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The woman who was wearing white shirt and denim sitting on the bench and watching the people at the park . She saw families happily chatting and watching their children playing , couples who are looking at each other with sugar in their eyes and children who are playing carefree . She wondered , that she would have this moments in her life . Her minds are drifted to her childhood moments , the moments which are so precious and can't trade , the moments when she feel unconditional love from her mom and her dad . She miss this moments but ... she can't reach them now . All of them change when her mom died because of an accident . From that time , her father's attitude change to the world . He didn't laugh anymore , he didn't play with her anymore , all he did was working and drinking alcohol like it is water . She remembered as a kid , she wanted to stay near to her father when she had those nightmares since her mom's death but ... her father always push her away and to the worst ... her brother died because of her ... Yeah !!! He died because she didn't keep her to him . She remembered that day , they are playing near the pool suddenly she remembered her doll Mr.Sunshine left at her room . So she left her brother alone and went to get Mr.Sunshine , it is the cool her mom bought for her in her birthday . When she came back , she witness with her brother lifeless body inside the pool . Her dad was so mad at her that he even hit her , he didn't raise his hands on her but she knew she deserved it . From that day , her father never turned his head toward her , from that day , she have no one to love her or feel what love is ... Suddenly , the bell ring and she picked up the phone checking they called ID . It is from her dad's secretary .
"Hello , Mrs.Park what is it?" She answers the phone and heard the troubling sound of her dad's secretary .
"You need to get here as soon as possible , Ji hyo ssi " she said and ji hyo wondered what was happening at the other side of the phone . She quickly get up from the place and rushed to her dad's company  . When she got there , she can sense something was totally wrong. She saw a lot of the terrified employee and when she got to her dad's office ... all of the documents are on the floor , glass are shattered and she saw ... her dad on the floor with murderous look ...
"Father , what happened ?" She asked and her father looked at her with his red eyes . Then , suddenly she saw another thing in her father 's eyes like he recognized something .
"You need to go and see him , Ji hyo yah .Yeah ... you need to go to him and ... save my company ... Yeah it is you , you are the solution."  She didn't understand what her father talked about . He is bubbling like a mad man then suddenly he turned his head toward her and hold her shoulder shaking her
"Ji hyo yah , please go and talk to him . I don't want to end in the prison . He tripped me , please Ji hyo yah . Go and meet him and fulfill his request for me " she looked at the man infront of her .
"Father , clam down and tell me what happened" her dad nodded his head and start talking about how he invested the most biggest company in Korea and how they trapped him and now he had to go to jail if the owner of the company , Mr.Kim can't have what he wanted . If she was confuse before now she is furious , how can they do like that , they are the most powerful company in Korea . She assured her dad that she will look after the case . She called his dad 's secretary and told her to make and appointment with him . She wanted to meet him and ask him what he wanted ....

"Hi this is my next story . I think my other story Playful games isn't good for my liking and slipped away from its first intention . So , I decided to stop writing to this story . Sorry about that , I sincerely apologise . Hope you all like this story ,though ."

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