chapter 3: A Melody

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It is has been a busy morning, the past few days you have gone to each class and seen how the teachers and students are. You've seen Severus a few times, he totally avoids you. Miss.Mcgonagall told you that he was considering having a session with you! Your sessions with students start next week! You have already started with some of the staff..

You walk in your office, you have made it really homie. Rugs all around, your piano in the corner, a guitar and violin in the corner. Growing up you where made to play instruments. Music was just as important as magic in your household..
flowers all around your office. Windows letting light in.. you take your shoes off and sit them beside the door.

The sudden urge to play the piano hits you, you walk over and pull the bench out and sit down. You sit and take a deep breath and set your hands on the piano keys..

What do you want to play...

You say to yourself...Then it hits you..
(It is much better if you play the song and read along! Read slowly..not to fast..)

As you begin to play, you drift off.. As a child when you would play.. All the worry, pain, fear, and sadness.. would drift away...piano was always your favorite.. When Father was on a rampage and was angry.. you would hide underneath the piano.. You begin to remember That night..You Miss the days when being under the piano didn't bring bad memories..

Especially that one night.... You focus....trying to sooth the memories away.. Playing the piano is supposed to make you happy..playing makes the pain go away...You begin to play with more fervency...hoping the thoughts wouldn't come...

You can hear it light.. in the back of your head.. you can hear father yelling as you played to drown out any noise. Hoping that if you played just right that, it would make him happy.. Maybe you wouldn't get hurt.. Maybe you can be good enough tonight...

You take a deep breath as your body shudders..

When suddenly you become hyper aware of every note, the feeling of the Ivory underneath your fingers.. The smell of the fresh polish on the outside of the piano. It all fills your senses as you close your eyes and lean your head back... taking it all in with the beautiful melody..


It is 8AM...and she is playing the piano...he's been avoiding her for days.. The woman walks around and is like a beam of light.. everywhere she goes.. Sometimes he can tell what hallway she has went down..her perfume is so distinguishable...

This morning, of all mornings.. Miss.Mcgonagall told Severus that he must go tell her he wants to have at least one session...
As he walks down the hallway, the music becoming more clear..he can feel something burn in his chest.... When he gets close to the door, he realizes it's cracked..

He stands outside, taking in the melody.. He hasn't heard anyone play piano in so long...Honestly.. when is the last time he has even seen one in Hogwarts..

Looking inside the door, he can see a guitar propped up against the wall... and a violin hanging..she plays more than just piano? When Severus was a child, he remembered how musicians would come to the castle to play for his parents. He remembered sitting on the bench beside one of the musicians....she would show him, then father would get upset...

Severus closes his eyes and takes it in..his thoughts drift and he starts to feel like he is falling..Is this what it felt like to be in her world...In a daze..filled with beauty and melody?

He cracks the door a little more, enough to where he sees her.. She is wearing Olive green pants, and a tight orange turtle neck, long sleeve shirt. Her hair is down and her head is leaned back...her eyes are closed.. and there is..tears rolling down her face..

He stops and tries to go into her mind..he wants to see what she is thinking about..but gets nothing...a wall...

The music seems to be hurting her as she shudders..he back shaking and legs buckling while playing but she continues..
It is beautiful.. he feels the emotion.. he wants to run to her...but he won't... he can't let anyone that close again..Lily was the only person who ever got that close... could she love him? But Why would anyone want Severus Snape...but maybe....she is thinking that about her self... why would anyone want her

Could he open up to her...maybe he could even love her...

She seems to be coming to a close, the melody building for an end.. he feels his heart beat faster as she begins the final part of the song... the tension in the air.....beautiful... but heart breaking.....he feels as if he could stay here forever.. she truly looks magnificent... she comes to the final notes and when she does.. her whole body goes limp... And now he feels like he is invading something private..and is fixing to walk away........
(The piano song should be over by now..)

"I know someone is there.."

she says sniffling and wiping the tears away... "I felt
You rub against my walls..Please come in...

There is no chance that he is walking in there now... He turns to go.. to leave but he hears her...
"Severus..please come in..."


You felt his presence rub up against your wall you have around your mind.. You knew he was outside that door. Not only that but Ms.Mcgonagall had told him she wanted him to come talk to you today. You where expecting him. But not this early...

He walks in, with a look of wonder, and hesitation.

"I have not seen a piano and a long time."

You smile.. this is my piano I have had since I was a rub the top of the piano and you can feel the warmth it brings to you. I've been playing since I was a child, at first I was forced but it became my escape soon after that..

You see his eyebrow raise slightly.. Take a seat say walking over to a seat across

"This shouldn't take long.. Ms.Mcgonagall asked if I could set up a session with you..."

Yes.. she informed me! When would you like to talk?

"Whenever.." he says as his eyes dart around the room...

Let's do tomorrow after dinner? Sound good?

He nods his head then goes to walk out the door.. "Have a good day Ms.(Y/L/N)"

Have a good day Severus.. I will see you at dinner..

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