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Song Ji hyo POV

She feel the sun ray hit her face , but it is not that wake her up ,it is the funny thing inside her stomach.  She quickly rush toward to the bathroom digging her head in the toilet vomiting everything she ate yesterday . It has been one week since she went to her father's ,she glad that Jong kook didn't ask her anything or else she can't give him an answer . And it has been also three days since her first stomach bug . She didn't know why it was so long this time , it is not her first time of having stomach bug but ...every other stomach bug didn't last long like this . After her usual throw up , she pick herself up from the floor and do herself routine . During this one week ,she rarely go out from her room , she stays in her room ,watching Netflix and eating like a pig.  She really wondered why she didn't lost her appetite ...

She changed her clothes and went to the downstairs , she didn't see much Kim Jong kook during these days but she didn't mind cause she didn't know how to face him . And he has an amazing voice ,she can't believe he sing for her . His voice is sweet ,like he coated himself with sugar.  His voice will be ear candy to everyone ,she guess !! The maids placed the dishes infront of her , she starts digging like there is no tomorrow ... All the maids gave her a strange look , ...what ? They haven't seen a person eating ??? Note my sarcasm ...

After she finished her meals , she went to the room and unlock her laptop , entering to Netflix, start watching ' Pirate-2' , This is her way of dealing her problems ,so don't judge her . She wanted to ask her mother about her existent , according to the letter , she can't be her father's daughter ... Did her mom cheat on her dad ? Did her dad know about this ? Is Jong kook oppa's uncle her dad ? These are the questions that are hunting her all this time ... And her unusual exhaustions didn't help the situation !!! She feel tired over doing small little activity !!! She also notice her body changes . Soon , the bedroom's door opened and revealed Jong kook entering the room .

"What are you watching ?" He asked climbing on the bed . She raised her eyebrows , when did he care about what she watching?

"Pirate-2" she cut the words short , soon they two watched the movie together . They laughed, at the funny scenes , Yep, all she need is to watch a comedy movie to get away from all of her stress . But to her suprised. ,Jong kook stayed with her and watched the movie till the end .

"We have guests over , at 8:00 p.m " Jong kook said as soon as they finished the movie .

"Oh...ok but who are they ?" She asked ,lately she feel safe around Jong kook like she can rely on him for some reasons .

"My uncle , jae suk hyung and haha ...oh and suk Jin hyung ,he is my business partner " Jong kook said while taking off his shirt. Her eyes moved to his hands movements . Soon, he peel off the shirt ,revealing his toned back . Lately ,she became hornier and hornier . She lick her lips wetting it while imaging some nasty things,she get up from the bed and walked toward him slowly . Jong kook looks like he didn't notice , until she put her hands around his waist and kiss his neck.  She sense his tense muscles ...

"What are you doing? " He asked while taking a large air ...but she didn't answer it instead she bite his fresh ...she heard his moan and smile a little ...

"I want you ,oppa " she whispered to his ear seductively ... Soon, their clothes scattered on the floor and they continued what she started ...

Kim Jong kook POV

She is acting strange , he means , she ate a lot these days , he knows it because he ordered to the maids to keep an eye on her ... Her breasts look bigger than the last time and don't forget about the fact that she is the one who  start their intimate this time . Did she ill ? Well , after their activities , she falls sleep while he study her features ... Then , he went to the bathroom and took a shower , he thinks about the messagehe received week ago . There is someone out there who want to hurt them but also there is someone who want him to stop hurting her... He invested about her mom's case and there are many things that didn't revealed in report ...and according to these hints , her mom's case can't be an accident ...and that man , she called as her dad definitely keep secrets from her ...

"Jong kook yah , long time no see " suk Jin hyung greet him ..  suk Jin hyung is his first investigator and he supports him a lot when he take a first step in the business world .

"Hyung, long time no see is sister-in-law and my nephew?" Suk Jin hyung's family is just like his family . They share the same bond as haha and Jae suk hyung ..

"They are good although I can't escape from my wife's nagging" he said and all the people in the room laugh ...

"Do your wife know you talked about her like that ?" Jae suk hyung asked ...while taking a seat in the dining table ...

"Of course not ,or else I would be dead by now" suk Jin hyung replied make all of us laugh at his frighten expression ... Ji hyo came out from the kitchen wearing a dress that reached till her knee.

"Wow , you must you Jong kook's wife !!! are so pretty ," suk Jin hyung compliment about her and her fce turned beet red ... She is so cute... What !!! Kim Jong kook ...he tried to wipe the thought away ...

She thank suk Jin hyung and stared at his uncle bad something flash in her eyes while looking at uncle . What is she hiding from him ? They sat and have their meals while taking about random things , haha sometime tease Ji hyo and she laughed at his silly joke ...jae suk hyung asked her about something and she replied it politely ...but she threw a glance here and there to his uncle ... Ok is getting strange ....

After their meals ,they discussed about their business while Ji hyo sat there and smile at their conversation ...he noticed her face was pale ...

"Are you sick ,Ji hyo yah ?" His uncle beat him and asked Ji hyo . Ji hyo looked at him with an emotion he can't describe and then shook her head ...

"I am ok ,...uncle is just I feel a little tired " she replied but he notices her nervousness in her voice like she keep herself from asking something ...

"Oh should rest Ji hyo yah ... don't worry about us ...I gonna leave in 15 minutes " jae suk said and she bite her lips looking at my way asking about my options . She looks really pale ...

"Yes , you should rest ,Ji hyo yah ...your face look like as white as a ghost " he said and then he felt a knock on his head ...he looks and his uncle just knock at him ...

"This is your way of speaking to your wife !!" He pouted like a little kid , he heard giggle from her and he sent a glare toward her ,but her giggle was so cute and ear candy to him ,she excuse herself and went to their room... But before they can converse again , a maid scream ... All of them went to there and saw Ji hyo lying on the floor ,her face was really pale ...

"Call the doctor now !!!" He ordered to the maid who found her ...he carried her bridle style and went to their room ,they all entered their room and wait for the doctor ...jae suk ,suk Jin and haha convince him that it will be ok, but they all look worried as him . His uncle was pacing back an forth ...

Soon ,the doctor came and checked her but he can feel that the doctor was shaking like someone just put a knife on his throat .

"Why are you so shaking ?? We didn't put a knife on your neck ,I just said to check my wife not to murder you " he said but he can see the fear in the doctor's eyes . When he finished his examine , he start explaining why Ji hyo fainted ...

" was tired ...and ...she need rest...she can't do anything that can exhaust her.. ummm...I will give her those pills which she need to take before she goes to bed " yeh doctor said bit he feel like that doctor was lying something and like he leave something out from the information ... He watched the doctor left the room quickly like something is after him ....

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