Chapter 24: The Search Begins

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He grabs the ring box and stuffs it into his coat pocket, then he speed walks back out the door.

I can't wait any longer, I want her to be my wife...

He walks down and notices she's not there...

Love? He shouts, darting his head in every direction.. LOVE!?

His heart plummets to his gut, and he begins to dash as fast as he can around the nearby area... and nothing...he cannot find her...

Mcgonagall.. I need Mcgonagall..

He waves his wand, and appears in the office of the headmistress..

"Severus! What are you doi-"

SOMEONE TOOK (Y/N)! We have to find her..

"Severus, where was she last? "

We were at her parents old house, somewhere in England. I had went inside to get something, and when I came back she was gone... I knew I shouldn't have left her alone, earlier today we were at a bookstore, and she saw someone she said she recognized..

She grabs Severus's hand and walk over to the fireplace, and she steps in and she is taken away in a green fog.. then shortly after, Severus follows suit..

They appear in the lobby of the of the ministry of magic...She walks up to the desk, "We must speak with Kingsley, we have an emergency.." They open the door and the two of you walk in the room..

"Kingsley, Ms.(Y/F/N) has been taken..."

He looks at Severus, "Tell me everything you know about her, the family, any history.."

Her father was a mean man, he worked for a lot of bad people. Her mother and father were killed, I am not sure by whom.. I can show you the memories she has shown me..

He nods his head, and Severus closes his eyes and transfers the memories to him..

"Severus...her father... I hate to tell you this.. but he is alive..."

You can not be serious...

"I am sorry Severus, he is the leader of a huge organization in the muggle world that hates wizards.. She does not know this, but one of the reasons she was asked to come to Hogwarts was because we were trying to keep her safe. Her father has been hunting her.. he wants to kill her like he did her mother.. he has abandoned all forms of magic..Also, the death eaters are looking for you Severus, they want to kill you and (Y/N)...We have eyes on one of the death eaters right now, we will see if we can locate a hideout or something on that. Now for the muggle world.. I will see what I can do.. Give me a moment.." He disappears out of the room...

Severus puts his face into his hands... I am going to kill him.... I will kill him..

"We will find-"

We must find her... Headmistress... I was fixing to propose...

"Severus..." she rests her hand on his leg... "We are going to find her.."

I need her... I feel empty without her.. I feel lost...

"Have you tried connecting to her thoughts Severus, you two have a connection..Maybe you can see what's going on.."

He shakes his head no, Let me try it...

He closes his eyes and leans his head back... he sees nothing though... just complete black..

She must be unconscious...

Kingsley comes back to the room, "Severus, they are looking now...We are going to get her... I promise..."

Severus buries his face into his hands, and the tears threaten.

"Severus... we are doing everything we can to try to find her.. I honestly believe we will find her soon.."

Severus waves his wand in the air, and in the twinkling of an eye, he is gone..

He appears back at the house the two of them where staying at, and he is in the bed room... He rushes over to the bed and collapses onto it... He can smell her, her scent fills the room... and it makes him only miss her more..

He looks over to see the book she was reading sitting on the nightstand, and the tears poor. Memories of her sitting in the bed in her silk night dress, reading..her beautiful hair hanging down, he hands holding the book.. He loves it when her hands cup his face, making him feel safer than he has ever felt before...

How is he supposed to sleep, knowing she is out there somewhere...

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