Chapter 11: Meeting

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You open your eyes, and see that you are in Severus's room... He is in the bed with you anymore...

You held him last night until he cried himself to sleep... You have never heard someone cry the way he did last night.. it was very emotional.. you hear Severus walk in the room, and he is carrying food...

"Good morning.." he says, his eyes seem lighter this morning.. his presence isn't as dark as normal...

Good morning... You say pulling his shirt tighter on your body..

He puts the food on the table, and walks over to his small kitchen area...

"Do you want coffee or hot tea this morning?" He says as he pulls out two mugs from the cabinet...

I will take tea.. thank you... You say pulling yourself out of his comfortable bed..

You walk over to the small round table in his room, and soon after you sit down, he sets the tea in front of you..

Thank you.. You say with a smile..

He sits across from you and sips his tea.. and is staring at you...

"Thank you.." he leans forward.. not breaking eye contact...

You're welcome Severus.. You really don't understand how much it meant to me that you trusted me....

"You make it easy to trust you..." he says sipping more of his tea..


Your mind won't stop thinking about how he screamed... how he shook and sobbed in your arms..

During your sessions, it would fill your mind so much.. You tried to block it out.. but it just stayed there.. to see him hurting hurt you..

Currently, you have a break.. it is almost the end of the day and you can't wait to see him again...the way his arms felt wrapped around you...

You know he won't be in the bed with you again tonight, but a girl can dream right?

You really need to clear your head... you look at the instruments that are scattered around your office..

Which one is calling for you today...

You look over at the violin hanging on the wall.. Immediately a muggle favorite comes to mind.. and you walk over and grab your bow and rosen..

Once you have you checked to make sure it is in tune, you begin to play....

As you begin to play..and all you can think about is Severus... and his cries.. what you saw..

You could feel the overwhelming amount of love he felt for her..

You try to focus on the music you are playing, every note, every sound... the movement of your fingers... but all you can think is how those fingers ran through his hair last night to comfort him..

You play.. and play.. to try to drown out your thoughts..

Eventually your world is a mess of Severus, you, the visions, the nightmares, and now the music...

You hear the door open to your office and you hault... and turn to face it...

"(Y/N).. are you ok?" Severus walks over to you as fast as he can..

You suddenly realize, that tears were rolling down your cheeks.. your wet face is met with his warm hands, wiping them away with concern in his eyes..

I'm.. i'm ok.. I just had a lot on my mind.. I will be ok.. Why are you here?

"Headmistress needs me and you to meet with her, about last night..."


You two walk into the Headmistress's office, and she is sitting there with a few people from the ministry..

Severus rests his hand on the bottom of your back and escorts you in the room..

Ms.Mcgongall greets the two of you and you both sit down..

"I hear you have found out what happened to Severus, am I correct?" She says with her hands in her lap..

Yes, I did... I would like to show you with Professor Snapes blessing...

"You may proceed..." he says looking into your eyes... and you see what you need to see...

You go over to Ms.Mcgonagall, and place your fingers onto her temples.. and transfer the memory into hers..

After a few moments, she shakes her head and says...

"That was not what I was expecting...Severus.. what do you think of this.."

Severus takes a deep breath...

"I believe Lily spoke to me in a dream last night... She told me her spirit now abides in me, and is what brought me back to life.."

"Did she say why?" She says looking intently at him..

"She said she knew what was coming in my future.. and wanted me to be able to live it out to its fullest.."

Ms.Mcgonagall nods her head understanding...

"Severus... you know as well as I do that the Death Eaters are not happy with you being back alive.. The school is worried about it being a threat... now me.. not so much.. I believe we can handle this... May I use this memory to help with the fight to keep you here?"

Severus shakes his head yes..

"Thank you Ms.(Y/L/N).. We are so grateful for all you have done so far.."

You smile, and Severus taps his fingers in front of you on the table..

"Let's all head to feast!"


Your seat by Hagrid is still being taken by his lady.. So you still get to sit by Severus..

Which you won't argue about...

As all the students pile in the Great Hall, Severus scoots his seat up to the table and looks at you, with a small smile on his mouth..

The darkness that was in his eyes, has lightened up so much.. he seems...happy..

You wonder what his dream with Lily was like... what all was said..

He loves her... that is for sure...

Which means, this is a look of "I'm in love, and I realize the woman I loves spirit is inside of me, so now she never has to leave me."

Could you even compete with her? You want to be the woman that makes him that happy..

Ms.Mcgongall walks up to the podium.. "Students.. I want to remind you that the Yule Ball is in 1 week from today! Please, make sure you are ready! And boys, find yourself a date!"

A Dash of Mad Love (Severus Snape & Reader)Where stories live. Discover now