Chapter 50: It Has to Be

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YOUR POV (This is a long chapter)

It has been a month since Samuel came in for his first session...

"He has not turned in any of his assignments" Severus says as he brushes his hair with his fingers...

You put the finishing touches on your hair and turn to face him....

Something isn't right.. should we talk to him together? Or should we take it to Minerva?

He fixes his coat, then sighs letting his hands fall to his sides..."Let's talk to him first, there may be more to this than we realize.. Death Eaters are not good to their kids.. I'm sure you have met Malfoy.. And his parents were better than most... So let's talk to Him today, come to my potions class.. Then lets do some investigating.. I see the boy reading all the time.. I'll go to the Library and figure out what books he is checking out. Then You can fit him in to your schedule as soon as possible.."

You walk towards him and wrap your arms around him, His hands cup your face and he takes a deep breath. "I love you my dear.." He says pulling you in for a kiss... Your belly presses into him and you feel a smile form on his lips.. Then baby boy begins to kick..

Sev he's moving! You say stepping back.. He puts his hand on your belly and smiles and he feels him move..

You look at him with wonder in your eyes... You are going to be a great father..

He smiles and his eyes begin to pool.. "I hope so darling..." you grab his face and make his gaze meet yours..

You will be the best father in the world... You will know how to take care of your child.. I love you Severus Snape..



Good Morning students.. Today is going to be a fairly easy day.. I am giving you this class time to catch up on any missing assignments you may have.. On your desk is whatever you are missing.. Now if you are like Ms.Robinson and are missing nothing. Turn to page 456 and write me a paper explaining what you learned. Now get to work!

He hears some kids scrambling, others excited that they can turn in stuff they are missing.. He waits.. and soon he sees the dark headed boy get up and walk towards his desk..

"Professor Snape.. I had nothing on my desk.."

Yes Mr.Avery.. I wanted to discuss something with you.. Come around so the others don't hear..

The boy walks over with his head down..

You have not turned in any assignments, you will not be able to get them all done in this class period.. Please come by every day after classes to work on your behind work, until it is caught up. I want to give you a chance, but you need to take it..

"Yes Sir.." He says.. still looking at the ground..

He hands him his list of missing work and the boy goes and takes his seat..

As the class goes on, the boy seems to be working on his work..

Suddenly, He hears a knock on the classroom door.. Severus gets up and walks towards the door, when he opens it (Y/N) is standing there with her planner in hand..

"I need to speak to Samuel Avery.." She says with a smile as she looks at Severus.. When he looks at her his heart wants to burst.. she is seven almost eight months pregnant.. and is just as beautiful as when he first laid his eyes on her.

"Professor.. Could I speak to Samuel Avery? " She says with a giggle in her voice..

Oh yes.. Severus gets released from his trance and walks over and taps Samuel on the shoulder... There is someone here who would like to speak with you..

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