Chapter 25: Waking up

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"Severus! Wake up! We have a lead.."

Everything is black, you feel like you are opening your eyes...the last thing you remember was sitting outside with Severus.

The memories hit you like a ton of bricks, the two men that took you.. you shake and realizes you are in a chair, you seem to be tied up..

"Sir, We brought the girl like you asked."

You hear the heavy thuds of shoes hitting the ground, getting closer and closer. You feel the wrap around your eyes start to loosen..

Soon the blind fold falls to your lap, and your vision is blurry.. you see the silhouettes of 3 men...

"Oh is good to see you"

That voice, you could NEVER forget that voice.. you start to blink rapidly.. your vision begins to clear... And you can't believe your eyes...


Your heart begins to race, you watched him get murdered.. your eyes move to the two men in the room, they are tall, sort of built the same as the men you came in that night..

"Yes, it's been a long time hasn't it?" He says stepping back and smiling...

I thought you were dead, I watched you get murdered...

"That's what I wanted you to think my dear" he hisses..

"Ever since that night, someone has been protecting you from me..."

Protecting? Why do I need to be protected from you?

He smiles, this Erie smile that sends shivers down your spine..

"Your mother, was a witch, she was teaching you the ways of the witches and wizards"

Father, you are a wizard.

"Don't you dare say that, how could you possibly classify me with those monsters..."

You have magic!?

"I no longer, I rid myself of my powers a long time ago... my goal is to kill the witches and wizards.. and you are my key.. when you went to the old house, I was able to track you....I want to rid you of your powers too my dear...I want my child back.."

You where a horrible father..
You spit at him with anger filling every part of your body.. burning from your head to your toes...

"My child... you either lose your powers... or loose your life..."

Your anger pounds in your chest, your eyes are blurring with rage..

"I'm going to leave you to think of your will have till daybreak" him and his men walk out the door.

You look around, trying to think of someway out... it's just a dark brick room, lit by a singular lantern in the corner on a table.. nothing else seems to be in this room..

You notice your legs are bound to the chair, they are pretty tight... you look around the room for cameras... nothing in the corners, nothing seems to be a hidden camera.... you fiddle with your hand restraints, and realize they are very loose. You notice you still have your cloak on, which means your wand should still be in the pocket. If you could just get your wand in your hand, you could cast your patronus to go get Severus!

You start to wiggle your hands, man... whoever tied these did not do a good job, or they were not sure I was going to wake up.

You manage to get your hands free, and you grab your wand in your pocket.. you say quietly under your breath, Expecto Patronum.. (y/p) stands in the center of the room..

Find Severus, bring him here.. hurry! You whisper under your breath..

You put the wand back in the pocket of your cloak,and put your hands behind your back.. somewhat tying them back up. Enough that someone may not notice that you are somewhat free.

You close your eyes and lean your head back....

Dear god, I hope Severus comes soon....


They had informed the authorities that there had been an abduction. And the began their search, they had found that the man they saw at the bookstore frequented a bar down town. He would go in, then not come out till the next morning.. even though they closed at 11PM..

"We will meet them where the two of you are staying, they will bring a dog. They need some of her clothing to make sure the dog has her scent, they will find her Severus.."

Severus waved his wand and he appears back at the home...he goes over to the suitcase that holds her clothes, he slowly opens it and sees her clothes sitting folded and perfect.,

He grabs one of her night gowns thinking it will work the best, and he goes to the living room.. he sits down, with the red silk dress in his hands...he feels the tears burn in his eyes..he can't stop crying, all he wants is for her to be back. He is never leaving her again- a knock at the door interrupts his thoughts..

He runs over and flings it wide, he sees the police standing there with a dog in hand..

"Hello? We are looking for Severus Snape?"

I am him... I was told you would need a clothing item of hers...

Severus holds out the dress, the man takes it from him... "where was the last place she was seen?"

Follow me...

Severus walks out back where they where sitting the day she went missing. The man bends down with the dress in hand, he holds it up to the dog. The dog locks onto the smell and starts to track, they follow the dog as he circles in a spot close to the road.. "they must have put her in a car, would you like to go with us while we go to the lead?"

Yes I would very much like to..

They get in the car and begin to travel down the road, Severus closes his eyes and leans his head back.. the memories don't stop, he misses her... he blames himself, he shouldn't have left her alone...

He feels a strange feeling, shivers run through his body... the cold he feels goes straight to the bone.. he sits up, and he looks out the window of the car.. he sees a patronus, (y/n) patronus.. it is running along side the car.. you must be headed in the right direction...

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