Chapter -7

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Kim Jong kook POV

"What the fuck are you talking you can't find her !! Do you what to end your fucking life !! Go and find or else pack your bags and left " he yelled at the man infront of him . He can hear a sigh form the man who is currently sitting at his sofa.

"Clam down , jong kook ah . " Jae suk said clamly .

"Hyung how can I fucking clam down and drink my coffee when my wife was missing for three days. !!!" He shout at his hyung . Jae suk is just like his hyung , always support him . He let out a loud sigh from his frustrating . She has been missing for three days since he lost her at the party .

He knows that she will definitely encounter with this kind of situation cause he is the man of danger but he took her in his life knowing about this . He wanted to make her feel pain but ... he didn't realize they would kidnap her very soon . And add to his fear , he doesn't know who kidnapped her , he thought it would be one of his rival Ganges but no . They didn't even know that he is married to someone. Who would it be ? He tried to think but no , he can't find the answer and he feel like shit . Actually , his first intention was to hurt her but ... as the time went by , he feel hurt .

He feel hurt when he saw her tears but all of his hurt vanished when she tried to call her dad . He didn't even know what to do ,!! . He feel hurt seeing her hurt but he can't stop himself firm making her hurt.

He remembered the night she sobbed on the floor , he feel like someone ripped his heart into pieces but he remained the same cold hearted man . He remembered the night she shivered from freezing weather and he reached to touch her but ... instead of making her lay in his warm bed , he left the room leaving her on the cold floor . He kept in mind the day his girlfriend starved her because she can't stand with fish , however he remained quiet . Why ? Cause he wanted her to suffer . Yeah , he will always be nightmare for her , he is a devil for her soul , he is her breaking point . But he feel attracted to her , she is beautiful with an amazing personality . The sad part is she is the daughter of him , the person who is responsible for his lost from love . He will do anything to make him suffer that including making his daughter living in hell but for now he feel lost.

"Noone know about your marriage , there must be a traitor in our gang " jae suk hyung while hitting the point . He thought about too , it is too early to know , he kept his marriage in secret cause he had plans  , after all he set all of his plan but how do they know about her and him . There must be a traitor in his gang .

"I know hyung , but ... " He tried to say but was interrupted by the sound of door opened .

"We found her hyung !!"  Haha and se chan entered the room with their big information . He quickly get up from his seat .

"Let 's go " he said but jae suk cut him in.

"I know you love your wife very dearly but we need plan , Jong kook ah "

jae suk said , he kept all of his awful plans from everyone including jae suk , haha and se chan , of course , his uncle too . They thought he love her and he make sure to look like that . He nodded his head and soon the four of them make their plan for saving his wife who he married for revenge .

"I am so sorry for my late update . I can't find myself strength in writing because of my tight schedule . So here is the chapter and hope you all enjoy it . Break a leg ✌️✌️"

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