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Song Ji hyo POV
It has been two days since Jong kook went to his business trip , and during these two days she searched all of his past information through kwang Soo although she didn't find anything except the fact that his uncle the one she met at her wedding isn' his blood related uncle . She suprised after hearing this cause he seems like he is more care about his non blood related uncle than to his other related uncles . She wondered why though ?

However other than this she can't find anything about him or the girl who she assumed as his sister . She sighed after thinking about how can she dip into his past and konw about his family . She wanted to ask for from her father but something in the back of her mind hold her back from doing that. She doesn't know why so don't ask her . Suddenly ,she heard the sound of the front door 's open , who may it be at this time of hour ? Is it thief ? She quickly pick up the racket that she placed beside her bed and Yep she is using his bed for three days since he left her here . Take a little advantage and it won't hurt ,right ? She heard the sound of his bedroom door opened and she quickly hide behind this door . Soon , the door opened and she raised her rocket and start hitting the intruder .

"You bloody bastard ... Do you think you can enter in my house !!! Damm you !!!" She yelled and hitting the intruder more forcedly .

"What the hell !!!" She heard the thief says and it is way too familiar to her . She stopped her movements peek her closed eyes. And she saw a furious Jong kook standing there with a manner like he protected himself from her hit .

"Oh ..." She murmured . Song Ji hyo you are such a fool . She scolded herself for assuming the owner of the house as a thief . She doesn't know what to react so ... she gave him her famous smile but he returned her with his famous glare .

"What do you think you are doing ? Hmmm ... " He said with his deathly glare and if that glare can kill she had been six feet under the ground .

"Sorry ... I thought you are a thief " she said while avoiding his intense glare .

"As for your information thief can enter my house before passing my gurds successfully . " He said and she gave him an awkward smile . Yep ... She is really a fool .

"I thought you will come home tomorrow ..." She tired to start a conversation but he ignored her and went further to the room . She let out a loud sigh ...

"I fly here as soon as I finished my business " his replied make her jump , she never thought he would replie her . She nodded her head and compose herself .

"Ummm... Have you eaten yet ?" She asked and he shook his head and she gave him a smile , a warming smile

"I will make your favorite meal ... ?" She said unsurely . He nodded his head and then she went down to the kitchen and start making his favorite meal . Fifteen minutes later , he came down with his short pants and T shirt. She flashed him a smile and keep doing what she is doing before he came . She can feel his eyes on her and it make her feel nervous . She is cutting the carrots and suddenly she cut her finger . She winched in pain ... swiftly she feel her finger was hold by her husband who stand closely beside her and examining her cut .

"You are bleeding !!! Stay here I will contact our family doctor " he murmured himself and she looked at the man who looks so worry and it is like she were in an accident . She laughed softly and he stared at her like she had grown two heads

"It is just a cut oppa , I'm fine " but it didn't stop him to stare at her and his expression is like he can't believe his ears . She start thinking where does she make mistake . And something click her mind , her face became beet red .... She called her oppa , it is her first time of addressing him like that . But he hold her hands again and she snapped from her own Dreamland . He put a plaster around her injured finger . She stare at his handsome face , his face is so close to her although he didn't notice it cause his full attention  was on her finger . Suddenly he raised his head and they stared each other like forever . He crooked his head and lean toward her. She closed her eyes what to feel his thin lips on her plump one . She can feel his hot breath on her lips , she lean in too , their lips are almost touching but before it , a voice broke their sexual moment . "What is happening here !!! " There is a beautiful lady with her tight dress showing her right curves . This is her husband's girl the girl her husband claim to love ... It is not her

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